Remove Mic Requirement

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Description of the idea: Removing mic requirement to apply for the helper rank as it's literally useless as a mic is not even needed to help people and I am a great example of that so why not remove it that way anyone can apply

Why should this be added? (pros):
Allows people to apply for helper if they don't use a mic as using a mic is not even needed to apply or help people in the community, and most of the helper job is done typing whether it's it's on forums, ooc, or help showing people around in-game and teaching them can be done typing as I do it all the time and they never mind it

What negatives could this have? (cons): NONE as players read the rules and read the laws and are able to read forums and use OOC then I am a100% sure they don't mind reading a chat which is used to RP as well... Otherwise, how would adverts be successful? It is better to hear someone speak, sure, but a mic is not NEEDED to do the job.
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He's unable to use a mic when he's mute irl though, that is literally the only exception. They can require him to get a mic if he can't even use it anyways dadoi. Zharkan is a great guy and would do wonders as a Helper, even without mic, it's a weird asf rule if you're a fast typer and able to help properly, none the less helpers main role is literally in F6 menu Helper Tab and help chat, so this is just dumbshit to have a requirement for mic when they don't necessarily participate in situations a mic is needed anyways.
most people dont pay attention to local chat or OOC unless they're already engaged in conversation so i could see this as being a bit of a problem, of course not having a mic is okay some of the time
I’m going to be honest with everyone when I say microphone use as a helper would make as much difference in their ability to do their job as a knitted condom would protect you from 14 STIs From the skankiest street hooker in town.

I understand the general idea behind using a microphone as staff and how it helps but tbh circumstantially if someone is genuinely unable to speak then I guess exceptions can be made. Whether or not you would consider Zharkan worth making an exception for is an entirely unrelated debate to be put forward on Zharkans helper application.

To become an enforcer, would be an entirely different scenario as it’s important for them to use their voices, but helper?

We have people who want the helper rank removed as its “useless” also claiming that helpers should be using their voice as well which is entirely laughable. Pick a hill to die on and stay on it.
Staff always use looc to ask if they can take someone for a sit, also idk about anyone else but i look at it when i hear the click so i can laugh at all the toxic people
Although you're not doing staff sits, and it's not like you have some global voice chat as a Helper from people from distance etc.
You've got my support on this, being a helper mostly boils down to /help and /ooc 95% of the job is typing, you're a very fast typer and I know that for a fact as I've spent a fair bit of time talking to you! Your messages are not walls of text and you're very direct and helpful with your messages, you're quick to clear things up. The only time using a microphone is beneficial is to get somebodies attention if they're not paying attention to the chat, but with how large the text is on the chatbox it immediately draws your attention too it once somebody types in it.

Therefore, in my opinion a microphone isn't a REQUIREMENT to get helper rank however it can be beneficial just to grab peoples attention and even then you can just use TTS. You've helped many people and I can vouch you don't require a microphone to help people, you've helped me and 6 of my friends all get started on making money and gave us tips that most newer players and even older players didn't know about! Once again, you have my support.
Aww I am sorry this is a late reply as I haven't been on my laptop much today but thank you and even if I don't make it to helper I still find this sweet and appreciate it :) <3
I already wrote a reply on this but @hotdog 6 (love to Barry) has really made a strong point I'd like to speak about. There's been some very solid reasons posted here about why people without a mic should and should not be helper so I see no need to go into that, however. Your case is a little different to other people considering you can't speak, but for anybody else who can speak but choose not to buy a microphone, they should not be allowed to be helper. Like I said earlier on this post, I feel like an exception to this requirement could be made for you but only you, simply because you don't have any power over that requirement, on the other hand it could just be considered as unlucky and you'll have to keep working how you work.

Overall the requirement should not be removed because in anybody else's case they are just choosing not to buy a microphone and have control over whether they meet this fair requirement, however its a little different for you and you'll need to discuss it with people higher up the chain.
I have discussed it with higher-ups in the chain and they seem to have turned their backs on me, in the past Wewai fought hard for me to reach places in the PLPD and a higher-up allowed me IF there is someone else on duty, however that's because the job NEEDS a mic but this doesn't, anyone can show anyone around and teach them and reply to /help or ooc without a mic...

After over a week of attempting to contact higher-ups I get told I cannot have an exception and must be treated like everyone else, I was told if I was to get an exception everyone else must get one... So this is the only option to bypass the higher-ups decision because they are not really being fair with who can and can't be a helper and for what reason they should or should not be a helper

That's just my opinion
@Super_ do you think you'd be able to weigh in from a PLPD perspective as I guess this would kind of fall under your department
If @ICEKILLER_99 was able to type a whole fucking paragraph in a second when KOS’ing cops then you should be able to hold the rank of Helper at least or have a simple role in the PD.

As a staff member above Helper (Enforcer+) Your voice is needed in order to stop people in their tracks when an argument is about to happen in a sit. You need to have your voice so you can be the dominant one in the sit and so you can be more clear in sits, the same applies for higher PD roles.

Everyone should be able to have a shot at something regardless of having a mic or not, some people may not be fortunate enough to even have a mic or can’t get a new one.
" but you wouldn't be much help in situations where a microphone is necessary "

Like what, singing lessons?
Like assisting people in team speak, being a helper requires flexibility and meeting ones needs. I don't want a TTS relaying information or being typed to my entire life, I can make a help ticket or use org chat for that.
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