Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

I love the fact that there is easier opportunity for players to experience great gameplay, but I don't believe the current test should be as free as it is. Aside from that, the only thing that's been a pain for me so far is getting into the cop job due to the spike in popularity, the inability to tell who were the first X number of people to gear so that you can properly order the right people to down gear, and the overall inexperience of some of these new TFU recruits resulting in unnecessary chaos amidst raids. I'm sure that last point will mostly normalize itself out through the disciplinary systems & training naturally, but the barrier to entry is far too low imo.

Some of the tests for Paramedic, Fire Fighter, Secret Service, etc. had me utilize more critical thinking than the current test, and as a possible solution, could move away from its current "Yes/No" answer formatting towards more complex A, B, C, D. I also think throwing in a higher rank requirement could assist the aforementioned problems.
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This is as close as we will get to the old SWAT system where anyone (with premium) could join and get some powerful guns and armor, good stuff.

I do think there should be a limit to Tier 1 TFU and maybe reserve slots for more experienced/higher tier TFUs if possible because these videos aren't looking good lmao
These couple of weeks its been hard raiding everytime i raid i raid a property that has no one inside but have to fight the 8 tfu and 15 pistol cops. Nowdays no one raids because of the pd zerg and how op they are crims is falling down
These couple of weeks its been hard raiding everytime i raid i raid a property that has no one inside but have to fight the 8 tfu and 15 pistol cops. Nowdays no one raids because of the pd zerg and how op they are crims is falling down
what does that have anything to do with the update to tfu, this has always been a thing
It will definitely bring up a lot of teething issues over the coming weeks and it will be hot topic, here's my take;

  1. Camping PD armoury just shouldn't be a thing, if someone is seen doing it, I don't want a comment card, take their RTFO off them.
  2. Requirement should be Senior officer OR a normal officer with 30 hours play time with a minimum of 1 OR to pass command review.
  3. Passing the exam should be 10/10 not 8/10, you get a single question wrong on the TFU exam and you fail yet the RTU exam you need 10/10, I don't get that decision, there should be no room for error with TFU.
  4. Devs need to have a look at implementing a hard server limit to physically restrict a maximum of 3 RTFO's at any time (this might already be a thing) but at armoury it could stop you gearing up.
  5. Remove stun grenades from RTFO, they are support TFU and give access to stun grenades at tier 2, otherwise 7/8 TFU will have access to 14/16 stun grenades during a raid.
I'm sure there's probably other things but it needs balancing, raiding is arse right now and it will (in my opinion) ruin the point of the server and will 100% stop people raiding, unless server ownership are looking for a more passive RP, I don't know.
Just wanted a discussion relating the new TFU Update to see everyone's views and opinions on it.
In my opinion, the new TFU update has completely ruined the server for both criminals and cops on duty.

Over the past few weeks, it's already been difficult enough to play as a criminal when there are 4-5 heavy TFU on duty most of the time. Even during low population hours, there's still at least a couple on duty. Now, with this update, the situation has become ten times worse. Whenever there are reports of shots fired, it instantly leads to maxed-out TFU in gear, even when there are only 14 cops online. Not to mention, some cops are camping the armory or hanging around inside the PD just waiting for the chance to gear up.

Getting onto the police force has practically become a new game in itself. You have to sit in the PD lobby, spamming to join, or even pay someone to leave their cop role. I understand that this hype around TFU might die down eventually, but even before the new update, it was already like a joining simulator when there were 115+ players online.

The main issue with Tier 1 TFU is that the requirements are way too low. A regular officer with just three days of playtime and a taser can now, after passing the easiest test ever, gain access to ARs, flashbangs, and 200HP, all with zero experience. I understand that people need to gain experience somehow, but I don’t think this is the right way for them to get it. TFU was known as the division with the best quality control, and this update has completely ruined that.

For example, having a Tier 1 TFO with less than 10 hours on duty is crazy to me. When I had only 7 hours on duty, I could barely remember the laws, let alone all the policies and procedures that are critical to using TFU gear responsibly.
In my opinion, the new TFU update has completely ruined the server for both criminals and cops on duty.

Over the past few weeks, it's already been difficult enough to play as a criminal when there are 4-5 heavy TFU on duty most of the time. Even during low population hours, there's still at least a couple on duty. Now, with this update, the situation has become ten times worse. Whenever there are reports of shots fired, it instantly leads to maxed-out TFU in gear, even when there are only 14 cops online. Not to mention, some cops are camping the armory or hanging around inside the PD just waiting for the chance to gear up.

Getting onto the police force has practically become a new game in itself. You have to sit in the PD lobby, spamming to join, or even pay someone to leave their cop role. I understand that this hype around TFU might die down eventually, but even before the new update, it was already like a joining simulator when there were 115+ players online.

The main issue with Tier 1 TFU is that the requirements are way too low. A regular officer with just three days of playtime and a taser can now, after passing the easiest test ever, gain access to ARs, flashbangs, and 200HP, all with zero experience. I understand that people need to gain experience somehow, but I don’t think this is the right way for them to get it. TFU was known as the division with the best quality control, and this update has completely ruined that.

For example, having a Tier 1 TFO with less than 10 hours on duty is crazy to me. When I had only 7 hours on duty, I could barely remember the laws, let alone all the policies and procedures that are critical to using TFU gear responsibly.
The bare minimum should be senior officer regardless of what SMT or the department says.
This entire update has been absolute chaos that wasn't needed by anyone.
Introduction of the 2nd requirement: atleast 14 days playtime would also be needed to deter these types of players who lack policy and law knowledge.
TFU is supposed to be earned, not given to on a plate.