pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

@obidan66 How are u going to blame him for the deaths of people due to COVID19 when he tried cracking down on it before it even started and the democrats denied his billllllllllllllllllllllllllll
The amount of airborne autism on this thread is like something I have never seen before in my life. Had to go get my N95 Mask in case it's contagious.

Some of you really have no fucking clue what the fuck you're talking about. It's common that I see people bashing the US for gun violence and I find it sad how some of you think it's really as bad as the media portrays it to be. I have lived in America for 16, nearly 17 years of my life and have never heard a gunshot out on the street or ANYWHERE that didn't come from a shooting range by a gun fired by my dad, brother, or me.

Honestly just a bit schtewpid innit.
@Aquaa That's... Simply not true. Like, not even a single part of it mate. 2 months before Covid reached the US, he fired the teams of people and dismantled the systems put in by the previous administrations to make sure that the spread of these deceases was anticipated, monitored and well reacted to. He is literally the one who ordered their inability to work. Therefore... He might as well have killed those 72.000 people himself. If a President does not take responsibility for his actions, then he is no leader at all... Which is clearly this case, as Id argue Trump is barely even eligible to call himself a man.
and to add on no, I have never lived in a "white" neighborhood with no minorities etc that would shut down my statement
@Aquaa Have you considered researching your information from independent news outlets? Maybe those who would have nothing to gain from spreading their propaganda? Like maybe even going to foreign ones? I bet that hasn't even crossed your mind, cause trust me... Fox News isn't a news network, it's propaganda. Try going out of your way to research the actual truth.
@obidan66 I mean, it's not like Sinclair and CNN are the most reliable news sources in the world and the modern day alternatives mostly talk about how to make breakfast with your vagina. FOX isn't horrible and they're not praising hitler and his media manipulation tactics.
Im not trump's biggest fan ever, but he didnt fuck up the country. I'd rather have trump than biden, sanders or hillary. I'd vote amash if i were american.
@Sneaky I haven't mentioned CNN a single time. I said, look for foreign sources of information or alternative news outlets that stand on neither side. Nobody is perfect, but Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, probably a criminal (tax fraud), Russian collaborator which also makes him a traitor, probably a sexual deviant (can't be proven because of hush money), draft dodger and he literally inherited everything he owns from his own father, so he isn't even a great businessman as he likes to boast. He is a fraud on every single front of his life.

Forgot to mention pathological liar, which ties it all together.
To add to @Aquaa ’s post, I’ve heard more gunshots in Luton than aquaas heard in his life and that’s wavy
You don't need to be from a white neighborhood to shut down your statement.

The fact that you're using personal experience to back up a much larger claim already does.

It does not matter if you've not heard gunshots in your whole life, you can emphasize it as much as you want and your anecdotes still will not mean anything.
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@Bert You're so self absorbed in your view of gun laws that you're ignoring/denying facts and reality. For example, by saying "bullets don't always kill, cars will" and that "[insert melee weapon] can be as dangerous as guns". You sound completely delusional.

What is wrong with you? What are you talking about? You keep pulling these facts out of nowhere and with no source to suit your arguments, wake up to reality, I think most people would rather have to face a car trying to run them over than a gunman trying to shoot them in almost all scenarios, because it is much more reasonable to think you have higher chances of surviving the car encounter than the gun encounter.

You can tell you're being nonfactual by the way you cherrypick as @Generic Twat mentioned, and the way you give more detailed descriptions of the consequences for cars ("due to severe head trauma among other things") but not for bullets.

According to one study:

• Both mean travel speed and age have considerable influence on the injury outcome.

• 30 km/h might not be sufficiently low speed to prevent severe injuries.

Fatal accidents are rare at locations with mean travel speeds below 40 km/h.

75 years and older are highly overrepresented in the fatal accidents.

Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0386111214000235

Stop spreading misinformation and disrespecting your own intelligence.
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@NeluDaHunter Alright, he said 20-30 mph and yet 24mph is below 40kmh. Still:

75 years and older are highly overrepresented in the fatal accidents.

Let's not forget that you can shoot someone more than once in quick succession (and if the first shot disables them, even easier). I don't think it's very easy to run someone over twice at 30mph. You're also much more likely to dodge a 40kmh car than a 4000 kmh bullet.

Also if you can access a place, so can your gun. However a car stops at traffic barriers.
@Crimson Nugget you constantly are changing your argument to defend your views. Maintenance is no more expensive than it would be for an older vehicle according to sources from a PD in Florida. These are military grade vehicles explain to me what kind of maintenance is going to be routinely performed!