Server Suggestion Take Comms and Guns

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Suggestion Title: Take Comms and Guns
Suggestion Description: Allow Criminals when they ziptie cops to take their weapons away and confiscate their comms. When comms and weapons are confiscated police must drive back to PLPD to resupply a new radio and weapons.

Whether the criminals actually GET the weapon as a usable item is not the point because obviously that would bring up the question of laws against stolen police equipment yada yada yada, the point is that if you get a situation like this

Instead of the cop dying by drug defenders. The cop can be gunpointed and have his stuff taken keeping him alive and giving criminals an easier time so neither side suffer.

I also noticed that was considered a rulebreak yet this

was not. Therefore a feature such as this would generally benefit everybody so there are more straightforward solutions to scenarios such as these.

Why should this be added?:
- Straightforward solution to a seemingly recently common scenario which is coming up that can save a officer's life
- Ease the life of criminals and cops while benefitting the roleplay experience
- Already can be done via /me but just like the surrender emote this feature can enforce the roleplay which was performed.
- Can't really be abused because you'd have to ZIPTIE somebody which requires consent.
- Lessen the black screen simulator experience of being a cop from occurring as often as it does.

What negatives could this have?:
- Can dissatisfy a lot of people if cops instead of being killed get cuffed and now must go through effort to get guns back and get back to the station rather than just respawn there which seems more convenient.
> Civ searches zip tied cop
> Only options available is to destroy radio, gun, taser, spike strip, battering ram & night stick individually.
> Cop has no radio, no gun and no other equipment.
> Must return to armory and resupply to get them back.

This is the only way I can see this working.
This would also give criminals the option to peacefully end a situation involving cops instead of shooting police because a lone officer by themselves spotted drugs, allowing them to gunpoint the cop and zip tie him until their drugs are done before leaving the apartment without alerting the rest of the police department.
> Civ searches zip tied cop
> Only options available is to destroy radio, gun, taser, spike strip, battering ram & night stick individually.
> Cop has no radio, no gun and no other equipment.
> Must return to armory and resupply to get them back.

This is the only way I can see this working.
This would also give criminals the option to peacefully end a situation involving cops instead of shooting police because a lone officer by themselves spotted drugs, allowing them to gunpoint the cop and zip tie him until their drugs are done before leaving the apartment without alerting the rest of the police department.
yes that's definitely a way the suggestion can be applied
> Civ searches zip tied cop
> Only options available is to destroy radio, gun, taser, spike strip, battering ram & night stick individually.
> Cop has no radio, no gun and no other equipment.
> Must return to armory and resupply to get them back.

This is the only way I can see this working.
This would also give criminals the option to peacefully end a situation involving cops instead of shooting police because a lone officer by themselves spotted drugs, allowing them to gunpoint the cop and zip tie him until their drugs are done before leaving the apartment without alerting the rest of the police department.
Also would give dispatch a reason to do checkups every so often (which this exact scenario is WHY that exists).
Zip ties would remove their access to these items anyways
cops will try to break out of the zip tie and get shot due to him still legit being a threat anyways or have a chance to fail rp his items being taken by still using them after a valid /me was performed upon him which is not the goal. The goal is to add a feature to enforce the /me takes equipment and comms roleplay just like how instead of /me surrender you have a C menu emote.
This seems like it could be very mingy especially if people GP police for no reason and cuff them for no reason either which has personally happened to me which I've had to resolve over F6s. I'd be fine with this if could get their equipment from their patrol car or use the radio in their car which every single department in this country has.

"Can't really be abused because you'd have to ZIPTIE somebody which requires consent."

For this im required to comply and consent under valuing my life so this can still be abused as I have to follow server rules and don't want to be banned for 3.4
What if police comms were an actual item and in order to communicate on any government radio you needed the item in your inventory? You could then gunpoint a cop and demand them to drop their comms. Perhaps this item could also burn (be destroyed) by fire. A cop would need to either pick their comms back up or resupply at the PD.
What if police comms were an actual item and in order to communicate on any government radio you needed the item in your inventory? You could then gunpoint a cop and demand them to drop their comms. Perhaps this item could also burn (be destroyed) by fire. A cop would need to either pick their comms back up or resupply at the PD.
Or civs press E on it and it gets confiscated the same way police confiscate guns but instead of confiscating it says ‘Destroying’
This seems like it could be very mingy especially if people GP police for no reason and cuff them for no reason either which has personally happened to me which I've had to resolve over F6s. I'd be fine with this if could get their equipment from their patrol car or use the radio in their car which every single department in this country has.

"Can't really be abused because you'd have to ZIPTIE somebody which requires consent."

For this im required to comply and consent under valuing my life so this can still be abused as I have to follow server rules and don't want to be banned for 3.4
absolute realism is not the goal of the server, this fact has been restated countless times so the claim that america has patrol cars with radios is not relevant to the mission behind this suggestion which is to eliminate fail rp and balance the game.

and if somebody abuses this we have staff to punish them and they'd be dumb cause in the end they lose financially and you're most likely to win. Also it's 3.4
absolute realism is not the goal of the server, this fact has been restated countless times so the claim that america has patrol cars with radios is not relevant to the mission behind this suggestion which is to eliminate fail rp and balance the game.

and if somebody abuses this we have staff to punish them and they'd be dumb cause in the end they lose financially and you're most likely to win. Also it's 3.4
Its also 3.4 for me to not obey their GP which is what your suggesting with this here
- Can't really be abused because you'd have to ZIPTIE somebody which requires consent.
Am i supposed to break it and risk being banned because i believe they are GP me for no reason and don't want my equipment destroyed?
This can easily be minged and I've been gunpointed for 0 reason quite a few times. I literally responded to a call about a neighbor dispute and got GP and shoved into someone's bathroom for no reason other then they wanted money. It's already negative enough being GP and sometimes held hostage for 0 reason and waiting for staff to investigate and handle the situation. It would only be worse if they were able to destroy all my equipment for 0 reason which will only add to the negativity i had already dealt with random GPs and kidnappings. I'd then have to waste my time driving to PD to resupply which ruins any kind of RP experience I'm trying to have.
Its also 3.4 for me to not obey their GP which is what your suggesting with this here
im not suggesting allowing crims to gp cops, crims can already do that..... im suggesting implementing a mechanic like how surrender exists to enforce roleplay and better the game for everybody while lessening the death and AR's cops and crims face.

Am i supposed to break it and risk being banned because i believe they are GP me for no reason and don't want my equipment destroyed?
This can easily be minged and I've been gunpointed for 0 reason quite a few times. I literally responded to a call about a neighbor dispute and got GP and shoved into someone's bathroom for no reason other then they wanted money. It's already negative enough being GP and sometimes held hostage for 0 reason and waiting for staff to investigate and handle the situation. It would only be worse if they were able to destroy all my equipment for 0 reason which will only add to the negativity i had already dealt with random GPs and kidnappings. I'd then have to waste my time driving to PD to resupply which ruins any kind of RP experience I'm trying to have.
people get mugged in public by sweaters all the time that doesn't mean we remove zipties and guns all together. There are staff to enforce rules and 3.4 especially is the most broken rule so your anecdotal evidence and your reasoning is not sufficient to rejecting this suggestion because it's anti-more than just what this suggests but seems more like it's anti- gunpointing guns totally which is literally counter-intuitive and would make cops broken. In fact this mechanic will be make it so less cops die if they're alone and they get caught by crims they would be gunpointed and roleplayed with instead of made to wait 10 minutes to come back to a location, 5 minutes to play again and in the end have no fun at all cause they just got validly headtapped.
What if police comms were an actual item and in order to communicate on any government radio you needed the item in your inventory? You could then gunpoint a cop and demand them to drop their comms. Perhaps this item could also burn (be destroyed) by fire. A cop would need to either pick their comms back up or resupply at the PD.
Being able to drop PD equipment is something I vaguely remember a developer saying won't happen, due to how many problems it could cause, and the fact that there isn't a need for it in a majority of situations.
Ziptying to destroy items in an officer's inventory is the best way without having to do that. The downside is that people without zipties won't be able to do so, but that's their loss since zipties only cost two plastic anyway.

Its also 3.4 for me to not obey their GP which is what your suggesting with this here

Am i supposed to break it and risk being banned because i believe they are GP me for no reason and don't want my equipment destroyed?
This can easily be minged and I've been gunpointed for 0 reason quite a few times. I literally responded to a call about a neighbor dispute and got GP and shoved into someone's bathroom for no reason other then they wanted money. It's already negative enough being GP and sometimes held hostage for 0 reason and waiting for staff to investigate and handle the situation. It would only be worse if they were able to destroy all my equipment for 0 reason which will only add to the negativity i had already dealt with random GPs and kidnappings. I'd then have to waste my time driving to PD to resupply which ruins any kind of RP experience I'm trying to have.
Make a report if this happens. People can already gunpoint cops for no reason and zip tie them, and I don't really see this suggestion changing that. Being able to destroy the officer's equipment forces the roleplay situation to continue like it was supposed to when crims don't intend to kill the officer, in contrary to an officer forgetting that their gun was disassembled and scattered around by a criminal, then pulling said destroyed gun and doming them in the back of the head.

cops will try to break out of the zip tie and get shot due to him still legit being a threat anyways or have a chance to fail rp his items being taken by still using them after a valid /me was performed upon him which is not the goal. The goal is to add a feature to enforce the /me takes equipment and comms roleplay just like how instead of /me surrender you have a C menu emote.
Cops are a legitemate threat in a majority of situations involving a criminal, I agree (please give ratings back). So being able to destroy their equipment whilst they're ziptied before they break out of them will help the criminals in this regard. The items should never be droppable, and the police radio should be tied to an officer's radio in their inventory, which it's only use is to permit radio communication when it is in the officer's inventory.
im not suggesting allowing crims to gp cops, crims can already do that.....
I don't think you've completely understood what I was saying....I was saying that I have to comply with their GP as per rule 3.4
Can't really be abused because you'd have to ZIPTIE somebody which requires consent.
The consent thing is there so you can't randomly walk up to someone in the middle of bazzar and ziptie them randomly. If the consent thing didn't exist it would be plain chaos. You are acting like we have a choice when we get GP by someone lol. If that was the case then more than half of the bans on this server would be invalid. This suggestion can still easily be abused by minges wanting to destroy PD equipment for 0 reason other than to negatively affect everyone's RP experiences. I've been GP for no reason quite a few times and I'm confident it will increase the moment people can realize they can troll the PD by destroying our equipment and affecting our experience in a negative manner.
Make a report if this happens.
This is the problem. I'm here to game not play F6 simulator. I already make enough reports as is some days it feels like. I'm not wanting to increase it. This suggestion would only add to it.
Being able to drop PD equipment is something I vaguely remember a developer saying won't happen, due to how many problems it could cause, and the fact that there isn't a need for it in a majority of situations.
Ziptying to destroy items in an officer's inventory is the best way without having to do that. The downside is that people without zipties won't be able to do so, but that's their loss since zipties only cost two plastic anyway.

Make a report if this happens. People can already gunpoint cops for no reason and zip tie them, and I don't really see this suggestion changing that. Being able to destroy the officer's equipment forces the roleplay situation to continue like it was supposed to when crims don't intend to kill the officer, in contrary to an officer forgetting that their gun was disassembled and scattered around by a criminal, then pulling said destroyed gun and doming them in the back of the head.

Cops are a legitemate threat in a majority of situations involving a criminal, I agree (please give ratings back). So being able to destroy their equipment whilst they're ziptied before they break out of them will help the criminals in this regard. The items should never be droppable, and the police radio should be tied to an officer's radio in their inventory, which it's only use is to permit radio communication when it is in the officer's inventory.
Government vehicles should let them use radio, if the vehicle isnt disabled. So if the person flees after the cop can call it in if they can get to their car or ask a civvie to text dispatch or etc. Thats if this suggestion doesnt make dispatch have a mandatory check in tweak to their SOP.
This suggestion would only add to it.
Can you elaborate as to why this would add to "the problem"?
The problem of people gunpointing other people to ziptie them for no reason is a rare occurrence, and doing it against a cop even more so. People are not going to want to gunpoint a cop just to try it cause they'll very much so violate the rules and most likely get themselves fucked over in RP anyway, and newer players aren't even going to be aware this feature exists until they need it.
You are acting like we have a choice when we get GP by someone lol
bro how often do you get GP by criminals im just genuinely curious. We're both senior members and I never in my 2 years of playing this server was gun pointed as a officer and when cops were gunpointed the guy gunpointing didn't do jack but stall so much next thing you know a TFU sniper blew that criminal's head off all the way to next wednesday.

The consent thing is there so you can't randomly walk up to someone in the middle of bazzar and ziptie them randomly. If the consent thing didn't exist it would be plain chaos.
this proves nothing idk why you stated common sense and acted like it proved or disproved anything. Sure, it's common sense that zipties have consent because without it it would be chaotic. I don't think anybody here contested that idea.

If that was the case then more than half of the bans on this server would be invalid.
half of the bans are not cops breaking gp, what type of statistic even is that.
This suggestion can still easily be abused by minges wanting to destroy PD equipment for 0 reason other than to negatively affect everyone's RP experiences
hence rule 2.5 so just report it?

I've been GP for no reason quite a few times and I'm confident it will increase the moment people can realize they can troll the PD by destroying our equipment and affecting our experience in a negative manner.
im sorry but nobody is gonna blatantly break 3.4 to mess with you for 10 minutes so they can be laugh a little bit then eat months off. There is no real reasonable logical evidence that can be used to prove your theory of "we're going to be trolled!" and even if you get a statistically insignificant occurrence where it's most probably a sweater being a sweater im blaming you for being such a easy lick that a sweater can catch you lacking with GP and even THEN all you need to do is just hit that F6 button.

This is my last reply to your constant dragging of my suggestion through the mud because clearly you're being extremist in your reasoning which is a collection of baseless claims or anecdotes and just complaining about your personal experiences with rule breakers which is completely irrelevant to this suggestion. The idealistic thought that we can't add any suggestion if it has cons which is what you're doing right now is unrealistic standards because no suggestion is perfect and every one has a con in some way to somebody. Like we can't remove baseball bats cause "people will just pull them out and kill cops." or restrict using guns to firearms level 50 so "sweaters don't just rdm." If you're true to your logic but you were a criminal main instead you'd probably be preaching that C emote for surrender is removed so "Sweater cops don't gunpoint random people, no matter the IA or the rules forbidding this, it's just too inconvenient and it's gonna happen more if we keep this feature11!!11!!!" Like no. You still have to follow gunpoint no matter what, you still have to roleplay /me takes guns and comms even if this feature was not added and lastly you saying this feature is gonna increase rulebreaks is the most worrying part of this all because ironically it's added to lessen fail rp since either way you'd need to NOT do something so this addition just makes it impossible for you to DO that thing so it makes it impossible to break the rules in that way which it prevents. So with or without this suggestion being implemented if you were gunpointed, and stripped of your comms and guns via /me just like how you said "We have to follow GP" you'd have to follow that /me, Unless of course you just hate having features that enforce roleplay because if you're true to that let's remove dying, instead i'll just do /me dies and wait there for 10 mins, trust me bro.
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Government vehicles should let them use radio, if the vehicle isnt disabled. So if the person flees after the cop can call it in if they can get to their car or ask a civvie to text dispatch or etc. Thats if this suggestion doesnt make dispatch have a mandatory check in tweak to their SOP.
i actually agree with this as it can make the life of cops easier after the suspect has escaped the police guy doesn't have to run all the way back or drive back to station instead they can just get their radio back in the car, but not the weapons obviously because that would make zero sense on why he'd have an armory all up in his crown viccy or whatever car it is if it aint the BRUTE armor van.
Zip ties exists and will put the cop out of action for a good while. This just seems bad in terms of QoL for cops, it would feel awful having to run back to PD from hicktown because you can't call for a pickup
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