How active is the PD? Do we need it being as big as it is?

should we bring back the old PD?

  • yes

  • no

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PD has had a lot of work put into it; we were able to make a huge leap in seriousness of its roleplay when the basic ranks and then full whitelist came in - big ups to academy under Joey - and then the server slowly became less and less popular, reducing the player count and consistency of individuals. Now, I quite liked the board of supervisors before Bolli rudely yoinked me off it without asking Jordan but I think we've come a tad too far to really just Alt+f4 the entire PD as it is.
I agree to you and it would be stupid to just alt f4 it all, but seriously you have to understand that even though the pd has come this far, something needs to happen the pd is just a mess at this point with people in command not even playing the server, and if they do they're on for like an hour, and for people to say that they shouldn't have to be active because the pd runs itself, then fuck you.
@KeiwaM I was given Officer, Ayjay gave me Senior Officer as CoD -got recommended by a random member of command for Corporal meeting ALL requirements and got it. Applied for SGT instantly and received that again some 3-5 days later (unsure), Patrol needed more supervisors yet were lacking in applications so the Chiefs decided to let me fast track.

The fact this is still a discussion is unreal, from an outside POV it looks odd but without being myself or any of the command members involved its not realistic for you to know exactly what happened, the circumstances etc.

Thought the public forum was good, every constructive question I asked was answered maturely and we discussed it. Something I'd like for the server as a whole to do but Senior Administration are against it, sad!

In shit posting Samuel and coming together in a discord all you do is slam a door in your own face. He doesn't need to prove himself in any situation, literally ever. He's the Chief, its his department and every decision he made was following policy. Perhaps if we are here to complain we can talk about a random CC meeting that took place, I was the only complaint being dealt with and everyone within the channel managed to even record the meeting - Odd right? do I care? no, we all have complaints however I don't need to write a blog for attention.
@Husky AyJay gave you TFU then demoted you later, but Samuel gave it back because "it wasn't fair to just remove his rank" after he became Chief. Is this correct or not? If it is correct, isn't Samuel's statement extremely ironic considering being given TFU after dishonorable discharge (against policy?) is unfair in itself? Am I right or am I missing some facts/context?
Okay, maybe it's time to discuss some of this.

Husky was brought back into the PD following his unban from the community, he reapplied for officer as usual but was then soon reinstated by Ayjay to Senior Officer, this was processed through his Senior Officer application which he had already submitted days before. This was mainly due to @Husky being a Sergeant and excelling within that role previously, quite simply the past was the past and he was given another chance.

Husky was then reinstated to TFU by Ayjay, however the TFU command LTs were not consulted and did not agree, Ayjay should have consulted TFU command before doing so, Ayjay then reverted the reinstatement. Once Samuel got Chief, he reinstated Husky once again as he didn't think it was fair to give someone a rank and just swipe it away days later. This stuck and Husky is still TFU, however Samuel should have consulted TFU command too before doing this.

Slayer's resignation to SGT, but then changed to CPL, is an issue which needs attention, it is true Samuel had told slayer that he could resign to SGT and not have to be a section supervisor or whatever the convo was, however that is not how we do things and thus slayer was given CPL, disregarding Samuel's word, this was carried out by myself and Tom, following a discussion myself and slayer had regarding his lengthy LOA and me getting him an administrative position and therefore SGT after his LOA, which was not involved in Sections. - All seemed fine on the Slayerduck front.

Husky's promotion to SGT should not have gone ahead due to rank requirements, however @Samuel authorised this under the role fairness policy, maybe he can explain why.

Husky's promotion to ACTING LT, was due to a patrol LT needing time away urgently as he is unwell and hospitalised. Husky was chosen due to him already providing ideas for training and input on improvements for the division, and also being extremely active. This was not ever going to become a permanent position and this was explained to him before being given it. Ultimately he was given the role due to his activity and him providing significantly more input for improvements than any of the other potential candidates, this decision was rushed as an active LT was needed urgently.

In terms of "bring back swat" I always liked the idea of it, however we now have a division based around it and we aren't just going to delete it like academy. The concepts around TFU are good, however the accessibility of the TFO rank is in need of improvement and I have already opened discussions about changing the recruitment process or at least making it easier in terms of who can apply.

Sections are also under review, a lot of the enjoyment previously was just hopping on and having a bit of fun with whoever was on duty, getting ORs etc to go towards a possible promotion, but the new systems of promotion make ORs less relevant and therefore the only thing people want a supervisor for is a recommendation, if anything. Supervisors also lose interest as its quite a lot of work if done properly and can feel like a command role in some cases. Should sections be removed a new promotion system would need to be arranged, this could be similar to the old one where command teams have a look through ORs and decide on the outcome, but the issue with this was a fear of bias and no one receiving feedback if they weren't promoted after a discussion so it could also be completely different.

We are also looking into restarting PD training sessions, with the implementation of the new patrol trainer rank. These sessions were abolished previously as it was simply a bunch of people coming on the academy server, fucking around for 45mins-1hr and leaving, those who actually wanted to learn never got the chance. We've looked into how we could do training sessions and we're still figuring out the best way, however they will start in the near future.
These sessions would be meaningful and actually teach officers about pressing issues which officers clearly seem to lack understanding, they wouldn't be 40+ people training sessions, they would be small group sessions but they wouldn't only be held once every 3 months for example, however this is still in the planning stage.

We're also looking into making it a little harder to become an officer as at the moment you basically just need to have half a brain and you're in. This being said, it wont be a full application process with written answers and training and an interview etc, it will just have to prove you've read the laws and have a common understanding to bring back an element of seriousness once again, as at the moment the seriousness of the PD and the server as a whole is very minimal.

I also made note of what was said about transparency at the public forum and I have tried to figure out the best way to announce information and what level of information is to be announced, I've also got changes planned for IA complaints about the whole idea of confidentiality as requested by many.

I have also recently made a thread regarding suggestions for the PD to change, in order to benefit the server as a whole - So for those of you targeting me saying I don't care or i'm bias or whatever, you have no idea what I've been planning and doing behind the scenes so don't assume just because i'm friends with Husky...

I have had multiple discussions with slayer regarding his concerns about the complaint committee and internal affairs and I have taken his suggestions on board, however I am still trying to figure out the best way forward. For the most part, I agree with slayer's concerns and I am taking them seriously, but they do not have an over night fix... people rebelling, bitching and ranting about the state of the PD is not helping and is only slowing the process down. If you have a suggestion or concern, contact me or raise the concern properly, not like a child. I know there are issues with the PD and I am trying to find solutions, but as I said there is no over night fix.

I hope this has cleared some things up or given you some more information, I am aware of some of the internal issues raised and am trying my best to solve them where possible, and as i have mentioned there are more developments which have been requested by many which are in planning.
Please PM me with any further concerns or suggestions instead of shit posting on here.