Rule Suggestion (Other)

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Suggestion Topic: Other
Suggestion Description: "Cops may not go back to the same situation that they died in before it has been cleared." This rule would be so important as rn if the cops play it smart they cna win every single one of the situations they go to. 2 pistol cops holding down a door so the tfu can wait for NLR and come back with full heavy gear and automatic rifle jsut doesnt seem balanced. I belive that if cops has this right crims should have this too. But i would suggest just adding NLR to cops as it is pretty unbalanced that they can return all the time as long as there is dispatch or 2 cops holding down the door.

Why should this be added?:
- Would make more sence, and balance out a bit more as cops already have fully armored rifle men.
- Could also make fights alot shorter as mentioned in the lates suggestion about this rule.

What negatives could this have?:
- More work for admins to figure out who broke NLR.
- idk if this is a Negative side or positive but as i mentioned above, the stuff would be more balanced doing a big nerf for PD
if you wiped out tfu u can wipe out 2 pistol cops, your anecdote being the evidence for your argument which seems like it stems from an emotion of frustration that you lost a gunfight is a very weak basis for such an impactful and game-changing suggestion.

simply put, this suggestion is bad and you'll get better overtime without the server rules having to change to fit your playstyle.
if you wiped out tfu u can wipe out 2 pistol cops, your anecdote being the evidence for your argument which seems like it stems from an emotion of frustration that you lost a gunfight is a very weak basis for such an impactful suggestion.

simply put, this suggestion is bad and you'll get better overtime without the server rules having to change to fit your playstyle.
yeah so this isnt a new suggestion as many people have suggested it before, this just shows that it is a genuin problem that needs to be solved.
yeah so this isnt a new suggestion as many people have suggested it before, this just shows that it is a genuin problem that needs to be solved.
a million people can say 1+1=3 that doesn't change the fact 1+1=2. again your argument is weak and it only grows weaker when all you provide is illogical reasoning rather than concrete proof.
a million people can say 1+1=3 that doesn't change the fact 1+1=2. again your argument is weak and it only grows weaker when all you provide is illogical reasoning rather than concrete proof.
Isn't it enough concrete proof that so many people have made this suggestion? This is definitely not balanced enough?
The whole point of having shootouts with police as a criminal is you’re literally fighting for the ability to leave the area unscathed. This just makes it counter intuitive on the environment perp is trying to keep and maintain.
Isn't it enough concrete proof that so many people have made this suggestion? This is definitely not balanced enough?
look at the down votes, clearly people don't want your suggestion added.

you're acting like people are up voting your suggestion and staff are just rejecting it when in reality that's not the case. your "concrete proof" is not proof at all it's a claim implying the aforementioned idea while being based on illogical reasoning that somehow cause many ppl before you presumed something which is not wanted is wanted or good for the server then they were rejected over and over so now it must be good. That makes no sense and holds no ground in proving your point to be true.
The whole point of having shootouts with police as a criminal is you’re literally fighting for the ability to leave the area unscathed. This just makes it counter intuitive on the environment perp is trying to keep and maintain.
agreed, you make a solid point. (ignore my cursor)
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Isn't it enough concrete proof that so many people have made this suggestion? This is definitely not balanced enough?
This is such a weak argument though. A lot of people want a lot of things that clearly shouldn’t happen for the better. What differentiates this?
This is such a weak argument though. A lot of people want a lot of things that clearly shouldn’t happen for the better. What differentiates this?
As said above its clearly unbalanced that cops can return and crims cant. Tfu holding down door with sniper at projex is a bit shit in perspective that they need other units to come AGAIN.
As said above its clearly unbalanced that cops can return and crims cant. Tfu holding down door with sniper at projex is a bit shit in perspective that they need other units to come AGAIN.
you do realise it's only realistic for more cops to show up right? For example say you wiped out the entire MANCHESTER police force, after some time other police FORCES would've had the time to travel to your location and help their fallen comrades.
As said above its clearly unbalanced that cops can return and crims cant.
and what me, bnej, curak and the incoming sheer number of downvotes should explain to you is that the community is happy with that being the case cause it's more fun.

Tfu holding down door with sniper at projex is a bit shit in perspective that they need other units to come AGAIN.
seems like you're high on copium dude, just stop blaming everything else except your own skills. You can get better by time and practice or sit in the forums dwelling for a chance to cry that the game is unfair.
and what me, bnej, curak and the incoming sheer number of downvotes should explain to you is that the community is happy with that being the case cause it's more fun.

seems like you're high on copium dude, just stop blaming everything else except your own skills. You can get better by time and practice or sit in the forums dwelling for a chance to cry that the game is unfair.
"Definitely not for both sides. The best solution is if you die you’re out of the fight. If people are allowed back in after NLR it takes out the fear factor of 1 life, makes shootouts last way too long and gives cops way too big of an advantage because criminals have to setup to coordinate a PD wipe while PD just Zerg with free rifles or pistols wearing armor."

Yeah so as you cna see i found a text from you actually agreeing with me, so have fun ;)
your "concrete proof" is not proof at all it's a claim implying the aforementioned idea while being based on illogical reasoning that somehow cause many ppl before you presumed something which is not wanted is wanted or good for the server then they were rejected over and over so now it must be good. That makes no sense and holds no ground in proving your point to be true.
find this, my opinion has changed which is normal.
Yeah so as you cna see i found a text from you actually agreeing with me, so have fun ;)

"you have, in the past, agreed with a vague statement like this, therefore you must not have ever changed your mind, remain the exact same as you were before and think the exact same way. Anything else can't be true"
"Definitely not for both sides. The best solution is if you die you’re out of the fight. If people are allowed back in after NLR it takes out the fear factor of 1 life, makes shootouts last way too long and gives cops way too big of an advantage because criminals have to setup to coordinate a PD wipe while PD just Zerg with free rifles or pistols wearing armor."

Yeah so as you cna see i found a text from you actually agreeing with me, so have fun ;)
If you’re gonna start getting aggravated arguing this point then I guess I’ll just have to put effort into my replies!

I don’t know how abundantly clear this is to people anymore but contrary to how many might feel, this isn’t an esport, and it doesn’t have to be equal to both sides either. How it currently is is absolutely fine.

“Criminals have to setup to coordinate a PD wipe” Bro 70% of our Won, low / no casualty shootouts are “/org KOS cops” And us just hopping out to dome the whole PD.

“Free rifles or pistols wearing armour” If you think pistol cop / light TFU armour actually does anything if your gun is worth more than a breen desk then it’s solely a skill issue.

There is no “uncounterable” tactic that isn’t already banned by rules, this is a complete non issue.
While I do understand this rule was originally changed for crims in order for them to prioritize leaving. I do believe that 10 minutes is too short of a wait for cops to be able to respond to the same situation, considering shootouts these days can last a long time.

This is not always the case but it could include stuff like having to:
Raid an apartment, transport drugs+guns and then trying to clear cops out. This can easily take over 10+ minutes in a lot of cases.
With this in mind I would suggest increasing NLR for cops when it comes to a situation they've previously died in, maybe like a 15 minute wait?
While I do understand this rule was originally changed for crims in order for them to prioritize leaving. I do believe that 10 minutes is too short of a wait for cops to be able to respond to the same situation, considering shootouts these days can last a long time.

This is not always the case but it could include stuff like having to:
Raid an apartment, transport drugs+guns and then trying to clear cops out. This can easily take over 10+ minutes in a lot of cases.
With this in mind I would suggest increasing NLR for cops when it comes to a situation they've previously died in, maybe like a 15 minute wait?
You're complaining that a constant flow of cops respond when a criminal organization decides to begin taking lives is somehow a bad thing. Furthermore it seems like you're implying it's somehow a tragedy that you miss out on every single drug or gun you could have earned.

This is a serious rp my friend, you don't get to take your sweet time transporting your winnings in a raid. You take what you can get and leave before more cops come, not try to twist the rules so you get to have more stuff.
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