Your Career Aspirations!

I would like to become a Police Constable, however, I intend to join the Royal Airforce Police first for around 5 years and then move over to civ Police.

If that doesn't go to plan I wouldn't mind being a Paramedic and if that ain't able to work I wouldn't mind being a Royal Navy Machinegunner or at least a role in the Navy which involves that.

I'm so good at basketball I know I'm gonna get a contract for the NBA so see yall see me in the NBA.
Neuropsychologist, currently on my 2nd year out of 5.

It's basically dealing with patients' cognitive alterations resulting from trauma (bullet, hammer to the head...), neurodegenerative diseases or other complications like a stroke. We study a lot of things related to the brain's function like vision, memory, attention, decision making, language.

An example of this was Phineas Gage's case, the one that fascinates me most, where he got impaled by a large metal rod through his brain's frontal lobe. By studying his case, it was possible to find treatments and discoveries such as the fact that the frontal lobe specializes in executive functions like planning and inhibition (e.g. to limit your behavior), which explained why Phineas behaved abnormally after the incident.


That's only the clinical aspect of neuropsychology, but I could also try for a research path. Alternatively I could also work in traumatology, neurology... it's fine for me as long as I work in a hospital.

Knowing in detail how vision and all these other cognitive functions work in detail is truly fascinating for me.
"explained why he acted abnormally"
My man had a pole through his bonce... there was no way he'd come off fine like Hi guys wanna play some fort?....
My 2 Option Dream Jobs Are : RIU and Maritime Army
I've Always loved Tactical operations and heavy weapons, And now im working to Actually do it in Real Life :)


AFM Maritime :

I want to go for a job which is named "Higher police officer", here. It's a school dedicated to becoming a police officer, but once you join the police force you are automatically superior to regular officers and you meet requirements for leadership roles such as armed units.

In addition to all of this you become a police inspector by default.
If the pole had for example only pierced his occipital lobe (specialized in vision) he would most likely go blind while having intact eyes. His personality changed radically and to be honest you'd have to be missing a part of your brain to play FORTNITE