May is a mighty month...

What do you want "moar" of? (Can choose 3 choices max)

  • Moar guns!

    Votes: 40 22.2%
  • Moar melee weapons!

    Votes: 22 12.2%
  • Moar food choices!

    Votes: 23 12.8%
  • Moar clothing choices!

    Votes: 53 29.4%
  • Moar legal ways to make money!

    Votes: 111 61.7%
  • Moar changes to the map! (Paralake)

    Votes: 107 59.4%
  • Moar cars!

    Votes: 79 43.9%
  • Moar accessories!

    Votes: 14 7.8%
  • Moar weapon attachments!

    Votes: 18 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'd much prefer more ways of making money the legal way, growing drugs to get that fancy looking car is the most boring task anyone can set themselves to do... perhaps instead of adding more jobs, or aswell as this, you could increase pay that the legal jobs give you.

The way in which it stands at the moment, you're likely to get an average of $100~$150 per paycheck as an officer, similar as a medic and so forth, which in comparison to the ~$24,000 (roughly) you get an hour with growing drugs, you get a measly $7,000~$12,000 in an hour from paychecks-.. that's not even taking into consideration the dumb as fuck mayors that seem to love messing up the city funds, causing you to not get paid at all. Yes, you do earn a considerable amount when confiscating large amounts of illegal items from those pesky crims, but that's a pretty big if/when you actually get a fat bust from people.

Eh, just my opinion on the matters of legal ways of earning money, opinions?
more cars and outfits sounds cool and would definitely benefit RP, the more outfits the less likely you are to be mistaken by two people dressed the exact same and killing the wrong one or something, also i can look cool, similarly more cars would be great, more cheap cars and expensive cars, you constantly see sweaters driving mini's, maybe like 3 really cheap cars around the same price as mini so variety n shit, and more expensive cars cause it's hard to get a unique super car right now.
mORE food choices / I am sick of eating chinese take out i want to make that REAL TRAPANI PASTA ..............
Also some nice drinks like for instance thee or MOONSHINE
But yeah pasta would make alot of things better for us at Trapani's Pasta INC
And if you really and to help us restaurant RPers out
We need Chef outfits and waiter outfits
with <3 The trapani boys......................

@Josef Stalin @THE SPOOK @Alliat
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I personally voted for more melee weapons and more clothes to be added. I would like more clothes to be added as i feel the current selection is lacking in a lot of ways. i also think the prices should be adjusted so people could buy new clothes all the time without spending 12k on a suit jacket.

I also feel very strongly about buffing melee weapons and i think they should be more formidable at close range. The knife feels ridiculously underpowered. I already wrote about this so ill just copy and paste my suggestion :)

The reason the knife NEEDS a buff is because the blade itself is bigger than a bullet, but one bullet wound can make someone bleed out much faster than a stab to the chest. Knife blades and bigger than most bullets yet the bullets do more damage.

  • I would like to see more melee weapons and maybe give them a buff, the baseball bat gives a stun effect when you cant run and slightly blurs your screen. I think knives should have higher damage as they are way underpowered it takes 3-4 stabs to kill also maybe a flinch every time you are stabbed to knock off your aim if you are holding a gun or another melee weapon.

    Would be cool as fuck but not concealable obviously it is way too big so that would be one con it has (but then again the baseball bat is concealable)

    A few new knives:
    Like i said earlier knives should receive a buff they are way too underpowered IMO, melee weapons should be way more effective in close range.
    Stiletto Knife for fast deployment.
    Hunting knife bigger blade so faster bleed out?

    the options for knives are unlimited.

    An axe would be cool and just add more variety in melee weapons, there are already enough guns in the game dont you think?
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Voted for more clothes because currently people are either wearing the standard suits, hoodie sweaters or sometimes the odd vest+shirt thing. So I would love to see some bigger variation of clothing and accessories or improvement to the clothing system such as maybe a wardrobe system that was suggested a while ago.

Some map changes would be interesting as there are some things I would like to see changed, for example the regals staircase (mainly it's width), the space at scrapyard (considering scrapyard is rarely ever used except for access to flank Parker/GlassCo) and hopefully some changes to Office (elevator hype? :rolleyes:).

Even though I didn't vote for it, I wouldn't mind seeing some new legal ways to gain money, however these jobs or whatever would probably have to give an income that is enough to make it appealing for people growing to do, yet still allows both options to be viable for players to choose between dependent on what they want to do at a certain time.
I personally have picked the following:
I chose more guns because you can never have enough guns ;)
I chose more Cars because I really want to drive this bad boy around
Yes I know its KSIs car dont be a pleb and mention it.
I finally chose more weapon attachments because I really want stuff like Grips, Laser sights, tactical flashlights, sights and maybe some custom stocks
I would not only like to see new jobs but perhaps improvements to jobs that are barely used. I will make my own thread with ideas on what to do with some of the jobs.

I would like to see some more weapons like crossbows, compound bows, slingshots maybe even improvised weapons like screwdrivers and rocks (gets stoned by sweaters)

One idea I have been bouncing around is farming and allotments so if you want to grow something more legit you can by purchasing an allotment from the bank. I still have to do a bit of refinement but its an idea.

Im going to make a thread of legit ways to make money.
Change how shrooms are grown. Instead of being grown outside, they could be grown inside a Grow box, which is the common method of magic mushrooms being farmed IRL.

Plus, You cant mug them off people, and as much fun as it is forcing people to eat there shrooms during a mugging, It'd be nice to get that Sweet Juju food without having to hide at the park growing them. Although I'm really gonna miss planting a shroom in the subs house gardens, waiting til they spread and calling the cops for banter