OrAnGe mAn BaD!

You know what else is a joke
You're absolutely right, cops are no exception when it comes to not wanting to do serious rp. This isn't an org thing, it's a server problem most likely caused by the amount of money you can make by powergrowing.
Because of the direction the server has taken, cops tend to be shot on sight constantly. So anytime there's a hostage situation the cops are trying to end the situation as quickly as possible because they know it's likely they will be flanked if they sit and negotiate which used to be a much rarer occurrence. Flanks used to be rare and saved for the more epic scale raids, now org members fight over who gets to flank cops and who has to actually raid, it's kinda pathetic. Anyway that's why I think cops these days are suspicious of roleplaying with crims.
To the people complaining about the state of Crim RP what is needed to fix it?
A fix would be if people actually didn't shit their pants and just accept the fact that there is a org full of good shooters.

Dominant orgs have always a thing (See: Belinsky Family, Olsen Banden, etc.), due to the servers lower population at times and with a lot of changes the balance aspect seems to have shifted a lot. I have been on the minority side a several times e.g. Skinheadbande and Virtuous when literally everyone was against you. Sure, it was annoying but we just shrugged it off. To counter it we used less expensive guns, just play everything defensively and just comply with cops.

Being with people you know for a long time you will learn to deal with these kind of stuff that just happens. You hold together and don't disband your org for the littlest of shit knowing that some variety of organisations is what keeps your activities in the city alive.

I myself don't raid or mug a lot and my behaviour still hasn't changed regarding that. Never liked making enemies so what do I know. Also tried to go up against crims as cop and played the red screen simulator 3 times in 20 minutes, not fun especially if you only have a fucking pistol sniper but then I realized I don't have to lose anything anyways and just alt tab and do something else while I wait to respawn instead of ranting about it like a bitch.
@JER sir I get it your salty but let me explain my reason joining olsen and why I changed my mind also your opinion is irrelevant so I'll say this to the others ;)

Firstly husky sent me a msg on steam asking me if I want to join olsen and I asked why me out of all these people that want to join olsen he said because I'm not a rimlick

Secondly is the most important one I told him why would I join the organization if people hate me there (at least what I thought but I guess I was wrong) he said it's not true and nobody hates me in the org
Basically this is the reason for changing my mind about joining -phone gn mate ;)))