I'd much prefer more ways of making money the legal way, growing drugs to get that fancy looking car is the most boring task anyone can set themselves to do... perhaps instead of adding more jobs, or aswell as this, you could increase pay that the legal jobs give you.
The way in which it stands at the moment, you're likely to get an average of $100~$150 per paycheck as an officer, similar as a medic and so forth, which in comparison to the ~$24,000 (roughly) you get an hour with growing drugs, you get a measly $7,000~$12,000 in an hour from paychecks-.. that's not even taking into consideration the dumb as fuck mayors that seem to love messing up the city funds, causing you to not get paid at all. Yes, you do earn a considerable amount when confiscating large amounts of illegal items from those pesky crims, but that's a pretty big if/when you actually get a fat bust from people.
Eh, just my opinion on the matters of legal ways of earning money, opinions?