Yea if someone could simply say if this is against the rules or allowed it'd be nice. Its fucking aids and no one other than defenders like it. *Applies to Slums 1,3 and Projex 1,3*
From my POV it is kind of dodgy, two wooden boards and ONE has to be frozen to work with it.
I would personally say nah as this transcript from 3.9
[Snip] Props must be placed realistically; for the placement of a prop to be deemed realistic, it must demonstrate that it can remain in its position without being frozen through the use of a Physics Gun [Snip]
since I have an opinion of my own I will voice it. This wooden barricade with the support of the metal fence is like me having a plastered wall, you can shoot through it but it limits visibility. Defenders need some form of variation other than the standard concrete barrier.