This post for me is exactly whats wrong within the community; people making videos of which they themselves and others enjoy and you have a select few who don't even play the server critiquing every single clip and edit. Answers like this:
Seeing montages on the front page is fucking boring. Stop with the bullshit montage makers ffs. Make quality videos you fags
Is some of the most ignorant spouted shit I've seen in my life and it shows how ignorant of a person you truly are, even after being asked how they can improve you give a sarcastic and bitch of an answer
quality videos means good videos not quick moments those are gay
Personally I dislike the aids fest that older players tend to carry on throughout the shoutbox and forums itself, for newer players its very off-putting to truly engage within the community. Do I make a shit post where a select and normally the same couple of people voice their uneducated and useless answers? Nah because I'm not bothered, if I see a video titled "PERPHEADS MONTAGE" and I don't like montages I wouldn't click on it, the fact you go to these videos to put the individual off making more is seriously sad on your side. Either you are jealous or just an all round ignorant toss pot. People such as myself make these videos because of a couple of reasons:
- People tend to ask for them (I myself have a fair few people asking non-sarcastically due to rimlicks or friends.)
- They enjoy editting
- They like attention
Videos such as
@Taylor 's I'm not a fan of due to the length and not really being shortened down to the "best bits". This is why I selectively choose who I watch, no one beats
. I highly suggest you all do the same, if you do not like montages, don't click them.
How much have you been payed, when is this vid coming out huh?
New Years/Christmas.
Although you take a very nice approach to it
@Aquaa, by saying "Have some fucking standards." you just ruin your argument completely by being a bit of an ass, as someone who looked up-to you a lot throughout the early days its annoying to see you handle it this way instead of having an argument/discussion with an actual point to it. By having standards do you mean the clips themselves or the level of editing? I assume a mixture of both which is understandable when it comes to editing; I personally put 0 effort into these perp montages as I'm a lazy faggot but I never personally get critiqued unlike some who don't have the backbone to defend themselves. It seems as if these "select few" know who wont put up a fight and just meme with eachother, sad.
Either way big ups to Aquaa.