Developers and "Staffing"

@Creepis I am pretty sure he only asked for a little respect. I don't think he told you to like it tbh parts of this update was asked for, internal storage, crafting queue... and the issues brought up as, "had to look at the table while crafting" has been fixed.
Give honorary people physgun access and Let us sort out dickheads. Seriously, I Don't care if you Don't think I shouldn't have it, make me hanarary Or something then just so that the people Who did something good for the server help it, Because the staff team is literally a fuckfest of dead people, they're almost as dead as fake dead @How do i quickscope
Enforcing rules is for staff, not honorary players or development. If the server needs to be fixed, basic policies and rights to user groups would be a brilliant start. Ex-staff or not, if I'm ever physgunned and told off for breaking rules by an "honorary" I'm shooting them between the eyes,