PERP | What has it become?

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Remember when defences in V1 werent complete garbage? Or when people would keep OOC clean from aids during/after a raid (Thanks for disabling LOOC while you're dead, if there were complaints then that's where it happened and not let the whole server know about it in OOC), or when everyone was more chill and rules were sometimes just an essential thing that made this gamemode enjoyable to an amazing extent? Nobody had any problems back then, it's just a clash of 12 year old skids that got their Bugatti within 2 weeks of playtime and complain everytime they die. PERP was different back when it was in Evo/V1.

Things change, but there are always those typical minges that ruin things no matter what you're doing right now (Not going to point fingers here, sorry). I've tried several PassiveRP ideas here and there (Good old Paralake Services) but everyone will give up after a week or so which is what happened.
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United Kingdom
I know you guys see me as a filthy criminal who just powergrows but thats because its the only thing that doesn't bore me too much.

The sad thing was, me and Matt Douglas made a restrant at Mcuwes a few weeks back. We had 2 customers over all and one was @Rutger who came for free food. I wish there were more people to Passive RP with. Eventually it got to a point where we started a fight club which was alot more popular.

I will definately try some new ways of passive rp but no one is interseted so its pointless...
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It's just the exact same thing to me, grow, die, get arrested, raid, break your car, bad 10 FPS. And whenever you have your car you don't really know what to do, realizing you just wasted a year or two of doing the exact same thing. xD

And of course the sweater cops, don't forget about them!

Though, the community has always been fun, the people are fun, some of the Moderators are yummy-coolio. ( No, admins are bad, jk all the staff are really nice. c: )
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As many of you may (or, most likely, may not) know. Me and @HolyShititsDannyD try out different PassiveRP ideas weekly, if not daily. We try and try and try. From beach side arcades to car washing services we have really tried it all. After all this time we still get the biggest problem, people don't attend - we spend hours creating these things but people just find it quite boring to be honest.

Now whilst everyone else has used this thread to slag off people who don't PassiveRP. I honestly don't mind. Yes it would be nice for more than 4 people to turn up to an arcade that we spent hours planning and making but we don't want to force people into it. Some people like driving, some like growing, others like PassiveRP. It's a gamemode that's goal is to let people have fun.
My fun is different to the next persons fun.

So even though we do still try to get people to engage it has genuienly got to the point where we just enjoy the creative part of the ideas and the physical building of it. Some ideas are successful, others not but at the end of the day we are all on the server to enjoy ourselves in different ways weather that be raiding, growing, or camping.
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PERP, the gamemode where you

Grow drugs (and afk all day)
Attempt passive RP (but gets mugged)
Get salty when you die
Roleplay as an officer, get salty when killed (even though you don't lose the weapons as a LEO compared to civillians then make an AR on them for it)
And then finally buy your dream car so you can crash into that lamppost faster.

All of PERP summed up for you.
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United Kingdom. Bristol
The only reason people power grow is because its the only real good way of making money. Unless of course your a high rank on the Police force. I think if there was different ways to make good money it would all change. I think growing is boring as fuck, however I just do it to get some money in my pocket. I would much rather be a Taxi driver or something to get money but its shit money.

I am not saying its all about money, but come on, you can't do fuck all without money.

Honestly I have been thinking about this recently different ways to get good money. I am looking to get into a good Police rank so I can earn good money in a fun way. I try to patrol with @Chris or @LordTyla whenever there on to learn some new things. I pretty much try to patrol with any experienced cop. I honestly need to get into some more PassiveRP and just RP in general. I love RP however I mostly power grow to try and get a nice car, I wont lie and I need to change this because it is boring.
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The fact that now we have to be 'dead on' with our defences is quite ridiculous, enforce them to an extent? Not to a point where you go ahead and do something 'foolish' where people don't have the ability to have fun, and build 'bases' to a point where they can't "passive role-play".
I'm sorry but this makes no sense. When you build a base it's usually to grow which is pretty much the complete opposite of passive RP. No one has ever not been able to do passive RP because of the base prop rules.

Adding onto what @MidoTheCigar said: Where has the passive rp gone? It used to be amazing, but now it's gone to 'aggressive role-play' some might say
People say this all the time, they've said it pretty much since the launch of perpheads (and on servers before perpheads). It's always the same complaint, the only thing that changes is when passive RP was supposedly amazing.
The truth is that perp has always been a gamemode mostly about cops and criminals, so obviously most of the people are going to fall into one of the two categories (btw. I think playing + roleplaying as a cop can be great fun if you like that kind of thing).
So a more appropriate title for your thread should be PERP | What it always has been.

The issue with passiveRP is that it is not profitable. Only few people want to participate since they'd rather stay in their bases and grow for the cars. I can't really blame them for it since that's ultimately more or less the goal of the gamemode. Many suggestions have been made that attempted to add more passive RP into the gamemode, but most of them failed solving exactly this problem. How do you get people to do more passive RP? I am not even sure if there is a solution to this without changing the entire gamemode.
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I remember once I was running a restaurant and @Prepper was a firefighter and came to eat at my place with a friend of his while they were off duty, but when I served their meal @Moon The Goon came in with his pajama and top-hatted ass, and stole the fish, I pointed my knife I used to cut the fish at him and ordered him to give it back, he did. But later he brought all of his friends over to gunpoint all of us. I managed to escape but I was gunned down by them afterwards. I feel the worst part about passiveRP/seriousRP on the server is not that anyone wants to join it, it's that a lot of people just want to ruin it.
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People often say "do something else than powergrow if it's getting boring." The thing is, when you try to do something else (open a fish shop or something) everyone else are in their apartments powergrowing or raiding and that makes it just as boring as powergrowing.

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For a lot of people PERP is only about the money. Only grow and raid. The people that want to do something for fun and don't do a job are scared to do some things in public. I once saw someone running Mcuwes like a real restaurant with a drive-in etc. After all, they ended up getting raided like 3-4 times. I mean cmon who wants to raid a restaurant for that small amount of money.


Professional Stripper
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Where has the passive rp gone?

This week theres been:-

My fish stall at CH and @John Doe portable fish stall in the back of his Pick up truck

@HolyShititsDannyD has a cafe open in Bazaar every other day called Cafe Paralake. Where they use the /me function in making the coffee and ect.

@MrAaron and his Building rp making a construction site above bazaar and Scaffolding using his voice as a drill lol

Yet still i havent seen @Whitewolf passively rp once ... 'PowerGrower'
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There's nothing wrong with Perp and nothing can be done about it. You see, Perp is still the same, it never changed. Let me teach you the life cycle of Perp. A new server named Perpheads is made. People join this game mode and find it fun. After a few ideas have been added there are no more ideas left. People grow, buy what they want, get bored, and leave. Then new people come and those who stayed for a long time start saying stuff like "Perp has changed, all my friends left" ect, Then those new people get addicted to the server and they start the same process. They meet eachother, become friends, grow, get what they want, get bored, and leave. Those who don't leave soon leave because their friends left. That's pretty much it. There is no problem with Perp. It's like generations where old people leave while new people come and take their place. I don't know what I'm saying either, but yeah. @Fredy @Whitewolf
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"what has this become" It's always been about growing. People have been powergrowing on PH since the day it got popular, and it's the easiest way to earn money.
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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
I remember once I was running a restaurant and @Prepper was a firefighter and came to eat at my place with a friend of his while they were off duty, but when I served their meal @Moon The Goon came in with his pajama and top-hatted ass, and stole the fish, I pointed my knife I used to cut the fish at him and ordered him to give it back, he did. But later he brought all of his friends over to gunpoint all of us. I managed to escape but I was gunned down by them afterwards. I feel the worst part about passiveRP/seriousRP on the server is not that anyone wants to join it, it's that a lot of people just want to ruin it.

I actually forgot to include a point but Tommy bae reminded me of something.

Remember BBC? It was a PassiveRP live stream of literally having a green screen in the office, interviewing the mayor, current events and news of Paralake, weather, etc. It was raided by the Armenian Mafia, they literally got nothing out of it (Just some phones) and had been killed by the Police as they were currently watching the live stream aswell.
@Chris @Chrissy @Duffy and others

We did actually get to interview them after the shootout when they respawned. All of us respawned.

Next thing I remember is the Valentine's Day restaraunt at Hungriges Schwein. It was very lovely but guess what, it had been raided as usual, some of us had been mugged, some killed (RIP, Standish <3). Why do people even take advantage of something like this? It just upsets me that you can't do proper PassiveRP anymore without the criminal part of people showing up every time.

When Rami spills the drink onto you

@Kitty @MatStar @Standish @MatStar

Deleted member 5920


When I came back, even last year I found it quite boring but not as much as the last time. All the good people that were here before were gone, in V1 I remember when if you had beef with someone you would deal with it in IC without these bitchy AR's.

Admittedly there were a lot of things wrong with V1 but the community was better overall. At the start of V2 people were finally starting to "Roleplay" more. I.E not having gang wars. Gang wars were great, I remember when @JarredInator first took me in, I was waiting in his shop when the entire of Belinsky family showed up and sprayed the shop down, something about cowering behind the counter with my only M16 just made me fall in love with the game mode.

When I first joined PERP I was only just 13, but even then I could notice that the playerbase was generally older. Was quite a few 20 year olds in there and late teens. I think the lowered player age is now the cause of all this pettyness (I'm only 15 tho)

I am not saying there wasn't cons to V1 and early V2 (Like getting shot in office from bazzar with a remington). But the staff team and the playerbase were generally closer, I remember late nights on the servers with @Jordan where we tested how many people the barret could kill in a row (7 if I remember correct). Or the SWAT deathmatches with @Ben Lockwood. Now if you go into teamspeak most of the staff are in different channels where normal members can't talk to them or in the private channels at the bottom.

But I'm banned so I should fuck off.
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Weeaboo headquarters
Only having been here since V2, I have no doubt that some parts of the experience were better than they were now. However I do think some people are looking majorly at the past with rose-tinted goggles. I think it's much easier looking back at it now saying that things were better, because if people's first experience back then was enjoyable, of course that is what they will remember, and as time goes on it's only natural for the gamemode to become more "boring" making people look back to the time of V1, v2 or whenever people first joined.
But most certainly are there many things have greatly improved. Take a look at the police department for example. You can call people shit cops all you want, but atleast with a clear hierarchy and structure within the PD, RP opportunities have greatly been expanded upon. Because it certainly is better now than back when 90% of the police consisted of sweatervest cops, with only one LT and 2 Sgt's available.
It just seems to me like some people aren't really taking advantage of the RP opportunities that lie before them for whatever reason. (perhaps people just want to grow all day and make money, which is of course perfectly fine)

Another thing IMO, that can be touched upon is certainly the toxicity and petty grudges certain people within the community hold towards others. Everyone understands disagreements happen however when you do things certainly only to spite that certain player for personal reasons, that is when the problem becomes clear. Of course if rules are broken, it should be corrected, but when you specifically target a player just for the reason of getting that person in trouble as mentioned is just petty and really only for your own personal gain and nothing else.
And if problems do indeed arise, don't take it as an opportunity to shout at the person over OOC, LOOC or whatever which I have seen happen alot recently, it only feeds the negativity and is not really a good way to represent community in which you play, as you have to consider it might be the first thing a new player eager to play on the server might see and think that perhaps a place with such harsh environment is not really for him and turning him off from playing on the server.
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This gamemode is supposed to emulate real life. Why has it become is it a criminals vs cops gamemode?
  1. You can do almost everything you cannot do IRL.
  2. You can always respawn after death.
  3. Shooting is fun/most of the players are trigger happy.
  4. Passive RP is sometimes difficult to occur (decide what you will do, how you will do it).
  5. You lose money in Passive RP and you gain little to none.
  6. Passive RP is boring. At least most of the times, do not deny it.
The only reason you remember the server being more fun is because you were new back then and almost everything you did, you did it for the first time. Even powergrowing was fun then even if it is the most boring thing to do on the server. I agree that the few people that at least try to "Passive RP" (doing a lot of /mes is not RP) encounter others that ruin their attempts by either mugging,raiding them or just by fucking around. You can counter them though by reporting them. For example, if someone goes to raid a restaurant with the knowledge that it is a valid restaurant where the owners do not grow drugs and have no weapons nor many customers they are breaking 3.4 and/or 2.1. Similar to it, if someone has left bandages/stimpacks to a room of the hospital as he is trying to RP a doctor (or something) and then out of nowhere a guy comes minge grabbing every prop he finds, he is breaking 2.1. I believe that if the rules are being enforced especially to these kind of situations, people would stop ruining other's "passive RP".
Remember though,
  • You cannot force someone to RP with you and you don't have to be rude or blame them just because they won't.
  • Do not "passive RP" just because you want a recommendation. You won't enjoy what you are doing and you most likely won't even get a recommendation.
  • Perp was the same thing as it is today (just shittier).
  • Only the community has changed and you cannot really do something about it rather than accepting it.
Of course this is only my opinion. It is more than fine for you to disagree with it and think otherwise.