Organisation Update

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As many of you know we have been working on a organisation update for the past few months. We have now reached a point where we are close to release.

The update will include a type of leveling system that will give organisations different perks based on their level. Levels will be gained by actions that members take, such as growing drugs, robbing the bank and selling items at bazaar.

Harvesting Drugs: +50XP
Killing an org member: -30XP

Level 1: Org Life Alert
Level 3: Org Bank Account, DD Location
Level 10: DD Missions

We now want your help choosing what perks the update will include.

Please reply below with your suggestions, and please discuss! :D

Any off-topic discussions will be removed.

To be extra clear,
This thread is only to gain suggestions on what perks we should include.
Make influence affect how much XP you get.

The 50% off all guns thing might be a bit overkill, also, probably abusable as fuck.

Maybe introduce a sales tax benefit for one of the levels or a few of them.

Also allow for transfer of org ownership, as disbanding a level 10 org would hurt.
  • Emblems (potentially visible on cars or clothing)
  • Uniforms (costs more but is given automatically to all members, optional)
  • Extra Drug Boxes (allow a third box to be placed)
  • Shared Money Producer (some form of shared drug box or gang printer which goes towards organisation bank balance/storage)
  • Bulk Seed Buying (cheaper bulk seed buying e.g. purchase 100 for gang storage for 25% off)
  • Automatic Keys (dependant on rank, automatically give access to properties, vehicles, etc)
  • Kevlar (with visible model, and different levels including helmets and other areas)
  • Discounted Properties (cheaper properties at a certain level)
  • Internal Market (sell items on the organisation inventory page, can be purchased even if somebody is offline)
  • Limitations on Purchases (allow organisation members to withdraw up to a certain amount a day from shared account, depends on rank)
  • Member Tax (allow us to charge members a certain amount a day for being in the org, goes towards organsation bank account automatically)
  • Member Pay (the opposite of the above, send a certain amount to members dependant on rank, every day, automatically, from org bank account)
  • Bigger Harvest (more cannabis/cocaine/meth from your harvest)
  • Custom Plates (different coloured plates, standardised org plates e.g. VOM01, VOM02)
  • Increased XP Rate (for firearms levels, crafting levels, marksmanship, etc)
  • Custom Page (a tab on the F3 menu which goes to a website e.g., similar to on the police computer)
  • Expanded Permissions (expand on rank permissions, include ability to do an organisation broadcast for example)
  • Remove Asterisks (not so much a perk, but to help my OCD remove asterisks *Vault of Memes* for owner of the organisation, looks horrible)
  • Organsiation Type (gang, mafia, agency, organisation, charity, can have individual benefits depending on type)
  • Aggression Status (aggressive, passive, business, legal, illegal, can effect if organisations can automatically war with you or not)
  • Expanded Inventory (unlock an extra slot for bobby pins, furniture, etc)
  • New Accessories (arm band, unique glasses, capes idk?)
  • New Drugs (unlock ability to produce new drugs on the chemical table such as heroin, spice, ecstacy)
  • New Ingredients (make ultra high density pure meth with some new rare ingredients of limited supply)
  • New Items (such as a large TV, smaller than the admin TV)
  • Debit Cards (choose to spend money at stores from your bank account, high level org perk)
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Should really have the org tax as some kind of detriment to the paycheck

I don't want to come back after being inactive and finding all my money is gone.
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Since there are alot of different kinds of organisations, having 3-4 different genres of perks.

for example,


-Gain an extra level of lockpicking.
-Gain ‘20’% more lockpicking experience


-Gain ‘10’% more product.
-Gain ‘10-20’% more profit

-Speed up the process with ‘10%’

-Gain ‘20%’ more crafting / firearms experience
-Receive X amount of metal? Each hour? in the org storage

Popularity / administrative

-Gain X amount of slots / level (if the limit gets changed in future)
-Unlock ganisation storage at certain level
-Unlock an org bank account at certain level
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Being able to start a gang war with another organisation at level 5
- Killing a rival org member = 100 XP
- Bobby pinning/Crowbaring/Bombing a property owned by a rival gang member = 35 XP (Obviously a cooldown would be needed to avoid abuse)
- Searching a rival org member = 75 XP (Maybe take away XP from the other organisation as well for being caught lackin' on the skreets)
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1) I’m pretty sure alot of people have arround level 6/7. This would help newer players.

2) You are right, they aren’t that expensive. So what about the product sell price goes up by ‘10-20%’

3) Could work too. I think your idea might even be more affective
Tbh, this moves the playerbase's motivation to roleplay even further away than it already is. Even more powergrowing for advantages in Team Deathmatch raids
Feel like you shouldn't be gaining XP through growing, only from other criminal and legal activities. Encourage people to do other things than powergrowing
Ability to buy materials in massive bulks for a cheaper price using the Org bank account
Maybe also access to new weapons?
I mean honestly that what the player base wants at this point it isn't a roleplaying server anymore. And every update like this one is pushing it further down that path.
Org wars where you gain XP for killing enemy Org members. To enter a war one org declares war on another through an interface, then the other org has to consent to the war.
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