pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

Your argument is flawed as well. Melee weapons' effectiveness varies from setting to setting too. But at the end of the day a gun is easier to use and deal damage with.
@Generic Twat I’m not arguing that, a firearm is a much more effective weapon if being used for that purpose. I acknowledged that, but I’m the topic of police militarization specifically I was arguing that while yes banning firearms outright could see a decrease in firearm incidents. Individuals who want to commit these terrible crimes still can and will, which is why I am arguing that a modern police force is important.
Exactly, they can and still will commit crimes - but it will make it harder for them to inflict damage if a gun is taken from their hands. Granted, they could get a gun illegally but that doesn't mean that we can't do everything in our power to make acquiring a gun for a malicious purpose as hard as possible.
The problem I often see with these gun disputes mostly after arguing with @Garret_Pp about this is the fact that you guys (or some of you) think that the police are bad guys who are planning to take hostile action against civilians thus you need guns to protect yourselves
Yep Americans are retarded, and the issue you just mentioned leads to the large upscale in militaristic police forces (which again I don’t think is a bad thing)
I don't really see the problem
IIRC, American police departments get discounted surplus materials from the Department of Defence like guns and the heavily armored vehicles which is a good deal as they can focus more resources on other stuff then as well instead of having to blow a whole buttload of money on otherwise extremely expensive equipment.
Sure it can be argued that you don't want your police equipped as if you were in fucking warzone in the middle of some shitty desert country, but for many it's simply too good a deal to pass up and you'd probably go for what's more practical anyway.
Agreed 100% even if my department for a town for 10,000 people will never use a MRAP it’s not costing us anything and puts the police in a better position for if something like the Boston bombings were to happen again.
@Bert a machete would get stuck in people, you could take out one maybe two if you're lucky then like generic twat said tackled to the ground. There was a terrorist attack in Scotland a while ago, I think he tried to drive a car into an airport, the person who stopped the terrorist was a guy back from his holidays who broke part of his foot kicking the terrorist in the balls. Safe to say theres not been a terrorist attack in scotland since, weapons don't actually solve crime in this case.
As Imperial said, the US Military probably turns over thousands of vehicles a year that would otherwise go to waste, if you want to be heavily armed, the police need to aswell to match it.
@CaughtRed Level 3 A body armor (most commonly found on Police forces) isn’t completely stab resistant! Nor is any body armor completely stab resistant. Also a chair to the head can cause serious damage
@CaughtRed Classic “I’ve seen how machetes work in some videos game so that’s how they will work irl” machetes or knives won’t stick into people if your slashing. Your argument is flawed in saying that I said the only method of crime control is guns. Crime often times can and is prevented without the use of guns, in the US and across the world! But when someone charges you with any form of weapon I’ll make sure to take your firearm so you can fend for yourself!
@Bert Pretty easy to dodge a chair being thrown towards you? I think if we're speaking something that would do damage to multiple people, because lets be honest anything could be used as a weapon, hell a doritos family bag could be used to suffocate someone. I'm no weapons expert but I'd assume most knives being carried wouldn't penetrate a stab proof vest enough to kill someone.
Classic “I’ve seen how machetes work in some videos game so that’s how they will work irl”

Have you ever tried butchering a piece of bony ass meat? The cleaver, a knife designed for slashing and cutting, can get stuck if it encounters bone or very strong muscle (the former more often than the latter).

Your argument is flawed in saying that I said the only method of crime control is guns.
Yes bert it isn't the only way, but IT IS A WAY of reducing crime.