The Belinsky Family: A Family that has seen the rise, and fall, of every great organisation to ever hold power in both Evocity and Paralake. A family that has witnessed its own rise and fall countless times. However, in the midst of all this rising and falling, one thing remains constant: We are still here...
The Belinsky Family does contain a ranking system, however at most times the ranks have no real effect. Due to the organisation being a 'family' and all the members knowing each other in a friendly personal way the ranks are some what ignored and everyone is treated the same. The ranks will usually only come into effect during times of trouble, such as: When the family is at war.
Godfather: The highest ranking member of the family (sometimes referred to as 'The Don'). It is the Godfather's job to ensure the family runs smoothly - Which includes the signing of alliances/pacts, and also declaring war on other organisations.
Consigliere: The Godfather's right hand man, and a loyal member of the family. The Consigliere's main job is to ensure the protection and safety of the Godfather.
Underboss: It is the Underboss's job to physically maintain the family's stability, this includes: attending to meetings and so representing the family, carrying out family member executions, and advising the Godfather.
Capo: It is the Capo's job to organise the made men. To ensure they are following the family rules, and are well protected.
Enforcer: The Enforcer's job is to ensure the Family's articles are being upheld. When instructed by the Godfather, the Enforcer is responsible for the 'whacking' of problematic Family members.
Made men: Made men are the lowest ranking of the family, they are free to do as they please so long as they follow the family's rules. However, during times of conflict Made men must follow the directives of high ranking family members.
Associates: Associates are not official members of the family (They have not been made). However they are affiliated with the family, and their activities. Associates work for the family by completing jobs, hoping to eventually gain access to the family (become made). Once they are made, they become 'Made Men'
The Belinsky Family, for the most part, operates out of the Industrial District. The Belinsky Family has claimed the following locations as its territory and will raid other organisations/criminals in the areas designated:

This does not mean however, other building outside of this area will not be raided. Belinsky activity will remain most concentrated in these areas.
There are no official guidelines as to what, and what cannot be worn within the Family. All that is asked for is that all members present themselves in a some-what professional manner. This mean unfortunately, no sweater-vests.
Those of higher ranks, such as Capo and upward are expected to wear a form of suit or waistcoat. These clothes can be of any colour.
Current Member Positions:
- Viktor Belinsky
- Jon Goddin
- Arnold Gerkin
- Harold Bloom
- Billy Belinsky
- Reece Davidson
- AyJay Harlem
- Josef Manner [Family Lawyer] [Family Priest]
- Ryan Harris
- Lewis Doman
- Aaron Doman [Construction Manager]
- Michael Boyle
- Brian Husky
- Tyrone Trevon
- Isak Rafn
- Robin Hax
- Harry Barnett
- Tyla Jai
- Jack Noah
- Eddie Rolo
- Cole Rogerson
- Liam Belinsky
- Zoey Lockstus
- Alexander Belinsky
Capo Groups:
A Capo group, is a group of made-men all associated with the same Capo. These made-men will follow orders from their Capo (Unless it is seen to be breaking one of the family's articles). The Capo's themselves will follow orders from the high-ranking members of the family (Such as Underboss, and Godfather).
It is the Capo's job to assist their men, ensuring they all remain alive, and out of danger. If their men have problems, it is their job to report them to their Capo so the issues can be resolved.
Capo groups:
[In development]
Article 1:
In any situation in which the godfather is unavailable. The Underboss(s) is to take full control of the family including the responsibilities of the godfather. Upon the return of the godfather, responsibilities and control are returned.
Article 2:
Unless an order has been given by the godfather, members within the family are under no circumstances allowed to cause harm to other family members. Breaking Article 2 will most likely lead to an imminent visit to the lake.
Article 3:
If an organisation, in any organisation relation status, causes damage to the family they will become a hostile organisation to the family, the organisation should remain within the 'Enemy organisations' subsection of 'Organisation relations' for the rest of it's existence, even if non-aggression pacts are signed.
Article 4:
You must, under no circumstances break the rule of 'Omerta'. Simply, the code of silence. As in: do not cooperate with the police. And release no information of the family's activity to any government official.
"I know nothing, I didn't see anything, I wasn't there, and if I was there, I was asleep"
Article 5:
The act of mugging is strictly prohibited within the family, doing so will, in most cases lead to a visit to the lake. However, during certain situations in which the family is at war the Godfather may allow mugging to take place, during these times only known enemies of the family can be mugged.
Article 6:
In an event in which a Belinsky family member is in need of assistance, choosing to respond is not optional. You must respond to calls of help from family members, this includes arriving armed. In some cases you may be unable to attend, this could be because (but not limited to): You need to protect your produce, or you at that point in time are also running from the police. However, in most cases you must respond.
Article 7:
To reduce injury and death, all Belinskys are required to carry multiple bandages on their person at all times. Failing to follow this article, will clearly result death, via a severe loss of blood.
Sunday Meetings / Mass:

Most Sunday, a family meeting and mass will be held at the Paralake church.
All members who are available at the time should attend, however it is acceptable for those who are preoccupied to not be present - However, keep in mind, those of higher ranks should (on most occasions) be present.
The family meeting will detail the position of the family, and any events that are set to come up, including changes to the family (New members / old members leaving / wars / allies ). The meeting will be hosted by either the Godfather: Viktor Belinksy. Or the Underboos: Harold Bloom. The host of the meeting may also call other members to the stand who have announcements to make. There will also be a section of the meeting in which members of the family will be able to ask questions or discuss their problems with the host.
The family mass service will also run on Sundays, after the family meeting. The priest giving the service shall be Mr Josef Manner. He will preach to the members of the family, from passages of the Peter The Prophet bible. It shall also be Mr Manner's job to conduct funeral services, for those members we have unfortunately lost.
The family mass service will also run on Sundays, after the family meeting. The priest giving the service shall be Mr Josef Manner. He will preach to the members of the family, from passages of the Peter The Prophet bible. It shall also be Mr Manner's job to conduct funeral services, for those members we have unfortunately lost.
Organisation Relations:
We do not protect 'friends of friends'.
Organisations which the family is currently at war with will be marked with '[War]'.
Ally Organisations:
Enemy Organisations:
- The Nexus [War]
- The Greek Empire [Eliminated]
- The Ghetto Brothers [Surrendered]
- The Spartan Warriors [Eliminated]
- White Feather Mafia [Surrendered]
- Hitmen Royale [Eliminated]
- German Mafia [Eliminated]
- The Yakuza [Eliminated]
- Prophets of Paralake [Eliminated]
- The Harper Family [Eliminated]
- The Cacuzza [Eliminated]
- The German Mafia [Eliminated]
- The Cacuzza [Eliminated]
- The Cassos [Eliminated]
- The Stallone Family [Eliminated]
(This thread is purely information based, do not post applications. If you wish to join, seek Belinsky Family members in-game)
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