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  1. Fredy

    Current Server Issues

    As everyone knows, our current server provider has massive issues with DDoS attacks and network stability, which is leading to outages and weird bugs that never used to happen before. We already ordered a new server at a different host, which will be in London so the ping should be very good...
  2. Fredy

    Ban Dispute (Console)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Console How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: Assetto Your Roleplay Name: Nick Ratman Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42749077 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: it...
  3. Fredy

    Blacklist Apology (Pug)

    Punishment Type: Blacklist Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Pug How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months Your Steam Name: Skupid Your Roleplay Name: Frank Fernando Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:490605719 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: i was...
  4. Fredy

    Ban Apology (super_)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Super_ How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days Your Steam Name: Abood123136 Your Roleplay Name: Abood Doe Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:806070560 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: i killed...
  5. Fredy

    Ban Apology (Clarky)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Clarky How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks Your Steam Name: Swifter Your Roleplay Name: Ava Swifter Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171921643 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User...
  6. Fredy

    Update Log 25/12/2023 - Merry Christmas

    Update Log 25/12/2023 Today's update is mostly focused on adding more Christmas items and adding the content for the Christmas presents, but we also have some great news! New Developers I'm very glad to be able to announce that two more developers have joined our team. @peeps will be joining...
  7. Fredy

    Ban Apology (Aquaa)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Aquaa How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month Your Steam Name: DemonAlgorithm Your Roleplay Name: Josh Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:100249311 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: For breaking into PD and...
  8. Fredy

    Update Log 09/10/2023

    Update Log 09/10/2023 Just a small quality of life update brought to you by @Muffin and me: Added /draw command that draws a card from a deck of poker cards Added /die <sides> command that rolls a die with the amount of sides you specify (default 6). So /die 10 rolls a 10 sided die. Added...
  9. Fredy

    New Garry's Mod Server IP:

    Hi everyone! We are testing out a new server host and have changed our IP to Please update your favourites to include the new IP. Joining to the old IP will also give you the option to connect to the new one. As always, you may also use the domain to connect to...
  10. Fredy

    Perpheads 10 Year Anniversary

    Today we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Perpheads. It really is unbelievable to all of us that it has already been 10 years. Not many communities even come close to this age so we are incredibly proud and thankful that we have made it this far. If you want to read about the history of...
  11. Fredy

    April Fool's

    Today, we are pleased to announce Perpheads' legacy beyond Garry's Mod. As many of you are already aware, some of our developers were given access to s&box in mid 2021 and we have been developing in secret since then. We have decided to start with the best part of the Perpheads gamemode: The...
  12. Fredy

    Update Log 21/02/2023

    Some new Variations for familiar Faces Today's update will add a total of 10 entirely new face variations for two models without any variations yet, brought to you by @Jyrgen. These variations are mainly for some of the models that were already being used a lot but had no variations. In the...
  13. Fredy

    Update log - 15/01/2023

    Today's update includes mostly much needed bug fixes but also some cool new features from @Jyrgen and @_Muffin. Two new police barricade models Added ability to refill fire extinguishers at FD for $250 per extinguisher Removed option to adjust items on sale Items on sale now always display...
  14. Fredy

    Update Log - 11/01/2023

    Today's update is the continuation of an update I worked on months ago, attempting to reduce server lag at high player counts. Back then, we added "packs" of drugs rather than having individual items to reduce server load. Unfortunately, this also caused several issues such as them not...
  15. Fredy

    Update Log - 08/01/2023

    Today's update includes a few minor changes, but I also want to take the opportunity to welcome 2 new developers into our development team. @Jyrgen, who already made, and will be making textures and models for us, as well as @It's ANGRY MUFFIN time!!! who will do some Lua coding and who is...
  16. Fredy

    Update Log 10/08/2022 - Lag Fix Attempt 1

    Today's update is aimed at improving the server's performance, specifically the issue of massive lag spikes that would happen roughly every minute if the server is near capacity. We have identified the issue to be related to the server using too much memory and Lua's garbage collector not...
  17. Fredy

    Update Log 05/08/2022

    Image Entities Today's major update is the addition of image entities. These entities allow you to display images from imgur on them, as long as they have been approved by the staff team. This is similar to how TVs were used previously, but unlike TVs there is no limit to how many of these signs...
  18. Fredy

    Update Log - 09/07/22

    Today we bring you another prop update with more props that already existed in the map content or elsewhere that can now be obtained in-game. @Ellie was very helpful and found these props for us. She also defined the mixtures for the new props, so big thanks to her. Apart from that, there are...
  19. Fredy

    Perpheads 9 Year Anniversary

    Today marks the 9th year since we launched Perpheads. It is really quite unbelievable that it has been such a long time and even more surprising that the server is still doing as well as it is. Before we get into some of the early history of Perpheads I want to quickly mention today's small...
  20. Fredy

    Help Needed - Server Browser Retrieval Order

    Hello, Our server was always getting massively disadvantaged by gmod's server browser. I am specifically talking about the order in which the servers are loaded by the server browser. Up until now I did not make much of it and we had the theory that the order the servers were being retrieved in...
  21. Fredy

    Tooter Revival - 09/05/22

    Tooter was broken since roughly a year ago and it was not fixed because it was always too much trouble. I finally had enough time to get it working again and make sure that it will not break in the future anymore. Tooter is safe from now on. While fixing the backend I also noticed that the UI...
  22. Fredy

    Wardrobe Update - 04/05/22

    A month ago we made a poll about what we should develop next. The wardrobe system won that vote and I am very happy to release it in today's update. Here is how it works: When approaching the mirror in Jennifer's you are now greeted with two options, either purchasing new clothes or go to the...
  23. Fredy

    Small Demo Update - 16/04/22

    This is just a very small update that changes the location of recorded demos from the demos folder to the data/phdemos folder. The reason we decided to change the folder is due to the demos folder being backed up by Steam Cloud. This is not exactly great since it forces you to upload large demo...
  24. Fredy

    Mission System Part 1: Linear Tutorial - 09/04/22

    One of the biggest issue that our server faces is attracting new players. While we have an incredibly dedicated player base with many people who have played on our server since years and even people who come back after year long bans, new players often find it very difficult to get started...
  25. Fredy

    FPS Drop Fix - 06/04/2022

    Many users have pointed out in the past that certain areas of the map sometimes cause massive FPS drops. These could be noticed by just entering a certain area of the map, during raiding or even just standing still. Some of the worst areas that were noted were the area around the beach, the...
  26. Fredy

    New Sweaters and April Fool's

    Today's update adds some cool new sweater skins made by @TkToaster and gives the PD some more tools to more effectively raid heavily fortified bases. Here's the full changelog: New Sweaters @TkToaster has graciously made some new sweater skins for us, big thanks to him! Thanks to our system it...
  27. Fredy

    Community Decal Update - 09/02/2022

    A few weeks ago we had a community decal competition where we chose 4 decals that would be included in the game. Since then, a lot of other community members have also submitted some cool decals, some of which we also added today. Today's update also adds the ability to have both a full size...
  28. Fredy

    Stamina Revamp & Demo Update - 04/02/2022

    A few days ago I presented my idea of a revamped stamina system and asked for input. The new system is very similar to the old one, except that regenerating stamina is a lot faster than before. After running out of stamina you can stop jogging and your stamina will start regenerating after 5...
  29. Fredy

    No more pixelated images

    It turns out that we did png images wrong in the gamemode since forver, so while they were a pixelated mess before (especially noticeable on the phone), they will now be rendered in their intended way (starting after the server restart tomorrow). This isn't really enough to warrant an update...
  30. Fredy

    New Stamina System - Input Wanted

    I tried running from spawn to car garage and hated my life because I had to drink 3 water bottles on the way there (probably should not have sprinted across the intersection). This prompted me to possibly rethink the stamina system and make it less annoying overall. Since stamina is somewhat of...