Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

there was just 3 tfu and 3 cops and the tfu was on max
None of them are recruits...

as i said if u want i can keep takeing SS when ever there is +4 of tfu on dute
Not saying it doesn't happen, but pretty sure @Dom_ has a screenshot of 6-7 TFOs on duty at once in an apartment. The limit hasn't changed, the availability has.
None of them are recruits...

Not saying it doesn't happen, but pretty sure @Dom_ has a screenshot of 6-7 TFOs on duty at once in an apartment. The limit hasn't changed, the availability has.
I think a lot of people are getting wound up about the TFU limit as if it has increased, it hasn't - previously 6 was the limit (7 with mayoral policy) and that limit has not changed.

What has changed is that previously it could be 6 fully trained and qualified TFU responding to a shootout, now it is more likely to be only 3 qualified TFU and 3 braindead monkeys with M16s who are more likely to flashbang the entire PD and get everyone killed than actually help out in any meaningful way.
Not saying it doesn't happen, but pretty sure @Dom_ has a screenshot of 6-7 TFOs on duty at once in an apartment. The limit hasn't changed, the availability has.
in the past 6mon the tfu was limited for some people and it was kinda hard to get it now almost everyone have it that mean with single shoot that happened on projex and someone call in radio "shoot fire at projex we need back up" all officers who can be tfu will go gear up and you know that there will be 3 at lest if there is no t2 tfu on dute and that not possible to have no t2 on dute

also today i just notice and you where on dute that any 911 call saying "raid " everyone on radio "can we go on dute and some shit"

so i think to solve the problem lower the max tfu on dute to 4 and with mayor policy the max be 5 since its almost every time there will be +4 tfu ppl can go as tfu
In terms of the Civ side, people have been crying that there's so much TFU. Now every time someone wrote something about that in OOC, I checked the police computer and there was typically no more than 4 TFOs (2 recruits, 2 TFOs) on.
4 TFOs have 800 HP combined, it takes 8 civs to have the same.. sure AS50 can one shot them (most times anyway) but that's only 50k you risk losing for a gun that's been nerfed 6f under and simply isn't a viable gun most of the time. AK-47 somewhat balances out the health issue as it does more damage than 5.56 which is primarily what TFU have, however it just gets to a point where when there's 4 TFOs and 3 recruits and then 4 remis 9 pistol cops on top of that, you at one point either have to reload or simply get overrun because there's so many of them & so few of us.

imo in the most respectful way possible, it's mostly a skill issue, not balance issue.. when we fought 4v20 yesterday and one of us died pretty much instantly (@DB KILLER you suck) it comes down to 3 of us to win vs 16+ cops when we had 0 defenses inside the slums apt we were in

I think the issue are more the long sleeve models as it makes you think from afar that everyone is a TFU now... There's not much distinction between the gear like it used to be.
I can definitely agree on this, first shootout without having seen any of the new cop uniforms I genuinely thought they had removed TFU gear limit...

I feel like some people just cry about anything, sometimes if we lost 5 shootouts and win a single one someone WILL whine in OOC about it, this goes both ways
I think the issue are more the long sleeve models as it makes you think from afar that everyone is a TFU now... There's not much distinction between the gear like it used to be.
The coats look pretty cool, they shouldn’t need to be adjusted just make a clearer distinction between regular cops and TFOs i.e. giving regular cops back the police hat rather than the beanie

On that note can we make the recruit uniform brighter and more distinct so that people can more easily figure out who to stay behind the line of fire of
I think the issue are more the long sleeve models as it makes you think from afar that everyone is a TFU now... There's not much distinction between the gear like it used to be. First time I've joined after the update went live I kept telling people to gear down who weren't even TFU certified at the time...
it's a good concept allowing people to gain ingame TFU experience but it just seems too easy to get
TFU Recruit should require 2 OR’s from TFTO, or TFU Supervisors, and should have a minimum PD playtime of at least 25 hours as well as SENIOR OFFICER RANK.
this seems like a much better approach to me rather than just a 10 question test being the requirement
I didn’t play back then, but I knew you used to get SWAT if you had Premium. Nothing ever happens, I guess… (we have regressed to this point in PERP history because of no rank or playtime restrictions on the RTFO application)
It is when it’s ongoing the entire day with crowds of 5+ sat at the pd spamming the NPC to get their fat fingers on TFO gear
So since this update is there no longer the usual 22 hours with 1 TFU & 3 pistol cops then 2 hours of 6 TFU & 20 pistol cops?

Always used to be 2 hours of impossible raids then the rest of the day, impossible policing
Solo raiding on Low pop , medium pop , high pop is now literally impossible theres gonna always be RTFOs and usually always 1 TFO which just makes it so theres 4 TFOs with heavy armour gonna be able to respond to any kind of shootout not to mention theres still so many other Pistol cops andd REMINGTON COPS with insane sprint speed (330 Velocity) Light Gear TFUs with the same sprint speed as crim??? they literally have armour , flashbangs , c2 and other equipment they are carrying why are they the same sprint speed as us, there has not been a single zerg thats been winning raids 24/7 for the past 1-3 months there has been always more TFUs now there is gonna be even more on different kind of populations
Solo raiding on Low pop , medium pop , high pop is now literally impossible theres gonna always be RTFOs and usually always 1 TFO which just makes it so theres 4 TFOs with heavy armour gonna be able to respond to any kind of shootout not to mention theres still so many other Pistol cops andd REMINGTON COPS with insane sprint speed (330 Velocity) Light Gear TFUs with the same sprint speed as crim??? they literally have armour , flashbangs , c2 and other equipment they are carrying why are they the same sprint speed as us, there has not been a single zerg thats been winning raids 24/7 for the past 1-3 months there has been always more TFUs now there is gonna be even more on different kind of populations
We will limit the amount of TFU depending on player count.
So since this update is there no longer the usual 22 hours with 1 TFU & 3 pistol cops then 2 hours of 6 TFU & 20 pistol cops?

Always used to be 2 hours of impossible raids then the rest of the day, impossible policing
1 TFU & 3 pistol cops along with 1 or 2 players raiding...

A new player who enjoys PVP will join the server and after a couple hours want to raid and get absolutely decimated because as a new player who is new to the weapons system he has to
1. figure out how to open a door
2. not get wallbanged through the door
3. kill the player inside
4. try to kill 20 (for about 60% of the time) cops
5. try not to get countered

i know a lot of new players are cheating but jesus man youre a bit optimistic

also not to mention the 22 hours of 1 tfu & 3 pistol cops has changed since the update...

hence the thread....

hence my response....
there has not been a single zerg thats been winning raids 24/7 for the past 1-3 months there has been always more TFUs now there is gonna be even more on different kind of populations
i thought im just bad bc i come back from long ban didnt know everyone lossing !

but yeh lot of tfu and lot of cops even at low pop its impossible to win
If an officer wants to get experience and knowledge of TFU and the procedures that corelate to being a TFU then they should read the publicly accessible handbook, and or apply to participate in the new training sessions, the whole point of these sessions was to help get potential candidates knowledge of the way TFU operate. The integration of this new updates especially tier 1 has completely disregarded the purpose of these training sessions that themselves were only introduced not close to a month ago, TFU shouldn't be given to any mouth breathing dribbler on the basis of "giving them experience" this experience should be acquired through reading the materials provided to you and practise in a controlled environment, because at the end of the day TFU can make or break any shootout and with the rise of these inexperienced RTFO's will come mistake after mistake that shouldn't be occurring considering TFU have a reputation of being the most qualified and knowledgeable officers. L update
I think the biggest change here isn't necessarily that the limit hasn't changed, we understand that 6/7 has always been the limit HOWEVER, actually getting TFU on duty especially during certain times was like a wild card, you either got 5 TFU or you got none at all and that was the risk reward for criminals.

The main difference now is that literally normal officers can gear in heavy so you HAVE to expect 6/7 TFU every single raid, EVERY. SINGLE. RAID.

Doing a little eco raid in hicktown with a OTS? Good luck with that, here comes the swat van with the goonies inside followed by 4 landrover with TFU in it and then maybe 6/7 pistol cops.


Limit same
TFU not always available
Now every raid is like fighting a Russian tank with a water gun