The "state" of perpheads

TBH Passive RP can exist if done right, I mean look at McYeke's done it once for 5 hrs straight, got raided a good few times by abduski, had a good few people turn up, people told me "your not making a profit" my response "I dont care im having fun"

People forget passive RP can take time, which people do not like, except a few, for example when doing McYeke's we tend to try cook the burgers properly with /Me's and /Desc's however people tend to get triggered because 5 minutes of their time is being wasted
Pretty much all cops don't know how to role-play. Yesterday my finger was cut off in-game and officer just gave me a ticket for 12.12 and just left without calling for a medic because I drove to hospital fast.

Shootouts are only pure aids nowadays too because it was understandable back then that police force was pretty powerful when there was many skilled players like people in olsen banden, but they are banned now.

Server is dying because it's boring . End of the story. (being a cop is not boring tho)
People are so toxic when they lose a gun, losing a gun means you died and every death is a mistake. Learn from them and get better. Perp lost this mentality when Olsen was banned.
Instead of worrying about the state of a virtual server, go outside with your friends go and socialise. It’s been nice all the week instead you all focusing on a server that you will not benefit off. You will grow for hours on end to get a virtual car that is worthless, stop being sad and go and interact with the people around such as your friends or family. After leaving school this hit me so hard, realised why and I spending most of my time at my pc or being out with all the friends playing football, basketball etc. Not trying to force anyone just want people to take notice and see that something you can do in real life could last a few years, make new friends start speaking to girls and so on. PERP is going to be around for a year max the way it’s heading. Dumb rates incoming.
Instead of worrying about the state of a virtual server, go outside with your friends go and socialise. It’s been nice all the week instead you all focusing on a server that you will not benefit off. You will grow for hours on end to get a virtual car that is worthless, stop being sad and go and interact with the people around such as your friends or family. After leaving school this hit me so hard, realised why and I spending most of my time at my pc or being out with all the friends playing football, basketball etc. Not trying to force anyone just want people to take notice and see that something you can do in real life could last a few years, make new friends start speaking to girls and so on. PERP is going to be around for a year max the way it’s heading. Dumb rates incoming.
Playing perp is better than playing football tho. Only drinking and doing drugs is better than playing perp.
Here's somethings id like to see change/be added in to the server. Maybe it will help the current state of this server and change it up a bit.

Guns are unbalanced and expensive.

IA complaints shouldnt be connected to rule breaks.

Rules are too strict, we can't even roleplay as a hobo. Also rules should be more laid back so we can actually enjoy the server.

System where automated events come in to play on the server, and players can vote on. Ex: every 1hr players can vote to play the events we have now, would require the server to have like 25 or so people so events can be active.

More legal jobs such as, glass co glass machine, wood cutting forest for money, garbage pickup, street cleanup, work for fredy's bakery, work for gas station, scuba dive for treasure in the lake or ocean and sell it to an npc at docks.

More illegal jobs such as, store robbery for every store in paralake, drug smuggling for an npc to the drug dealer u have a time limit. Idk anymore
Instead of worrying about the state of a virtual server, go outside with your friends go and socialise. It’s been nice all the week instead you all focusing on a server that you will not benefit off. You will grow for hours on end to get a virtual car that is worthless, stop being sad and go and interact with the people around such as your friends or family. After leaving school this hit me so hard, realised why and I spending most of my time at my pc or being out with all the friends playing football, basketball etc. Not trying to force anyone just want people to take notice and see that something you can do in real life could last a few years, make new friends start speaking to girls and so on. PERP is going to be around for a year max the way it’s heading. Dumb rates incoming.
Agreed, I spend about 2 hours a day on perp even though the weather is so shit, most of the day I work though.
Agreed, I spend about 2 hours a day on perp even though the weather is so shit, most of the day I work though.

I realised I would rather go out and spend time with friends than play on my computer all day.
I've seen a lot of interesting responses and I would like to share my opinion on some of them.

we're all playing it to amuse ourselves so act like it, yes, raiding is fun
honestly, I get 20 FPS normally and 5 when there are shootouts, I never found anything in a raid amusing. I know there are some people with the same problem, it's just that people get way too salty when they lose their shit. I honestly didn't give one. I gave away ak's and shit like they were nothing because to me, eventhough I do have like 3 Automatic Rifles, they were. It's not just that people just play to raid, it's also that they get really upset if the raid doesn't work out. for the last year I've been trying to avoid all raids because 80% resulted in AR's

People forget passive RP can take time, which people do not like,
You can ask @Allen Kennedy I used to RP so much. and I got the same questions you have got. always have been RPing because I saw the fun of it doing it with @Mikey. thing is the RP we used to do is not accepted by the staff team nor is it well received by the community anymore which is really demotivating. example is: the shops we've made in front of the CH, and the entire org around it ( when I tried doing this again I got told off by an admin

and just left without calling for a medic because I drove to hospital fast.
Have been in the situation where I got raped by some skid and wanted to RP it out while in the hospital, only @Scrabuz and @DeltaForce, thank god I've got to meet them, acted upon this Roleplay, checking the body etc and just RPing it out. I remember going to a psychiatric session of @Scrabuz once to have a talk about the raping and such.

stop being sad and go and interact with the people around such as your friends or family
Honestly, a lot of the people I call friends nowadays are made here. I do have people outside of the internet and I do hang with them occasionally but what's wrong with hanging out with your friends on a gameserver? if I grab a bottle of vodka irl while listening to the music on a tv with my friends while we are on discord or TS, gives me the same feeling of socialising as when I am with IRL friends. people as @Kane offer me a total different view on problems I deal with aswell so I honestly do not get what your argument is coming from. yes refraining from sweating in a game rather than being with your friends is something good, but what if some of your friends play the game aswell?

Rules are too strict, we can't even roleplay as a hobo. Also rules should be more laid back so we can actually enjoy the server.
I do agree with this for some extent, just keep in mind people used to scream for more strict enforcement on the rules...

More legal jobs such as, glass co glass machine, wood cutting forest for money, garbage pickup, street cleanup, work for fredy's bakery, work for gas station, scuba dive for treasure in the lake or ocean and sell it to an npc at docks.

More illegal jobs such as, store robbery for every store in paralake, drug smuggling for an npc to the drug dealer u have a time limit
but to what extent will people use these jobs then? like people'll use them for a month max and then they'll probably go back to powergrowing...
tbf i just miss the old days were coming home from school hoping to get a space on the server because it was full 24/7 and the crazy shootouts and the mass raiding spree Olsen used to do
tbf i just miss the old days were coming home from school hoping to get a space on the server because it was full 24/7 and the crazy shootouts and the mass raiding spree Olsen used to do

What you dont seem to understand is that Olsen gave a lot of life to the server not because they were skilled but because they fucked EVERYONE, you dont need to be in the best org to help the server by doing a raid spree you just need to have the balls to fuck your ooc friends, and Olsen deserve credit for that of course.

Yes, PD now is OP and you need a good org to fight it but thats on crims tbf, the fact that zergs started appearing, with everyone rimlicking Olsen, forced the PLPD to become what it is now and untill we go back to the old balance concerning org's size you cannot expect plpd to be nerfed bc that would be stupid.
What you dont seem to understand is that Olsen gave a lot of life to the server not because they were skilled but because they fucked EVERYONE, you dont need to be in the best org to help the server by doing a raid spree you just need to have the balls to fuck your ooc friends, and Olsen deserve credit for that of course.

Yes, PD now is OP and you need a good org to fight it but thats on crims tbf, the fact that zergs started appearing, with everyone rimlicking Olsen, forced the PLPD to become what it is now and untill we go back to the old balance concerning org's size you cannot expect plpd to be nerfed bc that would be stupid.

I'll solve the zerg problem, expect me to be cop a lot more ;)