pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

@Generic Twat With a decently sharp and well designed sword, you'll go through bone like nothing, it's not too extreme to thing a strong guy armed with a sharp machete could go straight through someones arm
@Bert You're right I really don't know how a machete would work irl but I'm assuming it depends on how sharp a machete is, but its absolutley not going to do as much damage as a gun. Honestly not entirely sure where you're getting I said the only method of crime control is guns, merely stating theres better methods.

The issue about producing any form of firearms is it gets redistrubuted to people who shouldn't have the firearm or its used (deliberatley or not) to harm someone it shouldn't. If I was a police officer and someone charges towards me with a knife, think I'll stick to my tazer and baton, that way I know no one will get harmed by me using a firearm.
IIRC Stephen once sent me and Fredy a website where it showed what the police could get and the only requirement and "cost" the PD had to stand for was the delivery.
Police in the US have some issues and i dont nessesarily have issues with the military style equipment, but if you slap hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money on 'em, atleast try not to raid the wrong house with it?

i dont hate *all* police, the majority of them just uphold the law and want to get home to their families just like everyone else, i just think the police in certain cases have way to much power and use it irresponsibly against some retarded law.
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If you’re being attacked with literally any deadly weapon as a police officer you should have the full right to shoot that person regardless of circumstances.
@CaughtRed I don't know in what world you live but in the one, I live in people can be stabbed anywhere, not just the chest. I have seen cops stabbed in the eye for example, not very nice. Also, the vest will most of the time not do a great job of protecting your sides, so you can be easily stabbed there as well. If somebody carrying a deadly weapon comes 21 ft. close to a police officer, they should use deadly force. I have included a video for your education .
As Daymon and myself mentioned above, the militarization of the US police force actually costs the tax payer less than what they would be paying for normal police equipment in most cases!