What needs to be done in V5?

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United States
So @Collier is basically making the new map at this point, and I wondered, what ideas did you have that we could implement into V5 that you are seeking, and what needs to be done?

Heres some of my suggestions.
  1. Regals Fireescape gotta go.
  2. City Hall could be more versatile and useful.
  3. PD is narrow and small, could be a multi-floor building for more use.
  4. Projex/Slums can be redesigned to not be identical twins separated at birth.
  5. Subs can be improved for the most part to not be so bland.
  6. The highway is just a NASCAR track.
  7. I'm not sure how many have noticed, but the park, ocean, farm, and the bottom right corner of the map are three huge areas that can get so much more content to them.
  8. Roundabout at Intersection. Make it happen.
Amazing, but yes, America has roundabouts.

Agreed, Collier for Dev!

"As of December 2015, there are about 4800 of these modern roundabouts in the United States. "
Ik we have them, but you’re not supposed to advocate for them!
At the start I wasn't sure if I was going to see this project through due to the number of errors I had but decided to soldier on anyway to develope skills in hammer as I wasn't/am not that good at it yet. I am slowly becoming more confident, however, and have fixed a significant majority of the issues I was having to begin with when I decompiled the map.

I will also not be releasing anything without XQ's permission and haven't even asked him for the .vmf file, which I have heard he is very reluctant to give out. I started after being intrigued by people in the shoutbox saying decompiling it was impossible.

That being said, I have made some small changes and would like to continue playing with hammer to see if I can get better at it.

Here's a list of things I would like to get done:
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Wasn't the map pretty much at it's limits for source to handle?
That walkway to the farm from subs park can be done by going under the highway.

Also, city shops can be placed where that little fruit market is to the right of City Hall.
Remove the hedges from that small city park, please?

Can the subs be slightly more interesting do you think?

Jail be like the Evocity jail? Maybe add an elevator?

Also, if you make more subdivisions and neighborhoods, we may be able to make enough houses where permanent properties can become a thing...
It'd be kinda cool to have a more open jail design were other prisoners could interact with each other rather than blindly shouting through walls
  • Agree
Reactions: Max
PD suggestions
-Move supervisor room downstairs to a secluded place so we can't hear people get reprimanded
--Not sure if possible, but maybe making it soundproof instead?
-Make the jails longer and more interactive, maybe a way for prisoners to escape on their own with outside help {I.E someone sneaking in a bobby}
-General offices so officers can talk to each other privately, maybe if people

Subs suggestions
-Number the houses (Like 11 Williams street) for more realism
-More ownable properties with varying interiors to make raids more dynamic
  • Creative
Reactions: Mim
What are you on about retard? There is like over 100 roundabouts in my city.
Make better use of the space in city park.
Right now city park is majorly unused and the only 2 uses it serves is a place to fill water tanks and a potential spawn for the money laundering npc during a bank robbery. Being large and in the central area of the map this is a big waste. I think you could either replace the area all together or add purchasable properties similar to hicktown trailers or wood cabins. This is also conjoined with another unused area, farm. This could be incorporated into changes.