Remove Mic Requirement

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Description of the idea: Removing mic requirement to apply for the helper rank as it's literally useless as a mic is not even needed to help people and I am a great example of that so why not remove it that way anyone can apply

Why should this be added? (pros):
Allows people to apply for helper if they don't use a mic as using a mic is not even needed to apply or help people in the community, and most of the helper job is done typing whether it's it's on forums, ooc, or help showing people around in-game and teaching them can be done typing as I do it all the time and they never mind it

What negatives could this have? (cons): NONE as players read the rules and read the laws and are able to read forums and use OOC then I am a100% sure they don't mind reading a chat which is used to RP as well... Otherwise, how would adverts be successful? It is better to hear someone speak, sure, but a mic is not NEEDED to do the job.
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I never see you using a mic ingame and i'm guessing you want to become a helper. That is probably the main reason why you would want to see this change. I am interested in your reasoning for not using a mic ingame, however i think that if you want to become a helper you should have a mic. Pretty simple, till this moment pretty much all the helpers are active on ts aswell (so use their mics).
I am a mute irl so I don't actually speak tho I do have a TTS tho I haven't used it in the past 2 days as I didn't feel like it much but I did use it today, and tbh I helped more people probably than some helpers and they never minded the mic issue

Teaching someone about the game and how to play does not involve a mic, I will admit it might be a better experience and all but it's not something that is NEEDED to actually do it... Anyone can teach anyone how to do anything without speaking... It's not a MUST to speak otherwise you won't get it cause new people are just fine and got nice cars now, by nice I don't mean too expensive but Dodge charger and stuff... Not bad for beginners
Life isn't always fair, if you want to hold a staff role you need to be able to speak to people.
@ProGuyxD I have been staff in many servers in the past, you actually don't need to be able to speak to be a staff member... But anyways I don't even want to be an enforcer, I am going for helper because I like to help and I DO help
@ProGuyxD Life isn't always fair, so instead of perhaps making life fair for the person who has already had a severe disadvantage in life we're not going to do anything about this? I mean excuse me if my sentance is a bit broken there but it makes me a bit annoyed seeing someone like zharkan being put down like this, I mean this is something the community can control. This is a community built around the players so why don't we just accept that 1 person who wants to help the community who is unable to speak should maybe be given a chance? I hate the fact that someone shouldn't be given a chance because of something like this. Zharkan is still able to help in OOC, LOOC. As demonstrated everyday for the past 3 weeks.

Make an exception for Zharkan
Zharkan can still help in OOC LOOC /help etc etc fulfilling 95% of the helper role duties.
Buuud this keeps recycling the whole thing again, if you come to the conclusion not everybody has the capaility you say you have removing it fully is not a good idea I've made lots of points about this earlier. I like to point out the high-ups perhaps this guy can get a trial but makes 0 sense for a complete removal , I also dont get the idea why do you want the helper rank so bad if youre just trying to help peope you can do it as a player too. Simple as that, not like they get administrative powers.
@CaughtRed You can't just make an exception for one person, then other people will start claiming that they're mute irl and the same process will repeat itself.
@CaughtRed Making an exception for Zharkan might be a thing, if they prove themselves agree but people dont get the point why would it be removed fully? Like its not good at all having tons of people using text-chat reading through all of that just because "you dont require to do it" & "people dont complain about" not everyone likes to read, it shouldnt be generalised but only an exception.
hotdog 6 i dont agree with what you said because i could only understand about 20% of it
@ProGuyxD I was given an exception for other things in the PD but then when it came to me wanting to apply for helper that's when it started getting turned down, I applied for RTU also got denied cause of it, so honestly, I know the rank is not NEEDED to help, what bothers me is the fact that I CANNOT apply when I am more deserving than some people that GOT ACCEPTED

Put urself in my position, u do the helpers job while only 1-2 helpers help on the regular the rest help somewhat in ooc& /help but not actual physical teaching new players, I teach new players how to make $ and how to grow, everything... So the fact that I CANNOT apply is what bothers me, not cause I am not good enough

@hotdog 6 I was told if I was to get an exception everyone must... that's how they are going about this so this is why this is my only option
even though I might have not made my elaborations properly here it is inevitable it wont be accepted through guess I'll give up on the replies
simple answer it should be removed
If your point is "you can help people without the rank" then what is the point in the rank? it gives many perks(idk what else to call it) that would let players be more useful when helping people compared to normal, Unlimited ooc/help chat, physgun perms, doing the small reports and whatever else. If your patient enough to sit for 15-30 mins to hours growing drugs then why cant you wait a couple seconds for someone to type, especially if they are trying to help you? they are still capable without a voice. Multiple staff members if not all have done admin sits typing and ive never heard anyone complain about it, personally i have never heard bolli's voice idk if he does talk or not. and he is head admin (not complaining) so why cant helpers considering they mainly use ooc/help or reports where they can not use their voice anyway?
i like brackets
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