Where are the devs

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I’m getting sick and tired of people leaving the community because the devs don’t release new content consistently and tbh it’s starting to make the server boring for me aswell and I am thinking of leaving the community for the 2nd time. There aren’t any events either maybe sometimes but that is like 1 hour of events then it’s back to cops and robbers. Please devs DO SOMETHING

Please share your opinions down in the comments:shifty::shifty:
If you don't like it just leave lol. The best way to get them to do something about all these issues is not to force yourself to continue playing, but to leave so they can see that people are unhappy.
Hi Firuz,

Everyone is just a little busy with their lives, over the last few months development has dipped quite significantly. From what I've been told @Fredy will be off university soon, and he can work on a bunch of big (and small updates) for you guys. @Carrot is working on some clothing/models, and @StephenPuffs is also working on some cool stuff too!

Hopefuly updates will begin to become more frequent over the coming months.
does this include lower gun prices by any chance? xdddd
That's epic, but we'd rather have small updates than waiting 2 months on a big update, just release couple of things every now and then that are done already like fixes or new features and everyones happy again :)