Organisation Update

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"To be extra clear, This thread is only to gain suggestions on what perks we should include."
and its the reason why its dying so you don't continue doing it making it worse, you counter it and try to bring the main aspect of this game back
Ability to claim territory, plus points for being in said territory.
Owning a non-meta territory, like subs, gives you more XP therefore more incentive to base in harder to defend locations.
Allow orgs to declare war for an attempt to gain control of that area.
Encourage the creation and usage of legal/crafting orgs (@Brinch *wink*) where you can buy materials for less tax or even tax free after a certain level by crafting x amount of weapons and/or buying x amount of materials first. Or getting a official company registration for a high fee.

If abuse is a problem then make it so that you can only sell and give the weapons to non-org members and not use them yourself but I doubt this would create any problems. If you happen to find or craft a gun by you, make it so you can use it a week (IRL days) later to counter it and encourage mass crafting if there is tax involved.
Organisation contract between org members and daily pay that will be taken by members each day from organisation funds
Fishing Organisation Perks:
  • Better Bait - less chance to hook trash, leading to a greater yield overtime.
  • Trash Collector - less chance to hook fish, leading to a greater yield of trash overtime.
  • Higher Rod Count - more rods are place-able by one person.
  • Fishing Expertise - catch fish faster & at a more consistent rate.
  • Fishmonger - sell fish for a higher price &/or with less tax applied.
  • Knowing the Waters - better chance to catch higher quality fish (could lead to a fishing update in the future which adds more variety in the fish we can catch).
Will probably add more as I think of them, reply with any ideas you lot have.
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Depending on the level of your org, you should be able to unlock new bussiness/mafia/gang styled clothing.
ah yes, mr imperial watch, the man who somehow dodged the infamous Olsen Banden ban wave
you know you can disable the van and kill all the tfu inside with just 1 grenade right?
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