I'm all for second chances for most reasons.
But when you cheat it's never really justifiable, there's so many points where you know exactly what you are doing and what the punishment is, you buy the cheat, you download it, you start the game, you connect, if by then you still haven't changed your mind then you probably didn't give a shit about getting caught or about how much you cheated. It doesn't matter if you're suddenly sorry 2 years later, some of you cheated for days/weeks and suddenly when you got caught you start feeling sorry because you realize you're about to get the ban hammer.
It's not even a case of me being biased against cheaters, it's just that if something made you "tick" to start cheating before, then what is to say that it won't happen again, just because you instantly dont start cheating after you are unbanned doesn't mean that you won't cheat at a later point, and that is a risk I'd rather not take. The reason it is (or was at least until recently) a full permaban was because it is there to deter people from doing it, just like permanent bans for mass RDMing existed, yet now you see apes RDMing with no fucks given because they know they will get unbanned 6 months later.