Why most people do not RP

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United Kingdom
Your gas station RP was actually pretty nice, I liked the reward system and how you had spaces setup, etc. Keep up the good work!

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I'm planning on making it bigger now, Collier luckily gave me access to more props which motivates me to set it up again. Gonna have a little place where you can get those baskets to put food into n' bring it to the cash register. Also gonna fill the shelves with items as well


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Oi it was me and @Tyla Jai who made the custody suites, some people didn’t seem to like it because it wasn’t at PD. I always try to do interesting RP like setting up the custody suite down at morons where Tyla was the custody sergeant and we had a mini magistrate court and prison cell room.
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Sadly, it has gotten to the point where people don't bother RPing anymore but instead sit inside apartments for 14 hours straight just to get a car which they then only use to escape shootouts and cops. It makes me very upset seeing the server that I enjoyed playing so much 5 years ago turn into the toxic mess it currently is.
You're perfectly right, mate.
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Another issue with this whole idea was the fact that you had a medic stay on standby at a place where people get beaten unconscious. On pen and paper this makes sense, as it ensures the practice of pugilism is being done with minimal risk to human life as possible, however, medics are paid $500 per revive, which means that instead of the medic being outside and about responding to calls of people who are involuntarily incapacitated and ensuring public safety like they're supposed to, the medic is essentially DarkRP money printing at a location where people are being illegally beaten almost to death.
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I can’t believe people are still complaining about no RP. That part of PERPHeads is literally extinct. Before I was CWB I made a thread encouraging awards and recognition and was told that they were talking about something in the admin meeting to promote more roleplay which I can clearly see hasn’t worked out whatsoever based on the continual bitching on the forums (that everyone has done at some point).

I think it’s time for you ACTUAL “roleplayers” to move on to FiveM to serious communities that encourage roleplay over gunplay and can offer things that GMOD just can’t. PERP isn’t what it used to be in 2014-2015 and I’m not one of the people who would just blame senior administration for the problems because I heavily believe the playerbase is a big issue. In the past few years the community was just flooded with SJW-Type players that whine and cry about every little thing. The community has been in a standstill in regards to making people happy with changes because there is no way you’re going to make everybody happy. This is true for development, PD changes (i.e, TFU) etc; people will always find SOMETHING to complain about.

tl:dr - old perp not coming back, crybaby playerbase, want rp? go play RevengeRP on FiveM

@ICEKILLER_99 @Jay @Niko @glacial @DANIEL_
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Weeaboo headquarters
Whats the problem here?
Fight clubs are illegal yes so why in the world would you do it where the cops could easily find out / get to you?
I remember Jordan and I made a fight club back in the day with a cage in the forest and with willing participants knowing that one might die.
And when the cops came, all spectators just dipped and it turned into a chase that both cops and spectators could enjoy, because you know, it was illegal to be there and participate in the fight club.

I see people screaming and crying about RP not being allowed but why should your RP come at the expense of someone else's? A cop has a job to do and it's your problem if you have an issue with them not looking the other way while you are doing something which clearly they (for the sake of what cops are actually supposed to do on the server) interfere with

Deleted member 5920

>Decide I wanna try PERP out after a few weeks of not playing
>Feel like going cop
>Driving along, get rammed by car
>Attempt to pull car over
>Gets out and shoots me
>Ask why
>Leaving raid
>Make report about baiting police after a raid
>Carry on, whatever
>Get 911 call about needing an officer
>Arrive at call
>"Someone tried to raid Parker with a knife and bobbypin"
>Stood over body is 2 men with assault rifles and 10 more of their bootlickers inside
>Cuff men as illegal transporting and don't want to get shot during investigation
>Get shot as soon as cuffs come out
>"We thought we were warranted"
>2 reports still not answered after 25 minutes and 6 staff on who can respond
>Leave cause fuck that.
>Spot myself two weeks later in a montage getting shot whilst stood still

Yeah, RP is dead, server will die. Cya.
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I can’t believe people are still complaining about no RP. That part of PERPHeads is literally extinct. Before I was CWB I made a thread encouraging awards and recognition and was told that they were talking about something in the admin meeting to promote more roleplay which I can clearly see hasn’t worked out whatsoever based on the continual bitching on the forums (that everyone has done at some point).

I think it’s time for you ACTUAL “roleplayers” to move on to FiveM to serious communities that encourage roleplay over gunplay and can offer things that GMOD just can’t. PERP isn’t what it used to be in 2014-2015 and I’m not one of the people who would just blame senior administration for the problems because I heavily believe the playerbase is a big issue. In the past few years the community was just flooded with SJW-Type players that whine and cry about every little thing. The community has been in a standstill in regards to making people happy with changes because there is no way you’re going to make everybody happy. This is true for development, PD changes (i.e, TFU) etc; people will always find SOMETHING to complain about.

tl:dr - old perp not coming back, crybaby playerbase, want rp? go play RevengeRP on FiveM

@ICEKILLER_99 @Jay @Niko @glacial @DANIEL_
i heard the revengerp dev is the same one who coded the cheese touch bot POG
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Miami, Florida
>Decide I wanna try PERP out after a few weeks of not playing
>Feel like going cop
>Driving along, get rammed by car
>Attempt to pull car over
>Gets out and shoots me
>Ask why
>Leaving raid
>Make report about baiting police after a raid
>Carry on, whatever
>Get 911 call about needing an officer
>Arrive at call
>"Someone tried to raid Parker with a knife and bobbypin"
>Stood over body is 2 men with assault rifles and 10 more of their bootlickers inside
>Cuff men as illegal transporting and don't want to get shot during investigation
>Get shot as soon as cuffs come out
>"We thought we were warranted"
>2 reports still not answered after 25 minutes and 6 staff on who can respond
>Leave cause fuck that.
>Spot myself two weeks later in a montage getting shot whilst stood still

Yeah, RP is dead, server will die. Cya.
relatable asf, this happens all to often
they try to find the smallest reason/ cause for killing someone and use it