Unban Please

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Can we please unban every olsen player or something.
The server is basically the biggest org vs everything else

No, just no.

The majority of them were given a chance back in April when the mass unban occured and look how it ended up. After Husky got his ban the main rim licks and other Olsen members decided to mass RDM as a result. They had their chance and yet they still blew it.

If you think bring Olsen back would “solve” the zerg issue, it clearly wouldn’t and would just make the situation as well as making other issues worse.
The majority of them were given a chance back in April when the mass unban occured and look how it ended up. After Husky got his ban the main rim licks and other Olsen members decided to mass RDM as a result. They had their chance and yet they still blew it.
We still didn't get the reasoning behind Nada's ban? What chance did Nade get other than getting unbanned literally for 1 week, he was randomly banned because others broke rules. He didn't even a warning or something along those lines.
No, just no.

The majority of them were given a chance back in April when the mass unban occured and look how it ended up. After Husky got his ban the main rim licks and other Olsen members decided to mass RDM as a result. They had their chance and yet they still blew it.

If you think bring Olsen back would “solve” the zerg issue, it clearly wouldn’t and would just make the situation as well as making other issues worse.
actually, that wasn't the reasoning lmao?
Xeno started to mass rdm and others followed, technically it was xeno's fault. People then decided to just follow up and mass rdm as well pretty good meme
actually, that wasn't the reasoning lmao?
Xeno started to mass rdm and others followed, technically it was xeno's fault. People then decided to just follow up and mass rdm as well pretty good meme

Xeno was probably one of the biggest rimlicks of Olsen at the time tbh. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was motivated to do it.

Regardless, it still can be suggested that Husky’s ban was a contributing factor as to why many of them decided to Mass RDM anyway.
Can we please unban every olsen player or something.
The server is basically the biggest org vs everything else

Curb your rim
No, just no.

The majority of them were given a chance back in April when the mass unban occured and look how it ended up. After Husky got his ban the main rim licks and other Olsen members decided to mass RDM as a result. They had their chance and yet they still blew it.

If you think bring Olsen back would “solve” the zerg issue, it clearly wouldn’t and would just make the situation as well as making other issues worse.
Given a chance... LMFAO to what? They were given a chance when the playerbase was hitting 20 at peak times. Obviously staff had nothing to lose so they were unbanned. They brought the playerbase back because when you unban Nade, Martino, Husky, Speedy ect half the Meta TS would all play perp more. Don't get me wrong I've tried to think of all the pros and cons of having Olsen on the server and everyone will have contradicting opinions but the decision was made after the playerbase came back to reban them all. "They had their chance"... you're all in denial.
Olsen didn’t all mass RDM most of them were in nostra besides Stevo, Code and maybe others but I can’t remember. they mass RDMd because they were pissed off that their friends got banned and they did it because they find the server boring. They kept telling me to join in lol.
Xeno was probably one of the biggest rimlicks of Olsen at the time tbh. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was motivated to do it.

Regardless, it still can be suggested that Husky’s ban was a contributing factor as to why many of them decided to Mass RDM anyway.
Unless they actively encouraged people to do these kinds of things, it's a pretty birdbrain argument to say they played a 'contributing factor' to these events. Of course, you are basing this arguments on no evidence whatsoever, if I am not mistaken, because as owner of Olsen I have not personally had people uttering the wish for these things to happen while I was present.
It's the exact same argument that is made when comparing violence to playing video games. People, atleast in the logical world in which I live, are responsible for their own actions.

Inb4 the suicide-inducing "omg ur just defending rdm'ers", people who do these kinds of things should naturally be punished, but putting the blame on others where it does not belong is unjustified and unbefitting of a moderator.
Curb your rim

Given a chance... LMFAO to what? They were given a chance when the playerbase was hitting 20 at peak times. Obviously staff had nothing to lose so they were unbanned. They brought the playerbase back because when you unban Nade, Martino, Husky, Speedy ect half the Meta TS would all play perp more. Don't get me wrong I've tried to think of all the pros and cons of having Olsen on the server and everyone will have contradicting opinions but the decision was made after the playerbase came back to reban them all. "They had their chance"... you're all in denial.

Rim? me? lol
please shut the fuck up and let the server die. stop trying to revive it.

It's like keeping your 97 year old grandad that has every disease known to man on life support....

It was worth it while it lasted.
Unless they actively encouraged people to do these kinds of things, it's a pretty birdbrain argument to say they played a 'contributing factor' to these events. Of course, you are basing this arguments on no evidence whatsoever, if I am not mistaken, because as owner of Olsen I have not personally had people uttering the wish for these things to happen while I was present.
It's the exact same argument that is made when comparing violence to playing video games. People, atleast in the logical world in which I live, are responsible for their own actions.

Inb4 the suicide-inducing "omg ur just defending rdm'ers", people who do these kinds of things should naturally be punished, but putting the blame on others where it does not belong is unjustified and unbefitting of a moderator.
They did actively encourage people to mass rdm. All of them sitting/invited to the meta TS while people went online 1 by 1 to try and RDM at bazaar. At some point all of the bazaar was godmoded after 4 of them went down before. It was quite funny