How can we save Criminal RP?

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Currently, as I see it, there is no competition regarding rival organizations. It is mostly a single org that does all damage, most of the few remaining bases are controlled by orgless friends. I remember the days where literally every single apartment was bought and filled with jubilant growers that both defenders and raiders enjoyed. Not to mention 3-4 large orgs would usually be duking it out. I don't see this today anymore, its just one big org (with the most olsen members) in a perpetual state of cops and robbers. Not to mention orgs would have so much personality and beef going on with one another, especially on the forums.

Take a look at this, and see how much personality and beef was present on these pages.

Then take a look at this
It's pretty much just a pile of memes. Same with many other recent ones too.

Heck, there's a bunch of disbanded orgs still on the org forum that has yet to be archived, the forum is literally full of cobwebs and not even the staff want to touch it.

TDLR; lack of seriousness in orgs and actual aggressiveness.

So how can we fix this? No, don't say org limit as it will not work.
I would like to see your efforts in forming an organisation that lasts longer than 2 weeks. Our enemy org has disbanded recently perhaps you could fill in for them. Also seriousness has nothing to do with the lack of players on the server to actually form multiple organisations. Nice try diverting the reasoning for lack of competition to "meme" orgs when "meme" orgs are the only playerbase the server has.

"It is mostly a single org that does all damage " Everyone is forming a zerg right now because of the state of PLPD, where it takes the entire servers joint effort to actually stand a chance against them. So until you can find a solution to lack of players and the PLPD zerg without zerging against them then this discussion is pointless.
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Maybe an update to give more incentive in growing drugs and buying something new that isnt cars or guns
Maybe give a constructive idea. As in an actual idea...
We all know we can fix it, but how?
Remove 5.56 nerf. Everyone spent 3mil on marksmanship for a reason. Doesn't help the fact that tfu head hitbox doesnt register a headshot.
i don't think 30-40 players a day is enough to wage a big war

plus there are no big bosses anymore, you look at all the orgs you listed with big name owners but now all the active players are a bunch of PUSSIES!


  1. 1.
    belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
    "what is your name?"
You're a meme - you are a meme. You're is short of You are. okay? Okay?


  1. you are.
    "you're an angel, Deb!"
    ''You're a meme as well, look at you!''
    ''You're also a meme, look at you!''

Similar-sounding words: you're is sometimes confused with your
An org doesnt have to have a serious, edgy prescence about it to be a good org. The issue is with the police being incredibly powerful with TFU, everyone uses any excuse to jump into a shootout to stop the police winning and this leads to all big orgs being "Allies". Theres also the fact that when committing actions typical in a violent gang war IRL you'll most likely end up in a long sit and maybe even punished for 2.5 and 3.4. I mean, just look at the amount of AR's, warns and bans that occurred during the Olsen V Jarheads war, where everyone was sobbing about "iNvAlId kIdNapPiNg" or wondering why they got sprayed down on the street, you know, shit gangs do to each other when they're at war.

And, theres also the fact that, despite being big boy gangsters growing 50k of drugs in an apartment block, people STILL call cops when they're being raided by an Opp, leading to the Opp losing because of being bummed by TFU and the snitches inside the apartment feeling like they won the war.

Big ups to the EPF, the most serious and powerful org ever created.
Regarding org growth and wars: there isn't enough players to do that anymore. The only players that are left are either in a zerg or new ones who are growing with two pots. In short: it isn't going to change no matter how many forum posts are made. Only thing that can be done is to do it yourself.
I like how you say there are less amount of serious orgs and no "aggressiveness " but did you forget about the war me and @Exrobite did?