pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

figuring out how they got the weapons is not going to stop them from shooting up whatever they intend to shoot up
But it can, at least partially. It can drastically lower the amount of shooters, meaning less police & civilians in danger, and the portion of criminals who still manage to get guns and shoot up something might do it with a pistol instead of an automatic rifle, which makes a huge difference and is a scenario police would need heavy equipment for.
Of course, crime prevention is also important, but standing in the middle of an active shootout or in a situation where there is an immediate danger to police and public, stopping the situation from escalating is more important than trying to figure out how he got the weapon after the fact.
Its completely fair that officers have access to the current equipment that they do in the US considering the general population in areas being armed, be it legally or illegally.

rare cases (most often on a state level) Bradley's (These were seen after the Boston Marathon bombing and people really had a fit about this).

Weren't these property of the national guard? Again though, In the event of a bombing, to secure an area, what better thing to use than a machine designed to literally shrug off taliban RPG's?

I see no issue with police officers carrying rifles, high grade armour, and one or more sidearms. Anything above .300 blackout for a long arm (unless its a marksmans rifle, in which case, .338 lapua magnum) would be excessive in my opinion but again I'm not a law enforcement officer so I don't know if such weapons are truly necessary.

Here in the UK, our armed police mainly operate with 9mm handguns, 9mm "Carbine-Ized" Sub machine guns (Locked on semi) and Rifle calibre 5.56/.223 carbines locked in semi are the mains. A few constabularies and specialist wings, such as the Metropolitan police's SCO19 and other counter terrorism units, are issued fully automatic SMG's and Carbines. They use armoured Mercedes sprinter vans for raids and typically patrol in BMW, Ford, or Vauxhaul Saloon vehicles. "Special purpose" weapons such as Shotguns designed to fire numerous different lethal and non-lethal cartridges and baton guns are also heavily in use. A general rule of thumb with police shotguns however is the shotguns designated to shoot non lethal cartridges are designated with a bright orange or yellow colour, whilst the lethals remain black. This is to make sure that a non-lethal load is never put into a lethal shotgun and forgotten about, or vice versa.

Typically, counter terror response duties are carried out by police officers, or in more extreme cases, we have a special SAS Wing operating in london via helicopter. This is the closest thing to actual USA Styled militarised police we have, and thats solely because the SAS is part of the military.

Of course, the odds of police encountering armed resistance via an automatic firearm is rare, and our armed police officers are trained to handle these situations very well.

Unfortunately, in the US, that'd be completely different. The chances of a beat cop coming across an armed resisting suspect is significant enough to justify Departments being given access to surplus military equipment.

So yes, I agree with the militarisation of police given that departments are actually being given something useful and aren't just impulse buying military armoured vehicles, weapons and gear, only to do a sneaky backdoor deal to a cartel later on.
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I'm not saying it's important to figure out how they got a weapon in the middle of a shootout.

And figuring it out after the shootout is over doesn't take anything away from the de-escalation, it makes no sense to compare them on levels of importance.
@CaughtRed Right, because crooks see a stab proof vest on a cop they're trying to murder, and think "I don't want to hurt the officer too much, I'll just stab the vest". A stab proof vest isn't a guarantee that you'll survive being stabbed, and it becomes especially useless once the person who's trying to kill the officer realises that the stab proof vest is there and just stabs around the vest.

You have vital arteries in your legs, arms, and you have this thing called a face, which houses organs you need to see, hear, taste, and smell. Also, a thing called a neck, which is important, as it houses the tubes you need to swallow food and water, as well as breathe. Alongside this, the neck keeps your head attached to your body.
I agree, Banning certain firearms on a federal level won't work in the US for many reasons. The best course of action the US can take is to prepare police and other law enforcement / law enforcement assistance agencies (Bounty hunters, security guards, etc.) for active shooting situations with access to better equipment and training.
This guy says it all. "Police don't like being shot" and "In a gunfight you want to have the superior force"

@Eviction Notice

Here's photo evidence of Donald Trumps undercover airforce one plane dropping covid 19 onto the US. Donald was personally flying it. Butthurt, Drumphft supporters?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
the Anders Breivik attack was back in 2011 and it took 8 years for another terrorist attack to occur in Norway
If your country’s got straps, fucking have as much as you can for the police.

If you’re like England then it’s a GG as soon as you get reported for having a BB gun.