Remove Helper

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: Remove the helper rank

Why should this be added? (pros): There's a reason it was initially removed. The rank is extremely redundant, it's over-saturated with people - even inactive ones - and it serves little to no purpose apart from people getting an ego and backseat moderating things because they have a yellow glowing name. You can do the exact things a helper does as a normal user, it literally offers nothing special minus the ability to blacklist people for some reason. It makes no difference when applying for enforcer, since if you want to get enforcer, you would conduct yourself the same way you would as helper.

Roll back enforcer changes too to accommodate.

What negatives could this have? (cons): People might think it's harder to get enforcer, but I don't think so.
You can do the exact things a helper does as a normal user
One of the reasons why I haven't applied for Helper. Everything I can do as a normal user (...actually, Honorary) I can also accomplish without the rank, if I want someone punished I would have to contact staff either way. It's practically a ego boost that would be helpful to get new Enforcers however so there can be some positives to this role.

Helper applications should've closed some time ago, feels like there is too many but I cannot say for certain if this is a good or bad thing. So far we didn't have anyone abuse their power but time will tell if we accept the wrong one with these many about, Honorary have lost their permissions ages ago due to a certain Luke.

I'm going to vote for yes but I'm mostly Neutral on this suggestion over all.
Honestly speaking, I applied because a new guy told me I should and I honestly like helping new people, I didn't make it for not using a mic so I was told, even tho I'm a mute, but I honestly feel like some people only applied in the first place to make it to enforcer which in my opinion isn't what this should've been for... Honestly, the rank doesn't add anything special other than infinite OOC's and physgun perms and that's fine and all but I don't see many helpers physically helping new players, they usually either answer questions in /help or OOC which pretty much everyone does anyways helper or not or they just copy-paste the same message like if you need help bla bla bla... Which is good and all but cliche and not really as helpful in my opinion

So I think the helper rank should be built more around helping new players otherwise you would just have many helper ranks in the leaderboard who pretty much play their game normally and answer /help and OOC like other normal players but new players still won't get that extra help they might need and tbh I feel like that's how it's looking right now
i wonder how giving helper went down

did they just message old players out of the blue moon offering them helper

if so wheres my helper @staff i been in this community for 3 years
I thought the whole point was that it showed players had the intention of getting enforcer therefor highlighting them out amongst the playerbase allowing staff and other players to notice them easier and therefor comment on their ability as a potential staff member?
your name must've not gotten pulled out the hat then
We have a wiki now, so helpers could just be wiki editors as well as people with the forum rank who have lock thread perms in the support section.

If a helper posts incorrect info on the wiki they can lose their helper rank if a repeat offence.
I'm not gonna lie it feels like a mostly useless role, I only joined as a Helper because it was the requirement into becoming an administrative role, which is what I am interested in doing, and administration is what I am best at. What would we do with existing helpers, would they go back to normal user or be offered Enforcer, or other?
Back to normal users of course, they can apply to enforcer if they feel like it. Might as well give them some forum medal for having been helper.
The only issue I'd have with this is theres real helpers out there (@Blackdown ) who actually help out especially at like 4am. Maybe this role should be changed and only gainable if the staff team recognize that a member of the community is clearly there to help and wants to carry out their role but not be held to administrative duties as such.
And? He can't magically stop helping people just because he loses the rank of helper. If he truly cared about helping people then he would do it even as a regular user. The rank is not nescessary.
No you're right however I believe that when someone holds a rank like helper players tend to trust them more and they tend to be more informed in some cases.
Here is my honest opinion and suggestion on Helper. Helper and Enforcer should be separated, you can apply for both, and being a Helper before Enforcer shouldn't increase your chances of getting Enforcer. Enforcer needs to remain what it currently is, if anything, remove noclip. Helper needs a huge overhaul. Keep physgun, remove blacklist stuff etc. Helpers new job might even be harder to get than Enforcer and is dedicated to those who have the time and want to be available to new players and those in need. While Helper is a staff rank, it needs to be absolutely anything but an administrator rank.

Because Helper is a prerequisite to Enforcer right now, this means that we might get some great Helpers for a short time, but then lose them to Enforcer. If Helper was made a more dedicated role with its own perks and what not, I'm sure it would attract a different crowd that has good intentions.
That's what I am saying, very few helpers actually focus on helping new people part, many helpers are nice and kind but I don't think the rank idea of the rank is the reality, some do it to get to enforcer and some do it for the perks it has, u don't need the rank to help players but the people getting it done always fully have the motive to help just applying to get a rank

so its either remove it or rebuild it properly in my opinion
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