Update Log 31/10/2021

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Update Log 31/10/2021
An update has gone live this morning with a many different changes that multiple people have been working on over a period of many months.

Code Development: @TinySlayer @Samuel @Dank
Map Development: @Lelios @Ayjay
Suggestions and Feedback: @Mim @Ellie @Benj @Hayden @Hendricks @Super_
Testing: I can't remember because it's been going on for ages, but thanks especially to @Exnem

Police Training System

  • Added a new area of the map as part of Paralake V5 to host training on the live server
  • PLPD division ranks are now stored on the server, allowing for only certain division ranks to start training sessions
  • Added the following Training Scenarios:
    • Patrol
      • Taser
    • Traffic
      • Pursuit
      • Roadspikes
      • Speed Trap
      • Traffic Collision
      • Traffic Stop
    • Tactical Firearms Unit
      • C2 and Flashbang
      • Bomb Disposal
      • Raid
      • Weapons
  • Police Training can now be run more frequently, more quickly and without interrupting roleplay significantly
Police and Dispatcher Changes
  • Improved the radio UI
  • Unit channels are merged into incident channels when assigned to an incident
  • Dispatcher ranks are now visible as the job description
  • Higher ranking dispatchers now have more permissions, such as remarks, warrants and police broadcasts
  • Less officers have keys to the dispatcher office
  • Dispatchers can access the police computer from the dispatcher map
  • Added a "ping" functionality for dispatchers to attract the attention of employees
  • Added a storage chest to the dispatchers office in the form of a locker
  • Added a highlighting to the map to show which type of gear an officer has a equipped
Other Changes
  • Voice whisper mode now gets quieter as you stand further away from the person talking
  • Improved Patient Zero event by changing infected humans to respawn as zombies after dying
  • Fixed various other bugs
  • Added animation for starting vehicle engines
  • Vehicle engines can be turned off when you have a traffic ticket
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Thanks for the update! It's very good for the future of training and dispatch.
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Looks great, Can't wait to try it out.

No problem for helping to test the update along with @LilChicken , @Lucius Husky @SamSN @curak and many others who I can't remember.

With the incident radios, How would cutting out global radio work to try and reduce talk over and mix-up, Would it be possible for it to mute global?
tiny is there more patrol trainer scenario's planned than just tazer training ?? it would be good for patrol to also teach
  • Pursuit
  • Road spikes
  • Traffic Collision's
  • Traffic Stop's
and all of the good patrol training scenario's be locked to rtu and tfu
Bit confused here as I can't really tell if you're joking or just complaining?

Police haven't really had anything that changes the gameplay to give us more of an advantage, to some extent.
He means that there aren't really any focus on updating the criminal/civ part of the server apart from the updated drug system (I think)
Bit confused here as I can't really tell if you're joking or just complaining?

Police haven't really had anything that changes the gameplay to give us more of an advantage, to some extent.
Rules to basically make PD always win
Added pistol scopes back
Changed how explosives work so we cant just kill the van driver.
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Bit confused here as I can't really tell if you're joking or just complaining?

Police haven't really had anything that changes the gameplay to give us more of an advantage, to some extent.
I really want the shit you're smoking to be that delusional for the love of god they got AWP, They got the porsche buff, the rule change so you can't flank which favours cops because they can come back and a shitty transit van and pistol sights back :D:D:D:D
God, if only there was a detailed post explaining all up coming updates and projects that developers are working on.

It would be even better if the post explained which of these updates will have stuff for different play styles.

We have a small team of developers, they cannot work on mutiple things at once easily. This was an update that will actually help the server for everyone as it will mean the player count won’t dip if there is a training session on.
God, if only there was a detailed post explaining all up coming updates and projects that developers are working on.

It would be even better if the post explained which of these updates will have stuff for different play styles.

We have a small team of developers, they cannot work on mutiple things at once easily. This was an update that will actually help the server for everyone as it will mean the player count won’t dip if there is a training session on.
If you try hard enough, any update can be a PD buff. People will never stop complaining.
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