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  1. StephenPuffs

    2020-07-05 PH 7th Anniversary / Change Log

    HAPPY 7th ANNIVERSARY PERPHEADS! Let me start off by saying thank you all for helping make the community that we are today, without your support we wouldn't be where we are! I personally cannot believe it has already been 7 years since PH officially launched, it feels like it was...
  2. StephenPuffs

    23-11-2016 Update log

    So not a huge change log this time, but some useful things included. Enjoy! If you have had issues with the "reliable buffer overflow" disconnect, it was likely due to you having too many drugs in your storage. While we strongly suggest you sell them before you have several thousand as it...
  3. StephenPuffs

    04-11-2016 Small update log

    So as someone thankfully pointed out early on in the day, I messed up with the Luger crafting mixture so they could be crafted from a single grip. We looked into it and only 7 total were made until I made it impossible to craft more. Instead of doing anything regarding refunds or removing...
  4. StephenPuffs

    03-11-2016 Update log

    Well not much was changed other than some more guns being added this time. Maybe a fix here or there, but mostly new guns. "What new guns?" I hear you ask. REVOLVERS!!! .357 magnums .44 magnums .500 magnum SHOTGUNS!!! PISTOLS!!! SUBMACHINE GUNS!!! Coming Soon...
  5. StephenPuffs

    02-11-2016 Queue Server

    First thing to note, Halloween will only remain for one more day. As many of you are aware, joining the server when it is peak time it can be very difficult, if not impossible for hours. So we have made a way to join to the server in a proper order so you will actually have a chance to do so...
  6. StephenPuffs

    PerpHeads HACKED???!

    Updated 27/9 As many of you already know, several accounts were taken over and used maliciously on the 24th of September. We have a very clear idea as to who is responsible for this attack. I will not be giving out any names however. One main thing to note is that our database was in no way...
  7. StephenPuffs

    24-08-2016 Update log

    Here's one of the updates you've all been looking for! FPS boost! Overall your FPS should about double* it seems in most cases. You can access this by pressing F1 -> Options -> *Depends on your own personal hardware and what else you may have running Granted you could use this command...
  8. StephenPuffs

    15-08-2016 Update log

    Some of you may be aware that since release we have been using the Evolve Admin Mod since our initial release. While it has sufficed, it was less than ideal in a number of ways it operated both front end and back end. So we have created a whole new admin system which should hopefully allow our...
  9. StephenPuffs

    03-08-2016 Update log

    Hopefully this update addresses some crashing people had while loading car dealer or any other car related window. This also eliminates the annoying audio while it loads all the car models. Overall better looking GUI skin which makes EVERYTHING better (more colors potentially on the way)...
  10. StephenPuffs

    Weapon Update Now Live

    As I'm sure almost everyone is aware by now, the weapon update is now live. Yes, there were some bugs and stuff, but for how massive this update was and all the things that could go wrong, I would personally say it went actually very well. Some things reported to me are a bit mysterious still...
  11. StephenPuffs

    Weapon Update Announcement

    Ok so first off let me say, thank you all for being patient about letting this update take its time. It has been an adventure for all of us trying to get it to work in every way: from first person models, to third person models, to items dropped, to inventory displays. Source Engine wasn't...
  12. StephenPuffs

    Pistol Fire Rate

    Right now you are able to fire as fast in semiautomatic as you can in fully automatic or burst fire for the guns that allow it. Which for some guns such as the MAC-11 means (approximately) 1000+ rounds per minute (>15 rounds a second) which clearly you can't realistically click that fast but...
  13. StephenPuffs

    Future Update: Weapons

    So a number of you at this point may have seen a few pictures in shoutbox posted either by @Xquality or @Fredy regarding weapons, however these pictures haven't fully shown off what we are looking to do. We are trying to set up the weapons in such a fashion that they are modified from the...
  14. StephenPuffs

    28-01-2016 Weapon update

    Some weapon sights adjusted / improved Weapon recoil reduced / manageable Ability to jog while aiming (Decreases the accuracy a lot but should make shooting feel better) Added realistic bullet drop Bullet penetration effects improved Gun sounds now scale properly with distance (less chance to be...
  15. StephenPuffs

    11-01-2016 Update log

    Some of you may have seen the teaser video @Fredy posted a few days ago of a new and upcoming phone app. Its name is Tooter, which is basically a Twitter style clone. When you open your phone you should see two new images for phone apps, weather and Tooter. Upon opening Tooter you will be...
  16. StephenPuffs

    Friendly / Accidental Fire (guns)

    Friendly Fire As some of you may be aware, police, secret service, and other government employees can not injure the mayor by shooting him/her. While this is mostly in place to prevent people from using their job to obtain a free firearm to accomplish this with, it occurs to me that this also...
  17. StephenPuffs

    13-11-2015 Update log

    Some of you probably already noticed some of the changes that were added yesterday. Well considering I didn't know exactly when we might roll it out I didn't make an update log but here we go as there are some new changes for today as well. Organization Update! Now you can organize your...
  18. StephenPuffs

    Ammo Types

    I should preface this by saying, no matter which way the vote goes this is on the back burner and wouldn't be changed soon. When we first started PH we decided that we would keep it simple originally, but as any long term member would attest to PH has come a long way from where it began. So we...
  19. StephenPuffs

    Happy Halloween!

    Though I'm not sure what there's to be happy about. Humanity is on the verge of collapse, zombies are starting to infest our cities, Paralake included! Stock up on your guns, ammo, grenades, any type of firearm you can get your hands on, it's not safe out there! If you're not careful you...
  20. StephenPuffs

    Math question

    Without using a calculator, math aid, help from another person, etc. Answer the question in the poll. Do not post answer in comments, replies, or anywhere else clearly visible.
  21. StephenPuffs

    01-10-2015 Update log

    The update everyone has been asking for, for the longest time! Updated storage! Now you can find any item you may have never seen since that one time you had it out but then had returned to you. Enjoy it! Features include: Items are sorted by category type, then alphabetical by item name...
  22. StephenPuffs

    13-09-2015 Update log

    Smallish update that has some big changes involved but nothing that radically changes the entire gamemode. I will underline the biggest change in my opinion that will take some getting used to. Big drugs if lost in a server crash will now restore large pots instead of 5 small pots Courier job...
  23. StephenPuffs

    OOC/IC Separation

    I don't have the details of how this would be laid out right now, but anyways I have a new poll. Would you be in favor of having the OOC messages appear in a different place than the IC messages? This would help eliminate the occasional spam of OOC messages which make IC chat hard to keep...
  24. StephenPuffs

    28-08-2015 Update log

    GOOD MORNING PARALAKE CITIZENS! Ok first off let me start by saying the largest feature of this update will be released for testing by a select few as we are looking at ways to improve it before allowing others. So let's hop to it shall we? Police dispatcher!!! They will have the dedicated...
  25. StephenPuffs

    15-08-2015 Update log

    I suppose I better make this now, was too tired to type it all up last night. Anyways... This update is courtesy of several members of the community who have suggested ideas on our forums, so thank you to everyone who has. So in no particular order, here they are. @Ultimate With his stacking...
  26. StephenPuffs

    J&M / Parker gates

    If Paralake City were to have another version released should the gates at J&M /Parker be removed? The booth would remain for those wishing to be security guards for the two plants, but the gates would be gone. Do not vote based on any kind of bias if you grow or do other illegal activity all...
  27. StephenPuffs

    25-07-2015 Update log

    Alright well some of you might've seen on my profile page here on the forums that I took a bit of a hiatus from working on things for the server as it's felt nonstop and it was effecting other areas of my life. However before then I did do a few more things that I am going to release for this...
  28. StephenPuffs

    11-07-2015 Update log

    Whoo-hoo it's that time again, hope you're ready for some changes! Some may prove popular, other ones not so much but it is what it is. Only a few of them may I revert depending on the results of what happens or the level of abuse. VEHICLES Disabling a vehicle no longer immediately ejects...
  29. StephenPuffs

    06-06-2015 / 07-06-2015 Update

    06-06-2015 All cars have officially been finished so the balancing should be all set!!! I may post the full table of vehicles and their respective speeds at some point but for now just know it more or less is the amount of money spent on the car for initial purchase and upgrades that effects...
  30. StephenPuffs

    26-02-2015 Small Update

    Quick update to fix a few problems as well as a couple changes, nothing major but may be one of the most helpful. Fixed You can leave organizations again (left some debugging code, oops) (Thanks to all who reported this on bug tracker and elsewhere) Magic mushrooms can be picked by all police...