Remove Mic Requirement

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Description of the idea: Removing mic requirement to apply for the helper rank as it's literally useless as a mic is not even needed to help people and I am a great example of that so why not remove it that way anyone can apply

Why should this be added? (pros):
Allows people to apply for helper if they don't use a mic as using a mic is not even needed to apply or help people in the community, and most of the helper job is done typing whether it's it's on forums, ooc, or help showing people around in-game and teaching them can be done typing as I do it all the time and they never mind it

What negatives could this have? (cons): NONE as players read the rules and read the laws and are able to read forums and use OOC then I am a100% sure they don't mind reading a chat which is used to RP as well... Otherwise, how would adverts be successful? It is better to hear someone speak, sure, but a mic is not NEEDED to do the job.
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@CaughtRed When I spoke to Dom he said I can re apply I did so then I was told Dom has no say in this, I am not sure if dom agrees with me or not but so far I think he's neutral or maybe he's against it. I don't know

So far I cannot see why a mic IS NEEDED to apply for helper as anyone can help without a mic
@Zharkan16 I mean yeah I guess its not up to him but as the community manager he can maybe speak to you about this and come up with a solution.
@CaughtRed I am not sure anyone is going to step up for me so this is why I may have seemed argumentative at first because I tried contacting senior admins for a long time but literally nobody is giving me good answers and they decided they just won't let me
@A1L they read it tho.. as I said today, over a week later after contacting them and admins contacting them and fredy talking w bolli, all 1 SA had to say was "Helpers... need mics to help people"

its really not a needed requirement to help that' why I made this
I mean the Mic Isn`t Essential but... It would help to have a mic.. for example if you are helping a new player and they are getting tired of the helper who has been typing for a long time. They would just leave when it would be easier for a person with a Mic to explain and show them around the city
I actually do help players in game new players and old I have testimonies from old players that were poor and I helped them learn how to make money and I always ask every sweater I see if they are new or if they drive a mini and teach them the basics so I am not like most people who only just reply to /help and ooc questions
Yeah I can communicate just fine and even have testimonies from a guy who joined like 2 days ago and I have helped him since and he even is sad about this issue and said he doesn't mind to support me and be a witness
@DJ Conyo Collier... I am allowed to be a dispatcher but I can't be a dispatcher unless another one is on duty, however, dispatcher relies heavily on a mic, teaching people how to play and replying to people in /help and OOC does not require a mic and I can bring new people that I have helped to prove this and I not only help new players I even have testimonials from old players which I helped so honestly a mic is not needed to be a helper and I think anyone without a mic should be able to apply not just me whatever the case may be... Having a mic doesn't make you better at your job, just allows you to conversate easier than typing but it is not NEEDED

I think that people without a mic should be allowed to become a helper. Having a mic has a great advantage but it should not be required as long as the person has shown they are able to perform their duties. Anything past helper should really have a mic without question.​
here is a chat log with a new player who used his mic, ill remove his name tho
[Yesterday, 16:56]
can i still
type on it?
you said its closed
if you need anyone for proof of u helping ill gladly compliment you

[Yesterday, 16:57]
hmm i dont think u can its because of a mic, --------------- deleted area just saying that helpers need mics

[Yesterday, 16:57]
dude you helped me lots without a mic
that's just sad
I don't think it's boring as they are usually learning while doing it so it doesn't get too boring as they are interacting
Yes I am aware of that but I was allowed in as a special case and I honestly don't think staff need to be able to speak to be staff, it doesn't make you a better staff either, just allows you to communicate easier/faster but as a someone who helps people a lot a new person had this to say when he couldn't reply to my helper app as it got deleted in less than 24hours due to requirements "dude you helped me lots without a mic that's just sad"
If anyone remembers Hax (Old Enforcer in 2014 days) he basically got through without ever using his mic. I don't know what drugs SA were smoking at the time to make an exception but it was horrible and you couldn't enforce the rules all that well. A helper without a mic is the same case for me, they are crucial for even the simplest communication and I'd rather listen to someone than wait 100 years reading through chat.

I see the TTS idea as a replacement for a microphone completely ridiculous by the way. If you have aphasia due to a medical condition/illness then that's sadly just bad luck.
For those who say no can you please justify your choice?? As honestly, the people who want to hear people speak is just a preference but to actually help you do not need a mic and that's not my opinion that's what I have been doing so I don't see why it's needed for helper rank or any rank, to be honest, but I understand that higher up ranks need to be able to respond faster and what, not tho I have been staff in many communities in the past and I think it was going fine
I am not a slow typer and I don't want to be an enforcer, I am talking here about the helper rank mic requirement as a mic is not NEEDED, yes you might PREFER someone with a mic but is it NEEDED to help players? No, and I am not saying that as an opinion as I literally have helped people and still do and they don't mind it at all and the TTS people say it's cool so I am happy with it too

So I mean maybe enforcer needs a mic as it's a bigger duty but helper surely does not as personally I help many new and old players more than some helpers and I don't use a mic
A large piece of the helper rank is based around typing, in help chat, reports, steam etc. but also a big part of being a helper is based around using your mic, for example getting the attention of new players goes way better vocally than by typing (for me atleast), using my mic enables me to give fast and direct instructions for when I let them drive around the map to show all the places or in other situations where fast and direct instructions are needed or when they request my assistance on teamspeak (as it can be seen as quite a hassle to constantly tab out to check the chat of teamspeak.

it's not that I wouldn't be able to not fulfill my role as a helper but I certainly would not be able to fulfill my role to the same extent as I do now without using a mic.

therefor I remain Neutral
From what I am seeing and the people who voted no so far the only reason people think its "needed" is because it's better to hear someone speak than type, which is understandable, but that does not make it NEEDED to do the job... As I have shown proof from new players who didn't mind me typing at all and said I helped them big time without a mic so if anyone has like good reasons as to why they chose no can you please explain?

As I don't see why a helper NEEDS a mic to help... It's literally information you give players new or old to help them understand the game and how to play... Literally most of the helper's job is done typing... You type to reply to OOC and /help questions? You type in forums? You can type in most places... In-game showing people around... I mean... If people aren't willing to even read chat do you really expect them to read rules? That is why people read chat as it's right there and they will read it anyway to see OOC messages and ic messages.

Is it better to use a mic? Yes I think it would give a different experience as it's faster
Can the job be done without a mic? Yes it can and I am a great example as anyone who knows me and knows how much I help can vouch on that

So honestly so far the people saying no if you have other reasons than you prefer hearing people speak please give real reasons to why a helper NEEDS to have a mic to do the job
From my own experience with Zharkan on the server kind of proved that there is no such need as a mic when it comes to being a helper. When i came to the server he literally walked through like 5 hours of gameplay and showed me everything there is to the server without a mic. Fast help fast replies no confusion everything was going smooth. I genually think it could be made expetion or just remove it entierly
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