Search results

  1. Ash

    Ash's Resignation

    Well, it's came to the time hahah. I've decided to resign from my role as I feel that I'm just taking an Administrator role. I've generally got bored of the gamemode as I'm sure everyone will eventually, unfortunately that time is now for me. Over the last couple of months I grown old of Perp...
  2. Ash

    The Montreal Family- Applications

    When applying to join the Montreal Family, please ensure all questions are answered and that the correct template is used, thank you. OOC Information Steam name: Age: Country: Are you active enough?: Steam ID: IC Information In-Game name: Age: Any cars you have: Are you VIP?: What would you...
  3. Ash

    The Montreal Family

    History (OOC) It all went back to when i first joined an organization named 'The Virtuous', i was found with many other people i had knew a lot. As time went by i ranked up quite quickly gaining Senior Member in the end, with that rank i attempted to help the organization out massively, however...
  4. Ash


    Honestly, @Prepper is probably one of the best roleplayers on the server; he plays brilliant as a police officer or speed enforcement with several detailed /me commands which effect roleplay a lot for others- and generally makes a massive improvement to roleplaying. I want to recommend Prepper...
  5. Ash

    Evocity Times.

    Me back then. Could carry a bit of weapons at the time. Daymon the faggot. Jon, punching people. Couple of old Admins. What's wrong with 3 SWAT vans, right? How SWAT tested their weapons. How cops drive. Classic Government vs Government. Jon sorting out them bad guys...
  6. Ash

    Rules in More Depth- Government Rules

    Government Employee Rules (4.1 - 4.14) As many should know, I made a Guide sometime ago which explained the majority of the rules (1.1-3.26). I didn't get round to doing this one sooner, but have done now. This will be updated if needed. Check the other Rules In Depth Thread with rules 1.1 -...
  7. Ash


    Well in relation to @Chris, i'm starting to do the Newspapers everyday to show what happened throughout the day. Obviously the first couple of ones i make aren't going to be the best but they'll get better eventually. You can view all of them below. This is with the BBC news which others are...
  8. Ash


    After roleplaying today with Ayjay, i see that Ayjay can control a police force really well which consists of several raids and police officers getting demoted. I think that Ayjay's roleplay is funny yet serious at the same time. You can ask anyone today, we have raided like 10 houses, arrested...
  9. Ash

    Rules in More Depth

    Recently, i have noticed some people getting mixed up with a few rules and what you can and not do with them, therefore i have spent my time going through every rule and writing a couple of paragraphs for each one explain it and giving some examples. This is not finished and i will be finishing...
  10. Ash

    The Montreal Family

    History (OOC) It all went back to when i first joined an organization named 'The Virtuous', i was found with many other people i had knew a lot. As time went by i ranked up quite quickly gaining Senior Member in the end, with that rank i attempted to help the organization out massively, however...
  11. Ash

    The Montreal Family Applications

    When applying for a position in 'The Montreal Family' please make sure you answer every question. OOC Information Steam name: Age: Country: Are you active enough?: Steam ID: IC Information In-Game name: Age: Any cars you have: Are you VIP?: What would you bring to this Family?: Why should we...
  12. Ash

    How to make a successful report

    Reporting a rule breaker Many people make reports everyday, however only about 30% of reports are done correctly. When you make a report this helps us out a lot, however many reports are pathetic and does not give us a view of the situation at all. This guide is going to show how to make a...
  13. Ash

    Pandora Security

    Interested in ordering our services? Click here to fill a form out!! (Article 1) What do we do? Pandora Security is a safe secure and reliable security company. We offer many different types of protection like; Private escorts; VIP protection; Base protection and many more- We also offer...
  14. Ash

    Pandora Security Applications

    (Article 1) What do we do? Pandora Security is a safe secure and reliable security company. We offer many different types of protection like; Private escorts; VIP protection; Base protection and many more- We also offer lawyers. All of this comes to a small and little price, all under $100k...
  15. Ash

    The Belinsky Family Applications

    Please copy and paste this format anything that has an ' * ' next to the question must be answered. OOC name*: IC name*: Age*: Firearm Level*: Current Bank Funds: Vehicle: In-game play time*: Which Belinsky Family members do you currently know? if so who and to what extent*: Here is an...
  16. Ash

    Paralake NPC's

    THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS This is a guide to help you understand what the NPC's do and where they are located. The Videos what are used were made by Leyer32. Police Officer / Speed Enforcement / S.W.A.T / Lieutenant The police NPC is directly opposite the City Hall, here you can become a...
  17. Ash

    World Cup 2014 Winner?

    Who do you think will win the world cup 2014? If you think i missed one, i reached the max poll limit. Sorry.
  18. Ash

    Internet Problems

    Recently me and Liam have been having some internet problems so we might be inactive for a few more says but we could be back today. If you're wondering im writing this from my phone.
  19. Ash

    [Ban Request] [CS][NS] PureGamerrXD

    Your Steam/In-game Name: horsey2000 Jennifer Rose His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [CS][NS] PureGamerrXD James Mathers His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:70614588 Reason: I noticed that the white transit (Robin Sens) was parked by the wall where there was no parking spaces. I read the Expire date like...
  20. Ash

    Selling a huge pack.

    You do not have to buy all, you can buy certain things of it by pming me. In-game I have a lot of guns and not a lot of money so I'm selling this huge pack: Green: Good condition. Amber: Okay condition. Red: Terrible condition. "-" Means how many bullets in the gun/mag/ammo...
  21. Ash


    I need to get a demo for a ban request, but when i get the demo and play it in my Garry's Mod its really laggy and cannot understand whats happening. Is it just me because if it is its okay.
  22. Ash

    Ban Request for [PH] Max

    Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH]Max - Sophia Wolf His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [PH] Max His/Her SteamID: I cannot get it at the moment because he's not on the server. Reason: RDM as mayor. I was mayor driving in my car with my limo behind me and my as in it as I drove past the lake houses as...
  23. Ash

    Is this true?

    I was mayor driving in my car with my limo behind me and my as in it as I drove past the lake houses as "Sophia Wolf" the admin max shot 4-5 shots at my car killed me and my as then after I died I put a report not knowing he was a admin. He then came to me and said 'I'm allowed to kill you' I...
  24. Ash

    Creepy as hell! Watch that it is creepy, the middle one (3rd one along) Is the scariest watch her face.
  25. Ash

    Ban Request for DoItForTheLawls

    [b]Your Steam/In-game Name: Dmitri Survak STEAM_0:1:24961302 [b]His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Boobby Doe / DoItForTheLawls [b]His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61227807 [b]Reason: For punching the mayor for no reason during a bank robbery, spamming the chat and meta and failrping by running into the bank...
  26. Ash


    When I play back a video its very laggy, and i cant tell whats going on..... Also im not sure you can tell whats happening in it, i have saw posts like record it with fraps but its to laggy.
  27. Ash


    Hello my in game name is Dmitri Survak and I like to be police/swat and I am currently making tutorials for newbies. I have probably met most of you already.
  28. Ash

    Just asking

    I was thinking of doing tutorials for new people like: How to grow, How to mug someone. And stuff like that so people can just come on here and check it out. Is that allowed? If so where would i post it?