So @Collier is basically making the new map at this point, and I wondered, what ideas did you have that we could implement into V5 that you are seeking, and what needs to be done?
Heres some of my suggestions.
Heres some of my suggestions.
- Regals Fireescape gotta go.
- City Hall could be more versatile and useful.
- PD is narrow and small, could be a multi-floor building for more use.
- Projex/Slums can be redesigned to not be identical twins separated at birth.
- Subs can be improved for the most part to not be so bland.
- The highway is just a NASCAR track.
- I'm not sure how many have noticed, but the park, ocean, farm, and the bottom right corner of the map are three huge areas that can get so much more content to them.
- Roundabout at Intersection. Make it happen.