What is your personal least favorite rule you think is dumb?

What is your least favorite rule?

  • 3.4

    Votes: 23 47.9%
  • 2.5

    Votes: 11 22.9%
  • 3.3

    Votes: 15 31.3%
  • 3.23

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • 3.29

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • 3.12

    Votes: 2 4.2%

  • Total voters
3.22 I believe running the red light at the intersection should be a police problem not a Staff problem imo
I understand players being upset about it being enforced. But they'll also be upset when they're in a pursuit and get their car wrecked because of it.

I would love if as many rules could be removed and handled in-game. But sadly too many people cry about things not going their way.

If everyone could chill and not take it as seriously, half the rules could be removed...
I'm just saying bro, if all you want to do is upset people instead of proactively staffing in other positions. It seems like you are out to get people just for the enjoyment of seeing how mad people get.
I completely disagree with the notion that "all I want to do is upset people." Whilst sitting at the intersection, I also took on numerous other open reports. I frequently deal with reports that come in whilst also checking that rules are being followed myself.
You'd be crying in a report if you were fleeing police through intersection and a Chevy C10 ran the red light, causing you to tier your car ($12k), lose your firearm ($20k~), AND red screen, potentially losing your KOS and just ruining the entire situation you were trying to rp.

The rule is very clearly there for a reason, failing to see that reason is brain gap.
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> See's peoples "Least favourite rules"
> Checks their scam records


Checks out.
2.5 because i am an excessively negative person and this should be allowed to be reflected in my portrayal of my character
Enforcing the traffic light at intersection is absolutely ridiculous and i run it all the time but i'm also the one shouting slurs at everyone else doing it when i'm blasting 90 through the intersection. I think it's better that people just get arrested for reckless driving in-game for it though. With these paul blart moderators i've found a solution for the meantime, though.
