Update Log 11/08/2021
Police Changes
- A loading bar will now appear when police seize guns, with the ability to cancel it with C.
- There is also a five second loading bar for police when they impound a wheel clamped car.
- The Mercedes has been removed from the Road Traffic Unit as it isn't a very practical or realistic police car.
- The Road Traffic BMW 340i has had a 10mph top speed buff to compensate for the Mercedes being removed.
- Lowered the rank requirement for seizing drugs from Planter Boxes and Chemical Tables to Senior Officer.
- The diamond can now be confiscated by Police Officers, it will be manually respawned by Community Management at XQBank.
- The ANPR Feature on the Police Computer now has double the range.
- Dispatchers can now see the employees profile and create broadcasts
- Police ANPR and Police Busy Status are now togglable by a bind in the F1 Keybinds section
- The battering ram now renders a door non-lockable for the same time as a lockpick
- Zip Ties no longer get confiscated.
- You can now search anybody in Zip Ties without consent.
- Secret Service can now drag handcuffed players the same way as Police Officers.
- When you are bleeding you can no longer store items in chests, storage or car trunks, however you can take items out.
- The permission to use the work bench has been changed to keys/storage.
- You can now see if the owner of an organisation is online on the ally/rival screen.
- The road-crew menu will tell you if your impounded car has tyres or not.
- The limousine now has car security by default.
- Cars can now optionally be un-impounded without spawning as long as you have a car out already
- Taxi Driver has been buffed in a few different ways.
- Increased the initial payment of $200 to $300 to enter the Taxi
- The salary for Taxi Driver is increased to $130
- Increased the the distance pay from $40 to $60 every 100 meters
- You can now pay for the Taxi via bank
- The reward for bodies that are removed or revived are now given to any paramedics that were nearby.
- All shops will now refuse to serve you if you have a weapon on display.
- Note: This will work the same way as the Bank NPC. The police will be alerted if you enter with a visible firearm
- Increased bank transfer limit to $1,000,000
- Any raids on new players are now logged for staff members to view.
- The custom teleport event can now receive a configurable name by Community Management when starting the event.
- There is also a new custom event type which does not teleport you but still has a custom name.
- Community Managers can now create custom announcement messages.
- Your ranks and premium status are now automatically synchronised with the server.
- You can manually sync your own ranks by using /sync
- You must have your account linked using the /link command in order to continue using the server, as this will be the new form of verification instead of mobile phone verification.
Thank you to
@Fredy @Samuel - Code quality
@TinySlayer - Bug fixes and Optimizations
@Efan & @Tyla Jai (Consultants)
@Collier @Ellie @McGlinchy @Hendricks - Testing
@Jack Bruhross (ideas)
@Jenga (ideas)
@Hayden (ideas)
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