Update log - 11/08/2021

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Update Log 11/08/2021

Police Changes
  • A loading bar will now appear when police seize guns, with the ability to cancel it with C.
  • There is also a five second loading bar for police when they impound a wheel clamped car.
  • The Mercedes has been removed from the Road Traffic Unit as it isn't a very practical or realistic police car.
  • The Road Traffic BMW 340i has had a 10mph top speed buff to compensate for the Mercedes being removed.
  • Lowered the rank requirement for seizing drugs from Planter Boxes and Chemical Tables to Senior Officer.
  • The diamond can now be confiscated by Police Officers, it will be manually respawned by Community Management at XQBank.
  • The ANPR Feature on the Police Computer now has double the range.
  • Dispatchers can now see the employees profile and create broadcasts
  • Police ANPR and Police Busy Status are now togglable by a bind in the F1 Keybinds section
  • The battering ram now renders a door non-lockable for the same time as a lockpick
Civilian & Job Changes
  • Zip Ties no longer get confiscated.
  • You can now search anybody in Zip Ties without consent.
  • Secret Service can now drag handcuffed players the same way as Police Officers.
  • When you are bleeding you can no longer store items in chests, storage or car trunks, however you can take items out.
  • The permission to use the work bench has been changed to keys/storage.
  • You can now see if the owner of an organisation is online on the ally/rival screen.
  • The road-crew menu will tell you if your impounded car has tyres or not.
  • The limousine now has car security by default.
  • Cars can now optionally be un-impounded without spawning as long as you have a car out already
  • Taxi Driver has been buffed in a few different ways.
    • Increased the initial payment of $200 to $300 to enter the Taxi
    • The salary for Taxi Driver is increased to $130
    • Increased the the distance pay from $40 to $60 every 100 meters
    • You can now pay for the Taxi via bank
  • The reward for bodies that are removed or revived are now given to any paramedics that were nearby.
  • All shops will now refuse to serve you if you have a weapon on display.
    • Note: This will work the same way as the Bank NPC. The police will be alerted if you enter with a visible firearm
Miscellaneous Changes
  • Increased bank transfer limit to $1,000,000
  • Any raids on new players are now logged for staff members to view.
  • The custom teleport event can now receive a configurable name by Community Management when starting the event.
  • There is also a new custom event type which does not teleport you but still has a custom name.
  • Community Managers can now create custom announcement messages.
Discord Changes
  • Your ranks and premium status are now automatically synchronised with the server.
  • You can manually sync your own ranks by using /sync
  • You must have your account linked using the /link command in order to continue using the server, as this will be the new form of verification instead of mobile phone verification.
A lot of these ideas were discussed in our discord server and more will be discussed over the coming weeks. Alternatively you can contact Community Management with your ideas privately even if you already have a suggest post created.

Thank you to
@Fredy @Samuel - Code quality
@TinySlayer - Bug fixes and Optimizations
@Efan & @Tyla Jai (Consultants)
@Collier @Ellie @McGlinchy @Hendricks - Testing
@Jack Bruhross (ideas)
@Jenga (ideas)
@Hayden (ideas)
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Update Log 11/08/2021

Police Changes
  • A loading bar will now appear when police seize guns, with the ability to cancel it with C.
  • There is also a five second loading bar for police when they impound a wheel clamped car.
  • The Mercedes has been removed from the Road Traffic Unit as it isn't a very practical or realistic police car.
  • The Road Traffic BMW 340i has had a 10mph top speed buff to compensate for the Mercedes being removed.
  • Lowered the rank requirement for seizing drugs from Planter Boxes and Chemical Tables to Senior Officer.
  • The diamond can now be confiscated by Police Officers, it will be manually respawned by Community Management at XQBank.
  • The ANPR Feature on the Police Computer now has double the range.
  • Dispatchers can now see the employees profile and create broadcasts
  • Police ANPR and Police Busy Status are now togglable by a bind in the F1 Keybinds section
  • The battering ram now renders a door non-lockable for the same time as a lockpick
Civilian & Job Changes
  • Zip Ties no longer get confiscated.
  • You can now search anybody in Zip Ties without consent.
  • Secret Service can now drag handcuffed players the same way as Police Officers.
  • When you are bleeding you can no longer store items in chests, storage or car trunks, however you can take items out.
  • The permission to use the work bench has been changed to keys/storage.
  • You can now see if the owner of an organisation is online on the ally/rival screen.
  • The road-crew menu will tell you if your impounded car has tyres or not.
  • The limousine now has car security by default.
  • Cars can now optionally be un-impounded without spawning as long as you have a car out already
  • Taxi Driver has been buffed in a few different ways.
    • Increased the initial payment of $200 to $300 to enter the Taxi
    • The salary for Taxi Driver is increased to $130
    • Increased the the distance pay from $40 to $60 every 100 meters
    • You can now pay for the Taxi via bank
  • The reward for bodies that are removed or revived are now given to any paramedics that were nearby.
  • All shops will now refuse to serve you if you have a weapon on display.
    • Note: This will work the same way as the Bank NPC. The police will be alerted if you enter with a visible firearm
Miscellaneous Changes
  • Increased bank transfer limit to $1,000,000
  • Any raids on new players are now logged for staff members to view.
  • The custom teleport event can now receive a configurable name by Community Management when starting the event.
  • There is also a new custom event type which does not teleport you but still has a custom name.
  • Community Managers can now create custom announcement messages.
Discord Changes
  • Your ranks and premium status are now automatically synchronised with the server.
  • You can manually sync your own ranks by using /sync
  • You must have your account linked using the /link command in order to continue using the server, as this will be the new form of verification instead of mobile phone verification.
A lot of these ideas were discussed in our discord server and more will be discussed over the coming weeks. developer.

Thank you to
@Fredy @Samuel - Code quality
@TinySlayer - Bug fixes and Optimizations
@Collier @Ellie @McGlinchy @Hendricks - Testing
@Tyla Jai (Consultant), @Jack Bruhross (ideas), @Jenga (ideas), @Hayden (ideas),
Hell ye, finally credits for quality code reviews! :eek:
wait so the taxi wage is actually somewhat decent now?? also do you still need consent to tie people with the zipties
All seem like great updates!! What is the idea behind making taxi prices higher?
to make taxi a slightly higher paying job as b4 the update it was well frankly shit
For players the increased taxi fee wont make alot of difference, For taxi drivers who are usually new this can make them alot more money to give them a good start as the little increase will be more significant to them
I just think making prices higher will make Taxi service more irrelevant. People weren’t using it before even when there were drivers on the job.
yeah true but will you raise the fishing rod limit to 5?? or at least add varying weight to them so we can sell prized heavy ones ???
dank plz dont neglect fishing
The Mercedes has been removed from the Road Traffic Unit as it isn't a very practical or realistic police car.
So how do we chase a bugatti now?!?! I’m guessing we just… don’t?

Other than that, nice work, everything else looks brilliant.
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