Should some cheaters get a second chance?

Should some cheaters get a second chance?

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Considering 1 was unbanned the other day, staff members are clearly leaning over towards giving some cheaters a second chance and I want to see what the community thinks.
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I being a cheater in the past or as Daymon said "Once a cheater always a cheater". I do feel cheaters should be given a second chance or bans even be reduced to duration's of 2 - 3 years instead of permanent bans. People will have their own opinions on this and I will obviously be biased to one side. If we look at games like RUST - You are giving in total 3 chances which is really fucking generous. After your 3rd chance you are HWID banned. If we look at huge platforms such as ESEA a cheating ban is a 730 day ban. This is just my view of the whole "unbanning cheaters" situation.
yeah because the staff will know if they cheat again so bitches need to be on that damn i forgive u vibe on god
I dont like the idea of 2-3 year ban but rather you will have to make an apology (either ban appeal, over teamspeak or something else idk) in this way each individual cheater will be looked into and not just be let in back into perp after 2-3 years
The same fear of cheaters to cheat again is as valid as any other ban. Rdmers can rdm again and minges can minge again. and don't give me the bullshit THAT THEY KNEW WHAT THEY DID!!! . 80% of the ban list knew what they did yet they aren't all perma'd.
Obviously my opinion will biased, but a lot of us do actually want to come back and try do something good for the community after we fucked it over, none of us would be here if we didn't regret and want to do good on our actions
I've suggested this before, in apologies to all the staff on teamspeak
I'm all for second chances for most reasons.

But when you cheat it's never really justifiable, there's so many points where you know exactly what you are doing and what the punishment is, you buy the cheat, you download it, you start the game, you connect, if by then you still haven't changed your mind then you probably didn't give a shit about getting caught or about how much you cheated. It doesn't matter if you're suddenly sorry 2 years later, some of you cheated for days/weeks and suddenly when you got caught you start feeling sorry because you realize you're about to get the ban hammer.

It's not even a case of me being biased against cheaters, it's just that if something made you "tick" to start cheating before, then what is to say that it won't happen again, just because you instantly dont start cheating after you are unbanned doesn't mean that you won't cheat at a later point, and that is a risk I'd rather not take. The reason it is (or was at least until recently) a full permaban was because it is there to deter people from doing it, just like permanent bans for mass RDMing existed, yet now you see apes RDMing with no fucks given because they know they will get unbanned 6 months later.
for me it really depends how long they cheated for, how long its been since they cheated and how badly/how many people it affected. But i do agree that some cheaters should receive a second chance.
It's hard to prove how long someone cheated without evidence
As @Inchs said, my opinion is biased obviously, and i do belive we cheaters deserve a second chance, but it has to have some requierments that are decided by staff to ensure that the chances of unbanning a person who would do it again would be minimal.
No one is trying to justify what we did, we all know it was a shitty thing, which is why we make apologies and not disputes
Its just no one seems to have any faith in people becoming better and changing ways
Are you talking out your ass? Literally no one is given 3 chances on Rust. I have one of the devs on steam, Alistair, who mainly deals with that kind of thing and you are not given 3 chances at all unless things have greatly changed in the past year.
You are given 3 chances lol. Not exactly 3 but you get game banned normally twice and if you rebuy the game after that and get game banned then 3rd time is a hwid ban which means new pc, mac address spoofer or new motherboard.
SA didn't agree with the 1 cheater being unbanned as it was an owners decision as the person cheated for 5 minutes even though they were ex staff.

Personally, I really do hope none of you get unbanned. You chose to cheat knowing if you were caught you would never be unbanned. If your stupid enough to try and come back after cheating knowing that, I don't believe you deserve a second chance. It's almost as if a lot of cheaters can't accept they'll never be allowed to play again even though you try to come back.

Not to mention people will probably start cheating instead if RDM when they want to leave for 1-2 years rather than a 6 month ban.
But why should you be given another chance. We don't know how long you really cheated for vs how long you say you actually cheated for, or how you actually used those cheats as you can quite easily just lie about that since there is no evidence.

You clearly didn't give a shit, you had plenty of time before you got caught to ya know, maybe use that brain of yours to realize you should probably turn that shit off before you get caught but instead you continued, and dare I say probably would've still cheated to this day if you never got caught.

I'm sorry but you're just a dick for cheating, that is the end of it.