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  1. DRift

    Goodbye for the 100th time.

    Bye, this time I ain't coming back,I ain't gonna give no huge ass story, but long story short, I'm leaving Perp because (and we all know it), it's full of raids all the time, which ruins RP, Everyone on the server is in a gang who wants to rape you all day, and half of the staff team is shit...
  2. DRift

    More props/craftables - Suggestion

    Discussion Post: here Main Idea: Add in more food items that can be crafted, and other craftable props. Full description of the idea: So, as explained within the Discussion thread found above, I was explaining as to why we should add more food items (including their "ingredients) and other...
  3. DRift

    Post your "sex offender shuffle" raps.

    So, if you didn't know, there is a dank rap on the interwebs called the "Sex Offender Shuffle" which can be found here: . This thread is so you can post your rhymes. Or the Rhymes you find around, I don't give a fuck. Go all out fam First names Daniel, Last names Rift Most my friends, call me...
  4. DRift

    Making a return.

    So, as you may have known, around 4 months ago I left PerpHeads, for another server, to become staff. Where it was a good run, and I made some good friends etc. all the boring stuff, after I got up to Head Staff, the server ended up getting shut down due to slowly loosing players/it's rank as a...
  5. DRift

    My official leave and PLPD resignation.

    So after I had made a goodbye post a few weeks back, I then decided to try and come back to the community, which since, hasn't happened for many reasons, one of which being my loss of interest to the server. I would just like to say thanks to @Jordan , @CHADD and @ShadowJoey for giving me the...
  6. DRift

    Sorry Guys...

    Sorry everyone, but after a long time of thinking throughout my leave, I have decided against leaving, I will be back slowly from tonight onwards in an attempt to get back into the game mode. Hopefully it is still somewhat the same and the sweaters are less populated and mingy.
  7. DRift

    Temporary leave.

    Right, as you may have seen, I have been fairly inactive for a while now, or my activity has slowly been dying (like my dreams ;) ). So, it has come to me going inactive for a little while, maybe up to Christmas max I will remain within the forums. I would just like to thank the people who I...
  8. DRift

    Mic wont work.

    When I use my mic on the laptop, it works fine. (has the single mic/audio combo port). However, when I plug it into my desktop (which has 2 ports sound and mic) it says "Line 2" and wont allow me to speak. Does anyone know a fix?
  9. DRift

    Radio presenter/News presenter job or items

    Discussion link: Main idea: Right, so the main idea for these jobs is to add another method of PassiveRPing which appeals to some people. Radio presenter would essentially be like ParalakeFM but, instead of having to use...
  10. DRift

    My introduction.

    Right, so this may seem like a late introduction, and the main reason that is because it is. The reason for this as it gives me some time to know, if I was accepted into the community unlike other communites. So, if you don't know me i'm 17 and I love to play perp, I am currently studying Level...
  11. DRift

    SWAT/Police additions - Suggestion

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: There would be a few more items that can be used by the police and SWAT. Maybe also 1 or 2 for civilians. Full description of the idea: Right, so the suggested items I wish to be added are the tear gas...
  12. DRift

    [SOLVED] Ethernet Issue

    Right, well basically, my Ethernet was working perfect 2 days ago, I'm on a laptop, now, when my Ethernet tries to connect, it says "unidentified network, no internet access" no settings have been changed, drivers are up to date and everything, it is just fucking up. any ideas why?
  13. DRift

    Euro gamer 22nd-25th.

    if anyone is going to eurogamer on the 22nd, can you let me know as I am going there.
  14. DRift


    As of today I am not going to be as active within the server, this is due to me having to go to college and shit. This means that I will only be on the server some weekends possibly, however, I do not wish to retire from the PLPD. I will continue to be active within the forums also.
  15. DRift

    AR on Gooner (Sterling Burns)

    Your steam/in-game name: th3xb0xg4m3r / Daniel Rift His/Her steam/in-game name: Gooner / Sterling Burns His/Her steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43272893 Why should this player be punished?: Right, so it started out with me driving to suburbs and passing the storage to be asked by the user where the drug...
  16. DRift

    Dumbass moment

    So, it started off with me pulling over a male in a vehicle for driving recklessly. After I had pulled him over after he crashed into the back of a car, I searched him finding he had guns, drugs and a remote bomb. So, I take him down to interrogations alongside his friend who has a grenade. So...
  17. DRift

    Drivers Licenses.

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Users have the ability to apply for a drivers license Full description of the idea: So, when the users joins the server at the moment they have $25k which is used for a house to live in, some drugs, pots etc...
  18. DRift

    Best RP moment I ever had.

    So, last night was no doubt one of the funniest RP moments I have ever had. It started with me being the mayor, and as the skin for it is really messed up people kept walking up saying things like "what the fuck is wrong with your face?". This was until Tomas Costello ( @ijokerxo ) came along...
  19. DRift

    29th to the 16th

    From the 29th I will sadly be saying goodbye for a 2 weeks due to going on holiday, I will stay active on the forums however when I can but will sadly not be able to play along side the community. I hope there will be alot of fun without me from them days but i assure i will be on perp until the...
  20. DRift

    Deploy-able speed cameras

    Discussion Link: Main Idea: There would be a new item added to the speed enforcer job which would allow them to catch speeding vehicles at various location, 2 per speed enforcer. Description: When you are a speed...
  21. DRift

    Mayor Election Phone App

    Discusstion Post: Main Idea: Have a new app on the phone for mayor elections Full description of the idea: There would be a new app on the phone such as the monorail one which will allow the user to vote for the mayor when the time...
  22. DRift

    S.W.A.T Rappel

    Topic: S.W.A.T job Short explanation: - Add a rappel for the S.W.A.T team Detailed explanation: Adding in a rappel for the S.W.A.T would be much more useful, rather than the S.W.A.T having to go through the front door and the majority of the time dying, the would be able to attach a rappel to...