pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

Lol third world country dictators:
- Doesn’t care about jobs or quality of life for citizens
- Has people killed for chatting negatively about them.
- Drastically lowered unemployment rates
- Says mean things on Twitter.
- Is even going as far to supporting lockdown protestors.

If you don’t like trump fair enough but comparing him to actual dictators is retarded and genuinely makes you look like a massive spud.
@Generic Twat They have guns because they feel like they have a duty to uphold their constitution from the evil . . . . government? It confuses me because they don't trust the political party that's steering the country even though they were the ones who voted for Trump????? Like . . make up your mind?
Trying to kill someone using a machete and trying to kill someone with a gun still puts the victim against incredibly disproportionate advantage of said victim doesn’t have access to a weapon and never will because of draconian, hoplophobic laws preventing said victim from ever being able to properly protect himself without learning martial arts or something. Laws on weapons are retarded and counterproductive and further allow a government to take away more rights.
It’s not necessarily just the police the people of America arm themselves against, it’s the far authoritarians looking get into government and violate the constitutional rights of the people that the founders of the US fought 2 wars just to secure and maintain.
@Sneaky if you listen to 1:07 in that video it sounds like they're saying "This is Canadian police" so; Not the US if I'm not mistaken that would be!

This is however the general problem with the US, you can't fight for your gunrights and say that your laws on guns have no effect on school shootings and such, it's quite obvious judging by statistics that the country is infected with such crimes because of the gun laws, even though you keep using the argument that "Oh, well if you look at the reports made surrounding these crimes you can quite clearly see that the people who commit these crimes do not posses a legal firearm" because that argument is just stupid since they quite obviously do have the guns for a reason in the first place.

Compare it with shootings in all european countries, we never have school shootings or any major shootouts, sure enough gang related crimes happen but nothing remotely close to what happens in the United States, there's a reason for it happening there.
@Bert You said a bunch of weapons are as dangerous as guns in the hands of the wrong people.

Bruh, I don't care if you have trained 100 years with a machete and modded it with poison, fire, taser, the best material, the sharpest it can be.

You still have human limitations (like limited running speed, limited strength, limited stamina, arm length and other things) which guns don't need so much. Its much more easy for people to kill other with guns, even with 0 experience (aka accidental firearm discharges by toddlers) and again, it gets much much worse if we're taking into account automatic guns.
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@John Daymon There's still huge maintenance costs that wouldn't be there if police didn't get that equipment, discount or not. Also I'd be interested in looking at that website.
i didn't specifically link the stormtrooper video, there's plenty of others. eg: asset forfeiture.
Reading through the thread it's almost as if people in here think that the police roll around pulling people over for traffic violations in MRAPs or similarly armored vehicles while shoving assault rifles down people's throats. (They don't by the way, in case you were wondering)
Also the "we don't need this because we don't have retarded gun laws like ameridumbs XD" is a tame argument because it's meant to combat the people not following the law and posing an extraordinary threat to others. Of course, the probability is much higher in the U.S for obvious reasons that you'd need stuff like this, but it's always better to have and not (or sometimes) use than to not have and need it in situations where such things will be beneficial. (See for example North Hollywood Shootout where police did not have rifles and only their service pistol thus putting them at an extreme disadvantage against drugged out lunatics with assault rifles and body armor)
(They don't by the way, in case you were wondering)
Ya sure?
@Imperial Watch
Also the "we don't need this because we don't have retarded gun laws like ameridumbs XD" is a tame argument because it's meant to combat the people not following the law and posing an extraordinary threat to others. Of course, the probability is much higher in the U.S for obvious reasons that you'd need stuff like this, but it's always better to have and not (or sometimes) use than to not have and need it in situations where such things will be beneficial. (See for example North Hollywood Shootout where police did not have rifles and only their service pistol thus putting them at an extreme disadvantage against drugged out lunatics with assault rifles and body armor)
It doesn't matter what it's meant for, what it matters is if it's failing or succeeding at fighting the people not following the law.

What you don't seem to realize is that by making guns legal for the intentions of "legal people", you're also making them easier to access for "illegal people". To respond to your example, why don't you ask yourself: how did those drugged out lunatics with assault rifles obtain those weapons in the first place? My guess, "stolen" firearms from people who bought them legally.

  • An analysis of more than 23,000 stolen firearms recovered by police between 2010 and 2016 found that the majority of these weapons were recovered in connection with crimes, including more than 1,500 violent acts such as murder, kidnapping, and armed robbery.7
  • One study found that nearly a third of firearms recovered at Pittsburgh, PA crime scenes were said to have been stolen.8
Source: https://lawcenter.giffords.org/gun-...-responsibilities/reporting-lost-stolen-guns/