Remove Mic Requirement

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Description of the idea: Removing mic requirement to apply for the helper rank as it's literally useless as a mic is not even needed to help people and I am a great example of that so why not remove it that way anyone can apply

Why should this be added? (pros):
Allows people to apply for helper if they don't use a mic as using a mic is not even needed to apply or help people in the community, and most of the helper job is done typing whether it's it's on forums, ooc, or help showing people around in-game and teaching them can be done typing as I do it all the time and they never mind it

What negatives could this have? (cons): NONE as players read the rules and read the laws and are able to read forums and use OOC then I am a100% sure they don't mind reading a chat which is used to RP as well... Otherwise, how would adverts be successful? It is better to hear someone speak, sure, but a mic is not NEEDED to do the job.
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+support, i believe that you should be able to apply without having the requirement of a microphone, a well trained monkey could do the job of a helper, it's not like they're in a sit with people or needing to actually use their voice, a large proportion of the helper role is OOC and Help chat and you are never really in any situation that you would need to explain an ooc matter. I think it is pretty unfair that this is a requirement, especially on @Zharkan16 behalf seeing as they literally cannot speak, it's kind of discriminating seen as it's basically saying you cannot do this job as good as other people with a mic. If you are ever in a situation in which you do need a mic as a Helper which is very rarely i believe you can just type it out, it is not that hard. The role "Helper" states that they are helping people, this could be in telling them where things are, helping them with rules, laws and how to progress, a normal player could do any of these things and use a mic so why not let them attempt to apply without the requirement of something which is pretty much not needed in this role. Zharkan has proven they can be a cop and a dispatcher without a microphone, two things which are "needed" as those jobs, therefore they have proven they are capable of doing such tasks.
I see your reasoning which is ok, however, at the end of the day, if they make an exception for one person, then they'd have to do it for more people.
I have to disagree here, You also, as a helper, watch over admin sits and might be asked questions etc.

Also, when you deal with minor rule breakages, Running across intersection etc, it's quite difficult to keep someone physgunned and type at the same time, trust me, I've tried it.
i agree bc the helper is not really thing that need mic he just write in help chat
They already gave me an exception to be a cop and dispatcher... I am a different case as I don't speak in real life and no... As a helper you don't do anything admin related, you help people in /help and OOC and teach people how to play the game if they are new and stuff like that, yes you can deal with that easily without a mic, I have warned people for running across the intersection in the past... If they are being trolls I can call staff with admin chat than wait for an f6 so it's easier. I get what you are saying about physgun and type but I mean that can still be dealt with easily by other staff or when physgunned they will most likely listen as they will know I am staff
PLPD And dispatcher are different from administration. Helper is technically part of the staff team... Players are less likely to complain when it comes to PD, But more to complain when it comes to administration.
@Jimmy Jackson Helper isn't really administration, and you are 100% mistaken, people would cry about me being a dispatcher 24/7 even when I did a good job, nobody I helped cried about me typing, in fact, new people I helped found it sad that I wasn't even allowed as they were willing to support it then found out they can't as it got deleted... I even showed senior admins proof of other staff and old players thanking me for helping them and thinking I deserve the rank...
that is really smart thank you for saying that, never thought of that to be honest but if I do make it I will keep that in mind
appreciate it :)
Even though mic doesnt bring a lot of functionality as a helper, I still think its necessary for making elaborations, otherwise you're going to have people read through a wall of text and it just doesnt express the same capability you have as using voicechat. You may be good yes, I am not going to make any assumptions into that... I believe you help and can still help people without a server rank. On a server that is so strict about usage of mic when it comes to roles, I think it wouldnt be so appropriate to remove this requirement for the backbone of the server. My stance on this case is a no I'm afraid although as I've said you can still help people & take them under your wings without a staff rank.
For the people who say no can you please clarify? The no's are skyrocketing but most of them I am positive have no good reason... Either riding the wave or just prefer hearing people but that doesn't mean it is NEEDED to do the job
I try to keep my explanations short and direct and to be honest till now nobody complained about typing... It's just they say that a mic IS NEEDED but it's not, it's better, it's preferred, but not needed and yes I can help without a staff rank but doesn't make it fair that others can apply and some got it when they weren't deserving of the rank...

So that is why I made this
Just because you dont require a mic when youre being a helper & people arent complaining about it doesnt mean its as effective as using a microphone, I dont know which of the staff members doesnt have a mic and im not going to get into that... I've heard that you may have an exceptional case but its not a reason for it to be completely removed, they may still let you through if youre doing real good at your job but when you come to think for the people who dont have medical problems & doesnt have a mic: "I can afford a 2000$ gaming PC but I can't afford a 20$ headset" reason comes up. I hope I made myself clear in the point here, it shouldnt be completely removed off requirements, as I've said you may be accepted or not but its just matters on how good you are.
@hotdog 6 I mean it is effective, many helpers got accepted when they didn't help much? And I am an exceptional case but the staff decided I won't be able to get an exception to apply so I want to get it removed so they can't use that excuse anymore because I don't want to be held back by the fact that they just don't want me as a staff, I am capable of helping without a mic and if I can do it then I am sure anyone else can it's not about medical problems or not... I get what you mean tho and thank you for the reply explaining

I feel like expectations on a mic are way higher than the reality... Many people got accepted for it when they don't really help much with no offense meant to anyone just saying tho
@Zharkan16 buddy, I dont see how it is making assumptions about how other people operate, thats a whole another case that wont get you anywhere. You should really try standing out to other players, I am pretty sure you do enough but I also think that if you try harder the staff will pick you in. Plus, ANYONE is way too general for everyones capabilities in helping when it comes to text-based chat. Even though you dont have my support in this removing the whole requirement thingy, I definitely agree on the idea maybe if the staff cuts you a deal watch how you do and let you help. But I dont see if there are lots of people without a mic, all helpers, all typing text-walls, its just... not effective buddy. And you cant expect the same quality from everyone thats why there is a requirement. Think you should take it under a title just for YOUR case elaborating how you would be a good addition yourself with better points, I dont think they will process this in and remove the microphone requirement. Also, I thank you for our time reading my posts & stay safe.
@hotdog 6 The staff now MY case and have seen PROOF of people saying I deserve it and thanking me for helping them... THEY don't seem to care so I this is my way of bypassing their choice because they don't want to allow me to apply.

I believe this should be changed about the helper role! I'm sure you're able to be a good helper without a mic! I've seen Zharkan help a lot of people, sweaters while playing the game, this all without using a mic. That's why i believe it's possible to be an excellent helper without having to use a mic. Zharkan has shown this on the server multiple times!
who tf cares if he cant use vc to say anything, its not like you can hear anything as the new sound is aids everyone who voted no is therefore dumb
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