[Enforcer Application] Sgt.James

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xQuality's Basement
Sgt.James/James Jefferson's Server Enforcer Application


STEAM NAME: Sgt.James [Steam Profile]

IN-GAME NAME: James Jefferson

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:30089891

AGE: I'm 18 years old. (10/12/1997)

COUNTRY: Born in Portugal, but been living in Germany for the past 11-12 years.



I joined this Community back in 2013 when Evo City was still being used. I role-played as James Belinsky who really didn't know what he was doing and what he was supposed to do. After a short amount of time being on the Server, I was banned by @Xquality for violating the Server Rules (more information down below). After learning from my mistakes and returning to the Community I found myself in S-Hooden (Very old Organization), who were kind enough to show me how keep myself out of trouble and overall being friendly in showing me around.

After a couple of weeks being part of the Community, I eventually changed my name to James Shepherd and that's when I started helping new players and getting them started properly to avoid them from making the same mistakes I've made. I then applied to be a Server Enforcer to show my dedication to this Community which was acknowledged by the Senior Administration (Consisting of @Bolli and @Menta back then).

Couple of weeks after being successfully accepted into the Staff Team I made my Moderator application. After it being accepted, I spend day and night responding to reports, sorting out ban requests and appeals. I really enjoyed doing my work which once again, was acknowledged by the Senior Administration (Consisting of @Bolli , @Menta and @Johnsontucker back then). It didn't took me long until I was promoted to Administrator. With that in mind, it also became my duty to help new Staff members and give them feedback on how they could improve.

After one year of service I decided to resign from my position as a Server Administrator, due to several issues within the Staff Team. Still till this day I regret making that choice and think I could of have it resolved in a different manner. Then I became inactive for 3-4 months due to personal IRL problems which I had to resolve. I then came back to the Community as James Jefferson, impressed to see how the Community has improved in such a small period of time is really fascinating. I eventually decided to resume my duties as a Staff Member and made a Enforcer Application, but unfortunately I was not active enough and my application was denied.

And here we are, me, applying to become a Server Enforcer again.

Why I want to become an Enforcer

Ever since my last Enforcer application was denied, I made it to my objective to improve my overall activity within the Community, and that with success. I also believe that I've improved a lot and feel that I am more then capable to Enforce the Server Rules on a daily basis. While the Community has developed in a fantastic way, there are unfortunately still members who think, they could ruin someone's experience to their liking, and while I know for fact that the current Staff Team is doing everything possible to enhance everyone's experience, there are still people violating the rules on a daily basis. Also at times where no Staff Member is available, usually around 1-4 am (GMT +1). With my excellent Rule and Law knowledge I think I would make a great addition to the Team that aims to improve your experience on the Server.

Key Qualities

Here are some key skills that I think are important for any Staff position and that define me.

  • Professionalism
  • Calm, polite and mature
  • Extreme Dedication
  • Excellent understanding of both Rules & Laws and the ability of interpreting them
  • Capable of remaining Neutral in situations
  • Ex-Staff/Previous experience
As I play on the Server on a daily basis, it is very important to me, to always remain polite and neutral to any situation that may involve someone violating the server rules, acting professional and giving out advice to prevent further rule infringements.

Involvement within the Community

As a member of the ranked Police Structure, and as a Lieutenant it is important to display an active presence within the Forums and give advice to anyone who needs it. Being part of a big change like the white listed Police Department is a real honor to me.

As mention before already, it is important for any Community Member to report anyone who is in violation of the Server Rules, I've contributed to that by using "/report" when such member is in violation of the rules, in addition to that, I also post Action Requests when situations cannot be dealt with in-game and require evidence to be dealt with.

Here is a small list of ARs I've done a couple of weeks ago:

Here is another small list of Action Requests/Ban Appeals and Warning Disputes where I gave my feedback:
Small list but only contains feedback given within only one week.

I've also got several recommendations the past couple of weeks/months:

My Record

As a ex-staff and a respected member, it is important for me to keep a clean record.

List of Warning(s)

List of Ban(s)

As you can see I only have 1 ban which was issued back in 2013. More information about the ban can be found down below.


My activity has improved a lot ever since my last enforcer application was denied due to insufficient activity on the TeamSpeak and Help chat. I've also received a lot of positive feedback from several Community Members due to my increased activity, which I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart, it really means a lot to me. As that wasn't enough, I'm always looking for ways to improve my activity and involvement within the Community.


As mentioned above I wanted give a short background to my ban that was issued back in 2013, or at least attempt to do so.

The situation started of when I saw one of my Organization members being arrested by the Police (in this case @Xquality), in attempt to free him I started punching the Officer in attempt to knock him out, and save my friend. As you can see it didn't quite go the way I wanted, and whatever I did after resulted in the ban. And that is all I remember... Regardless, I do appreciate for @Xquality dealing with it in a professional manner.


First of all, I would like to thank everyone who took their time to read this wall of text, and hope I was able to give you an insight as to how serious I am about trying to be part of the Staff Team again. Furthermore, I would like to thank anyone in advance for the feedback that you may give me, whether it be positive or negative.

With kind regards,
Sgt.James aka. James Jefferson

Big Thanks to @Fredy , @StephenPuffs , @Xquality and every single member of the Staff Team for your great service to this wonderful Community.
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Plus support, refers me as "fuckin' Tom" and knows his laws and rules very well. He also has honorary rank which is sort of like being an Enforcer already but without the glowy physgun.

He's also an extremely good roleplayer and a potential role-model to all within the PLPD. Take note of the amount of effort put into the post.
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Berlin, Germany

You have been very actively helping people both IC and OOC, including myself. In addition to that, you have shown extensive knowledge of Paralake laws and server rules. Your roleplay has been great from what I have seen, and you make a great police officer too. I support this 100%. I wish you the best of luck.
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South Wales, United Kingdom
Very well written enforcer application and a brilliant member of the community with a excellent knowledge of the community rules and laws.

James is always the best in terms of role-play a brilliant Lieutenant and i really think he deserves the role of enforcer.
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Edinburgh, Scotland
I have seen you around, and even rp'ed cop with you, and by those times and the many other times I have seen you, you have a very wide knowledge of the rules, and I haven't seen you break any. Great Lieutenant also, and as he was Senior-Admin before, I was not around then but by what i have been told he was a good staff member, and hopefully can resume being a good staff member.



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Hi James ,
I have to say , this is a very well structured application you have put together here.
Ive seen you around paralake a lot and I alway's see you helping people in Help chat along with OOC Chat.
My final opinion to your enforcer application is
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Back in 2014 when I was an admin I really enjoyed working with James. He was not afraid on putting his opinions on situations or reports in admin chat which helped the other staff members a lot. Discussing reports/AR's etc with other people are always good since you can see it from other perspectives. He knows the rules, was a really good administrator and is clearly capable of holding a staff position again. A big fat +Support from me. Good luck!

Even though he got angry when I did too many reports ;)
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double mini roundabout
I've seen James around numerous times usually when I'm in admin sits and he's a brilliant candidate to become a staff member. He has extremely great rule knowledge and genuinely takes his job very seriously.
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James is a highly cohesive member of the community that has served as a staff member before. I play with him very frequently and I can say without any doubt that he is an exceptional role-player. As well as this, whenever I handle reports that he is associated with he is calm and respectful, and demonstrates a great understanding of the rules. James has also shown his dedication to the community through activity on the forum and teamspeak, as well as holding and deserving such a high whitelisted role in the PLPD.
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United States of America
Fully endorse James. His role-play is exceptional, he is very active, he is fluent within the rules and laws, and he presents himself sharply and professionally. James is an outstanding candidate for becoming an Enforcer and I believe that he is someone that would demonstrate extensive administrative skills as he has in the past.
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One of the very few people I'd make a staff member on the spot.
Extremely polite, professional and likable.
You've got my support for sure.
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Here we go then, time to add my thoughts not that anyone cares.

I think this application is an obvious + Support.

Introduction to SGT James

Some of you may be asking who @Sgt.James even is? I first met James back in 2014 in Evocity when he was a staff member (I think he was an Enforcer at the time) he seemed like a friendly character, At the start of the year we had the release of Paralake V1 and this is when I remember James the most. I remember him as an Administrator and probably one of the best and most trusted on the team. @Bolli and James worked very closely together and I remember Bolli would often ask James to do things for him.


Being an ex Administrator I know that James has an extensive knowledge of the rules to a point I know he will be fully able to enforce them on the server, James in the past would often help other staff members in times of need when they needed advice about certain rules. he was always happy to help and would always go out of his way.

Role Play

James has outstanding role play especially when playing as a police officer, he is a role model to other players which often look up to him and try to learn from him. he always is fun to play with and will try to include everyone in his situations. I could add that James actually tried to do what @Jordan has done in adding the ranks to the police department, unfortunately at the time I guess the server just wasn't ready for a commitment like that just yet.


James being a Lieutenant within the Paralake Police Department obviously would not be at that rank without knowing the laws. He will often patrol with other officers passing on his knowledge to the other officers. I know for a fact that he knows the laws in and out.


From what I have seen whenever I am online is that James is always on too, he has improved greatly with his activity and obviously is putting dedication into the community, I see a lot of potential from him and know that if he is given this role he will only improve.


James could probably be a tad more active on the forums but that isn't really a requirement for non Enforcers, I know that if he was accepted he would do all the required things on the forums at all times.


I would love seeing James back on the team as I feel he is someone staff members and community members alike can place their trust into him, he is an outstanding member of this community and will only continue to do great things. I wish him all the best and hope Bollers brings him back.
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United States
I've seen @Sgt.James ingame he's always very helpful to new players and I've also seen him in sits (a few of mine) he's great with talking the situations over and addressing it appropriately. He definitely deserves the position, good luck man!
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I will definitely be supporting this application for many reasons.

Let's start off by saying this is one of the best applications format wise I've seen so far.

James is a very dedicated person in game and a former member of the staff team. His roleplay is impeccable and a very loyal member of the community. He always roleplays to a high standered and is always careful about his actions; I know this when he was a medic and I was a police officer and he refused to even get in my SWAT van incase they had m82s because we needed to identify some shooters, which means he is not even going to risk putting his life in danger by the slightest bit which obviously means he's obeying the rules. He is a very active member of the community and I always see him in game working for the government. I think he would be a great addition back to the staff team again and I can't think of one negative thing to say about him.

A huge +Support from me.

Good luck!
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xQuality's Basement
As some of you may have noticed already, my activity has decreased a little the past 1-2 days...

And I would like to apologize for that, reason as to why my activity has decreased, is because me, @Chris, @Imperial Watch and many other Community members started playing ArmA 3. And since I have to set up everything (Mods, Mission and other script related stuff) it takes some time.... luckily I made some great progress and most of it should be done today.

As for the application itself, I still want to become an Enforcer, thus meaning that my activity should increase the next couple of days.


P.s. Thanks a lot for the feedback you have been giving on my application! I really appreciate it!
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United Kingdom
I feel that James is an excellent candidate for enforcer, he is calm and knows how to handle a sit with ease. He's confident and his rule knowledge is on point. I see him helping out as much as possible and creating lots of reports, actions requests and his conduct within the community is good.
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