What do you think of perp crashing every 5 minutes?

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United Kingdom
I think most of the community knows that every 5-10 mins perp has been crashing so its not worth doing anything such as growing or buying somewhere to live. What everyone's views on it?
Well obviously, no-one likes a broken server. So, everyones views will be negative towards it but, there's nothing we can do. We just have to sit it out and wait until it's fixed.
Who cares, everyone knows its been crashing the past 2 days and people are still complaining and being surprised that it crashes. Simply don't play until they actually say it is fixed if you are that bothered about your stupid drugs or whatever. Play something else if you are unhappy about it crashing.
I think it's pretty fun that it crashes all the time, creates some great scenes and awesome salty beef or annoyed people in the shoutbox.
I think the server crashes should be expected during the move and test until then people need to A stop being supprised and B be prepared to lose items if they plan on doing anything during the time we are on this temp server