Freedor's App

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Salisbury, Rhodesia
STEAM NAME: Freedor21

IN-GAME NAME: Tony Ryers

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:58219050

AGE: 16

COUNTRY: United States

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE AN ENFORCER: Hello, I'm Freedor21. I've been playing on the server since 2014 and have been playing ever since, even when I lose interest I always find myself coming back at one point or another. I want to become an enforcer because perpheads has a special place in my heart. Every day I used to log on with my friend orange (no forums account rip) and we would play for hours, usually as cop. I remember vividly how we would sometimes base and get into these epic battles between raiders or cops, and sometimes even both. I remember how we based this one time we based in Slums and the cops caught wind that we were growing and raided us. Our neighbors below us helped defend against them, and in the end attempted to raid us as well. Me and my friend killed them, took the guns, and just went to the coffee shop to talk about what just happened. It's memories like that that keep bringing me back. Because this server has done so much for me for so long, I feel almost obligated to help give back the best way I can, which is being a staff member. I recently started playing again in April as crim, then I started playing as cop, and racked up positive OR's and compliments from both staff members, veteran players, and staff members both IC and OOC. When I look at the server and I see the new people joining, I see myself that one day in 2014 with my friend and how I was just mesmerised by how different this server was compared to the other "major" RP servers. Because of this, I regularly go out of my way to help as many people as possible in any way I can.

I am an extremely active user and I believe I have demonstrated my knowledge of the rules and the mechanics of the server enough to the point where I am able to effectively enforce them. I am willing to accept criticism from other administrators and players to not only develop myself as a an enforcer, but as a player in general. I understand that there will be times that will be difficult, and that this application will undergo extreme scrutiny by most of the community, but that is another reason why i'm making this apllication. I know I'm not the most well liked person on the server, and I hope by writing this application enough people will comment where I can change myself for the better and help the community as well.

I have a lot of experience being a staff member. I was a superadmin for 2 years on a sandebox server called Awesome Land which would still be my favorite server if it was still up. If anyone here remembers Cosmic Gaming, I was an administrator for a short time before it shut down, and I was an administrator on several other smaller servers that unfortunately shut down. While I feel confident in my experience, I feel there is a lot to learn from being a part of the staff team on Perpheads. Joining the staff team would teach me valuable skills that I could implement in other areas of life off gmod (who here has one of those wtf). Thanks to everybody who actually took time to fully read this full application, especially to those who don't exactly percieve me as the best candidate for whatever reason you have.

ARE YOU ACTIVE ON THE TEAMSPEAK: Slowly becoming more active

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY: I know I have a bad record when it comes to the rules, but since my last major ban was in 2017 and any warnings since then are for minor things that have barely affected a person's experience. We all make mistakes and I hope mine can be looked over.



In order for your application to be considered you must meet the following requirements:

Your time played on the server must be at least one week. Y

No warnings within the last month or bans within the last 3 months, this includes both the forums and the server. Y

You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them. Y

You must have access to and use a microphone. Y

You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server. Y-ish, getting more active
Reaction score
United Kingdom
-Support I constantly hear you crying or bitching about people doing things you consider done wrongly or in a rule breaking way that really aren't, because of this I don't think you know the rules and what they mean to the point where you could correctly enforce them.

Also your MAJOR ban might have been 2017, but your last ACTUAL ban was 3 months ago, ur last warning 2, and I don't think you do enough other than just driving around as cop to actually have had a chance to break any major rules.


Communication Banned
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means u have a bad rep in this neighborhood homie


Professional Stripper
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Full time virtual cop. I wouldnt be comfortable with you dealing with situations you don't experience and enforce rules that you haven't had to previously deal with. Also, I had to tell you the same thing 3 times before you finally understood what I said. Murica
Reaction score
Salisbury, Rhodesia
@Samsterminator I don't think I complain that much in OOC, though I admit there have been times where I was a bit upset and taken it into OOC when I shouldn't of. I don't see where you can get the impression that I don't know the rules based off of what I say in OOC and if you can demonstrate it that would help.
While my last ban was in April, it was a very minor ban and I admit my mistake, and I hope you can look that over. And yes, while I do play cop a lot, it's what I like to do, it's what I like to play as on the server and I can't see a downside to that, just like people play mainly crim. If you've noticed, I've spent the past 3-4 days just setting up a hotdog stand at PD and doing passive RP. Also, there definently is potential to break major rules as cop, that job doesn't give any exceptions. Thanks for your feedback.
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Salisbury, Rhodesia
I'm not sure what you mean? I like to play as cop just as you like to play as crim. I spent the past 3-4 days doing nothing but passive RP taking a brake from cop stuff. If you could elaborate on what you mean when you say "I had to tell you the same thing 3 times before you finally understood what I said" I'd appreciate that. Thanks for your feedback too.
Reaction score
Salisbury, Rhodesia
-Again, if you can show me how, I'd appreciate that
-You mean when I raise my voice at people? I don't get "angry" per se in the game, although I do get a little annoyed at times
-That is true, but that's a personal opinion that has nothing to do with my administrative abilities
-Absolutely 0 bias, but I see where you can get that idea from.
Reaction score
United Kingdom, Devon
Bias as in you lean towards Cops in every scenario, not on an individual basis. IC you just seem angry and need to have a trip with lebensborn to have a good time
Reaction score
Salisbury, Rhodesia
Oh, I see what you mean now. Because the way policies and rules/laws work, if a cop says something and there's no evidence to go against it I have to go with it, even if I know there's something wrong. I try my best to investigate as in depth as possible in every scenario, but sometimes it's very difficult for a number of reasons.
As to me seeming angry in game, that's because most people do their hardest to interfere in police business, so I have to raise my voice a bit. Most of the time I'm not angry, it's me trying to control the scene. I admit though there have been times where I have been genuinely angry but they are few and far between.
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I have to go with it, even if I know there's something wrong.
Completely incorrect assuming the officer is not higher ranking than you. E.G. If a senior tells you that husky (for example) murdered a man but you as a senior+ know this is incorrect then you don't need to listen to that officer and continue on with arresting you can go by your own initiative.
Reaction score
Salisbury, Rhodesia
Yes, but that officer's word is considered valid evidence to arrest people on, so unless I have something that directly counters that, that's evidence proving he broke the law, despite how much I think it's bs
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