Crazy shit that happened at your school

In year 10, our year 10 ‘Asian’ group had beef with the rest of year 9, the year below, for a week straight, the Asian guys carried machetes and hammers in their bags until they were searched including lockers in which multiple weapons were found, coke and weed included.

When I was in year 7 in art class, some year 11 was revising and got asked to leave, he stood up punched the teacher and stuff.
I mean yeah, if it's vodka and you're planning on getting drunk and shit, yes

It was a school for kids around the age of like.. 13-16
Well here is a list
-The teacher was in a fight with a student, the teacher ended up getting knocked out and permanent brain damage (still works at our school though)
-A guy in my class called Nicolai broke numerous glass doors
-Same guy Nicolai vaped into the fire sprinkler setting it off. Basically, the whole fire station came and school was called off. (He was never caught)
-The same guy again Nicolai decided to smash a window in 7th grade causing him to cut his hand really badly.
-Me and my friend Thomas decided it would be a good idea to push one of the lockers down (7foot lockers made of heavy steel 4x4). Little did we know all of the lockers were welded together (About 15 of them). All of the lockers fell in a domino effect almost killing Nicolai. (lol)
What's wrong with you people

The worst thing that happened at my school was a classmate fell off the wall bars and broke his back during gym class
What the fuck is wrong with people's schools? Worst I've seen is people putting Vaseline on door handles and getting into heated arguments.
All the posh boys be acting all surprised at typical school stuff smh.

Had stuff like bomb threats from hijacked emails last year meaning we had to stand in the snow for almost an hour until it was confirmed a "hoax". Kids jumping into train tracks, one time some kid tried to save his bike which fell in and was inches away from getting hit.

Plenty of fights happened, I even got my gob smacked when I was in year 7 for closing the train door on some year 11 and causing him and his mate to almost miss the train ahah.

I also left some copper sulfate crystals on the bunsen too long during chemistry causing sulfuric acid to start spitting out the dish but luckily nobody got hurt.

Secondary school was probably the most fun really.