Server Suggestion Take Comms and Guns

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Suggestion Title: Take Comms and Guns
Suggestion Description: Allow Criminals when they ziptie cops to take their weapons away and confiscate their comms. When comms and weapons are confiscated police must drive back to PLPD to resupply a new radio and weapons.

Whether the criminals actually GET the weapon as a usable item is not the point because obviously that would bring up the question of laws against stolen police equipment yada yada yada, the point is that if you get a situation like this

Instead of the cop dying by drug defenders. The cop can be gunpointed and have his stuff taken keeping him alive and giving criminals an easier time so neither side suffer.

I also noticed that was considered a rulebreak yet this

was not. Therefore a feature such as this would generally benefit everybody so there are more straightforward solutions to scenarios such as these.

Why should this be added?:
- Straightforward solution to a seemingly recently common scenario which is coming up that can save a officer's life
- Ease the life of criminals and cops while benefitting the roleplay experience
- Already can be done via /me but just like the surrender emote this feature can enforce the roleplay which was performed.
- Can't really be abused because you'd have to ZIPTIE somebody which requires consent.
- Lessen the black screen simulator experience of being a cop from occurring as often as it does.

What negatives could this have?:
- Can dissatisfy a lot of people if cops instead of being killed get cuffed and now must go through effort to get guns back and get back to the station rather than just respawn there which seems more convenient.
Zip ties exists and will put the cop out of action for a good while. This just seems bad in terms of QoL for cops, it would feel awful having to run back to PD from hicktown because you can't call for a pickup
You have a phone as an officer, just call 911 for a pickup.
Zip ties exists and will put the cop out of action for a good while. This just seems bad in terms of QoL for cops, it would feel awful having to run back to PD from hicktown because you can't call for a pickup
They take your comms and gun, not your car keys... I don't assume you came to hicktown on foot.

An option to balance this out a little would be to allow cops without a radio to use the radio while in an emergency vehicle. But then again as others have stated there is still your phone you can use to call 911.
You have a phone as an officer, just call 911 for a pickup.
Yeah, I realized this now since I never go on duty with a phone (to avoid 911 calls). But I still stand by that having equipment force removed would be very unnecessary
Zip ties would remove their access to these items anyways
even if you use zip ties they can use radio or just open it and shot you on the back i think the way that @Exnem say it it will be the best
> Civ searches zip tied cop
> Only options available is to destroy radio, gun, taser, spike strip, battering ram & night stick individually.
> Cop has no radio, no gun and no other equipment.
> Must return to armory and resupply to get them back.
But I still stand by that having equipment force removed would be very unnecessary
it will add balance also the same way that the civ need to run to storage if they didnt have gun or there gun got confiscation + it will add more RP im pretty sure when someone take hostage he wont leave gun with hostage
Just use /me takes weapons and comms. A lot easier and has the same affect
Just use /me takes weapons and comms. A lot easier and has the same affect
first /me will take time + its not allowed do /me take gun and raidio and etc
you have to do /me take gun /me take radio
so using zip tize will be more easier and more RP
I think this is a fantastic suggestion with the only downside being the minge destroying of radios, however surely it’d fall under 2.5? Seems like a good thing to add imo
In roleplay they are meant to go back to armoury and resupply after they get their weapon taken away anyways
I don't really see it being so bad that crims will have an option to actually remove the physical items from police. They shouldn't be able to use it, only just destroy them like said above.
All it really does is stop mingy cops that don't abide by /me's and make the process automatic so there is less rooms for rulebreaks so I think this change would be good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Use zipties instead.
you missed the point, it's a feature which enforces roleplay. Without it doing /me takes guns and comms won't be sufficient sometimes cause people can decide to just not follow that roleplay and most likely not get caught.
Zip ties exists and will put the cop out of action for a good while. This just seems bad in terms of QoL for cops, it would feel awful having to run back to PD from hicktown because you can't call for a pickup
please read my reply to @TaliaKuznetsova who had a concern like yours but provided a solution which nobody contested because it does make sense and we fully agree. Basically it was that by the time cops are out of zipties the suspects have flee'd so it makes sense for government vehicles to allow the police to use radio even after they have their on-person radio destroyed but not resupply weapons so that they can call for backup, get a pickup and not have to run back all the way to PD.
In response to the 911 on your phone solution to cops being given bad quality of life. I actually would say that would work, however it doesn’t make sense realistically for a criminal to take the cops comms and leave a phone on them. So i would agree more on the side which says “cop cars can give back your radio” or “if you’re in your cop car you can talk on radio even after your radio has been taken.” Because this seems more realistic.

However for balancing reasons any one of the 3 can be chosen as the final option which I totally understand.
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