pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

>”in all European countries, we never have school shootings or any major shootouts”

Ok buddy except:
- Charlie Hebdo Bombing
- Charlie Hebdo massacre
- Anders Breivik attacks
- The troubles
- Countless ISIS attacks on European capitals
Unfortunately yes humans suck. People steal. PEOPEL like stealing things including guns! And as Imperial said above, because we have a militarized police force the US is better able to respond to these firearms incidents. Because you seem like an expert of American politics let’s hear your proposal on how you plan to get every gun out of the hands of every gun owning American. I’m interested
I understand what you're saying Benji, but compare that with mass shootings in USA 2019; 12 cases with 10 people injured in those shootings, it's not as frequent here for a reason. I phrased it badly; I admit. But you can't deny the fact that situations like those you linked are more rare than they are in USA
Look, i'm not saying your example is the norm but there are an insane amount of incidents like the ones i mentioned above. I wouldn't trust them with heavier equipment when shit like this is allowed to happen.
The troubles was hardly a 'shoot out'. It was a republican terrorist independence campaign.
You're missing the point or trying to ridicule my argument instead of actually responding to it. Of course people steal, but it is easier to steal something that is there in abundance than to steal something restricted and in lower quantity.

because we have a militarized police force the US is better able to respond to these firearms incidents
My point is that police will need to respond less, because there would be less incidents if there weren't legal guns. Civilian gun ownership and police militarization are not the same debate.

It's not unreasonable to imagine that part of these stolen guns are not actually stolen, they can be sold to criminals and reported as stolen, because in the end gangs and criminals need to initially get their guns from someone who has bought them legally.

I'm also not claiming to be an expert in American politics, are you? I'm only engaging in argumentation supported by linked sources, which you do not. The fact that I don't have the perfect solution in mind doesn't mean that I can't point out the problem.
When did I ever start writing about whether guns should be illegal or legal???
How they got the weapons is in many ways irrelevant, What matters is that the response from the police was inadequate to deal them as they were severely outgunned
My point with that post was simply that it's simply always the better choice to have those kinds of things simply because you never know if you would ever need them, especially in the U.S because, like i implied, the more guns, the higher chance of something like that happening.
Even in Denmark, where such things are almost never needed, I wouldn't throw a hissy fit or be shocked seeing police in armored vehicles in extreme-risk situations. It's always better to be at an advantage with regards to both firepower and manpower wherever it is deemed necessary to employ such measures.
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Although I disagree with the gun laws in America, there's no going back now so this will hopefully have a positive effect in fighting gun crime
When did I ever start writing about whether guns should be illegal or legal???
My bad, I misread your post and thought you were still talking about gun ownership, not police militarization.

How they got the weapons is in many ways irrelevant
Now you have entered the gun ownership arena. You say this is irrelevant in many ways and yet don't cite a single one of those many ways. That sounds ridiculous and you're not defending your argument.

Logically, it clearly matters how they got the weapons. For an exaggerated example, if 100% of criminal guns come from that shady gun store seller on the corner of the street, it clearly matters because you can just shut off that shady guy and you've completely destroyed criminal gun supply. Realistically, that 100% is distributed among the multiple gun sellers across the USA (or from other countries).

I myself don't have a stance on police militarization in the US, but I am indeed pointing out that it does cost taxpayer money.
Yes they do. On my trip to california I saw the same K2 packets as I did littered in corners outside my college.
Lol when you put all your money into guns and have to wear airsoft gear to make you look like a militia.
@BigBenji Trump is now directly responsible for the deaths of 72.000 people due to the Coronavirus and him being responsible for firing the people and dismantling the systems the previous administrations put in place to prevent exactly this, he disbanded and disabled those systems and fired those people.

He does not care about people, he does not care about the United States of America, and the most certainly does not care about the quality of life of anyone else than himself and those who he favors.

- The unemployment rate has been on a steady decrease for the past 10 years, Trump only inherited it and claimed credit for all of it. (All you gotta do is google: US Unemployment rate and it will literally show you a graph.
- Every 2nd statement he makes is a blatant lie. Literally proven. He publically announces lies and misinformation to the general public.
- Is in league with the Russians / never shown his taxes (because he'd go to jail) / Appoints incompetent but loyal (to him) people to the highest positions of the Government to benefit himself and make himself untouchable and unaccountable for the terrible shit he does on daily bases.
- Oh and does everything in his power to discredit and disable the Media (free press) because obviously they are the first ones whos gonna call him out on his bullshit. Do you know who else did that? ... Hitler.
How they got them is irrelevant to the point I was making, figuring out how they got the weapons is not going to stop them from shooting up whatever they intend to shoot up, be it a nightclub, school or whatever in an active shooter situation or even a barricaded suspect, you name it.
What is relevant to my point is that police need to be equipped to deal with such instances where someone, no matter if they got a weapon legally or illegally, is posing an immediate risk to the police and / or public. And if that means that police get armored vehicles and assault rifles, then so be it.