Server's Opinion - Full Restart

Would you accept a reset?

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East Grestin Border Checkpoint


Basically, I think that the server's economy is a bit messy, I mean costs are so inflated it's unreal, my opinion is that the server should undergo a restart as in that peoples items and money would be reset to default, and that the server's costs go to normal, I'd like to know you ladies and gentlemen's opinions if the server was to (THEORETICALLY) undergo a reset.
What changes I would make if I was in the position to do so:
- Wages go down by a lot, as in $20 per minute rather than $200.
- Car costs go down
- Goods costs go down
- Player made economy - @StephenPuffs awesome idea.

I'd like to hear from everyone on this matter.
I actually agree and disagree, but the thing is I like the current wage and the car costs because it's a challenge, well it was but now I have my exams I've winded down on gaining 1.2 mil a week, the only thing I think is an option to reset your character to make perp more fun and challenging for more fun, the problem is though it will be boring getting a 200k lambo for instance but yeah I say keep it how it is at moment in time.
For the first day no one would have any cars or guns. I think if it was reset, maybe set all the members that have played here and have registered characters 75K to start with instead of 25k. I'd love a player owned economy but I don't think it's ever gonna happen.
The thing is We've been developing our characters from the start, I mean I don't really like it as I basically achieved what I want and I dont want to do it all over again. But I get your point
[DOUBLEPOST=1429686537,1429683380][/DOUBLEPOST]@Niko that's quite obvious as some people (Bolli, me, Aaron) have been working on their characters since the server started, I mean it's been a long journey and it's nothing I really want to restart as I got my things. I mean for some people it would be easy as they've not been here since 2013
I think we should wipe and do these changes with a full server restart as the server is feeling a bit old now :(
Personally I would think a reset would only be useful if the same problems wouldn't come back over time and the benefits from that update would outweigh the negative effects you create by resetting people their account they spent hundreds or thousands of hours on.
I strongly disagree with this, think about people's money they've saved up just to buy the Bugatti or that special red mini-cooper.
I agree with a restart regardless. Organizations will rise again, but the fact that everyone who grows drugs has 200k+ cars, and cops don't always even have cars is bad. I'd like to see this as well because it may allow more new players to not ragequit from getting mugged 3 times. In the end I'd LOVE a restart.
I actually agree and disagree, but the thing is I like the current wage and the car costs because it's a challenge, well it was but now I have my exams I've winded down on gaining 1.2 mil a week, the only thing I think is an option to reset your character to make perp more fun and challenging for more fun, the problem is though it will be boring getting a 200k lambo for instance but yeah I say keep it how it is at moment in time.
When have you ever had 1.2 mil you trunk pikey?

I disagree with this post as I have put 400 hours into the server and I have come a long way from when I was a freshie and it isn't something I would like to reset.
A reset will cause a lot more problems than positive points. Infact the big orgs will gather togehter instandly and you will not able to touch them at all, people would grow the whole time instead of doing any job. Tons of people would just quit, including myself as I won't have the time and interest to spend so much time in growing again.

If you want to have a character reset so bad, give me all your ingame cash & items and enjoy your new life.:kappa:
Well I like this idea as much as I'd hate it since I've been powergrowing earning money recently. If it's just for the rp feeling, wouldnt it be possible to lower all prices by a certain percent and lower people's bank balance to the correct amount? However in my opinion it sounds nice to start fresh alongside everyone else, but it would cause people to powergrow the first couple of weeks and suddenly we're back to normal with the same. All this would cause would be to make many new players abandon the server since they will loose what they've worked for. I have no clue about coding etc. But if possible I'd rather have all prices lowered by a percentage so there would be no difference, but a couple of less high numbers. People would maybe stop complaining everything is expensive as it feels more right when the prices aren't as inflated as earlier. Would be a small challenge to find the best percentage to lower it by though to avoid a ton of commas and cents.

Post an announcement on the server for all players to stop buying and selling VIP to prevent them from wasting their money on non-existing VIP. It should be an announcement rotation that appears on the top of the screen warning everyone about selling and buying VIP 1 week before the big update

Okay, yes that was probably really big and maybe even unnecessary but i just wanted to point that out, an idea for the devs if they are reading this.

Look what happened to PR PERP when they reset.
They basically lost all their players.
Read what I said. I said this would be best to happen if the server recieved a big update (mainly in the form of a map change). The server really hasnt changed much since last year. I personally its really time some completely new gameplay is added.
Personally I wouldn't be in favour if this occurring, and I have that view for one main reason. Players upon players have spent weeks playing this gamemode (including myself) trying to build their character and make their character the best. Doing this would make all that time a waste. Players won't have the motivation to do it all over again, and will eventually give up on the server. Now I'm not saying that EVERYONE will leave, but I'm sure a lot of people will consider it. You see people earning millions of dollars through dedication towards the server, and resetting the server would make that all a waste.