Roleplay, the issue

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Deleted member 5920

The problem at the moment.

During my time on the server, I mainly RPed as a criminal or a cop. Now a lot of older members say they are leaving because of lack of roleplay. Now the problem with "passive RP" is that it costs so much. Have you any idea how much a TV costs? Compared to 20 pots and 20 seeds. It's a lot easier and SO much cheaper and gives you money back. Now it is very fun to create a house with interior decoration, I saw @Swiper The Fox and @Stomper do it, both of whom are rich. So the issue is, not lack of will, it's the cost of passiveness.​
If there was an house contest i would easily win it :D

Completely Agree, even though I'm fairly poor I like doing passive roleplay and as @Ethan said it costs a fuck ton. We should re-do the server's slogan to "A Grow and Raid Community".
These are my house setup : ( most of it is cheap to craft like 5-15k ) a few items where very hard to get and pricey








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You guys forget what Passive RP actually is. It's not putting furniture in your house and then just sitting in there. It's mostly social interaction wtih other characters and developing your own. E.g. telling stories, sitting in the underpass and playing a hobo, or just being a taxi driver.
someone who has broke the rules to the extent that you have has absolutely no right commenting on roleplay which you ruin.

However, the issues you have raised are not the problem at all. It's the fact that people sometimes roleplay in groups and new members don't really get the complete roleplay experience. If someone fucks up on the police force, it ruins roleplay for everyone.. It cant be fixed and "passive roleplay" is better than No Roleplay.

On phone ☎
someone who has broke the rules to the extent that you have has absolutely no right commenting on roleplay which you ruin.

However, the issues you have raised are not the problem at all. It's the fact that people sometimes roleplay in groups and new members don't really get the complete roleplay experience. If someone fucks up on the police force, it ruins roleplay for everyone.. It cant be fixed and "passive roleplay" is better than No Roleplay.

On phone ☎
You are probably the only one who has pointed out Ethan's constant rule breaking, everytime I bring it up, his gang of enforcers/mods shoot it down and say that I am either lying due to no evidence or to make a BR, which they then quickly deny with no thought.
Yet everyone still thinks he is a very good roleplayer, despite the fact that any rp he is involved with he ruins by constant spamming in LOOC or simply breaking rules (e.g. killing me as a medic when I tried to help a dead police officer).

I salute you Sir Ayjay, peace be upon you!
One thing though, anyone else think the RP would be better if non-police raids were not allowed unless you had an RP reason besides 'I want money' or 'we have a war'? Sure, some gameplay would be gone, but you could leave the house, go out and RP, and then come back and collect. I just think it would be better if drugs wouldn't disable active roleplay while you are growing them. Ah, let the dumb ratings roll in.
You are probably the only one who has pointed out Ethan's constant rule breaking, everytime I bring it up, his gang of enforcers/mods shoot it down and say that I am either lying due to no evidence or to make a BR, which they then quickly deny with no thought.
Yet everyone still thinks he is a very good roleplayer, despite the fact that any rp he is involved with he ruins by constant spamming in LOOC or simply breaking rules (e.g. killing me as a medic when I tried to help a dead police officer).

I salute you Sir Ayjay, peace be upon you!

Would that be the exact gang of "enforcers/mods" who permanently banned me?

Also, for some reason you have a hatred of me, for whatever reason, I don't care. But don't insult the staff.

Now, let's discuss your other points,

-LOOC is there to be used, you'd rather I screamed in voice chat that calmly talked to your in LOOC?
- I cannot remember this incident, but if you were reviving a dead officer, I'd probably just shot him and had to act fast.
-I do not claim, that I am a great roleplayer? Also the fact that you, yourself have been banned recently doesn't say much.
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