Server-sided input lag at higher player counts


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Noticed since coming back there can often be a level of input lag never seen before when at higher playercounts. Is there anything that can be done?

Two incidents today - first one might not be actually server-related but still:

^ The first TFU that I shot didn't take damage at all, even though you can see me perfectly aimed on him and spraying - he should've at least been hit once, if not headshotted.

Has been very difficult to play at times, what can actually be done about this? Also noticed my own ping being higher than it should be while everything else other than PERP is fine, any ways to sort this out?
I personally think its been since they removed the drug stacks. I am not sure what was changed/if anything was changed but defo noticed something since around then
this has definitely been a thing ever since im back too, I also remember playing on 80-100 ping max (which is also not good but fine), Now i play on 180-200, ever since it changed to 128 players the server got so much more laggy, i hope someone does something abt it.