TFU: I don't believe it's great.

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yes, this is a rant.

I'm gonna start of by saying this thread has not been written as a result of salt or rage. I'm going to look at this objectivily from a PLPD and a citizen's point of view.

What is the problem you might ask?
They're completely unbalanced for the gamemode, they have ruined the fun of the gamemode from a police department side and they are never there when you need them.

"They're completely unbalanced for the gamemode"
I believe, and i'm certain others also do having a shitload of tfu on(only at peak times) is incredibly unbalanced and unfair againt criminals. Since the TFU update i have not been in one situation where i recall having lost a raid as cops. Here's an example.

That we're only two TFU. When these two got shot down i believe they took down 2 more
I can see why some new players don't really get into the criminal world fast as it's very very very hard to do pretty much anything with less than 4 people. unless you're feng, mage or a ghandi.

they have ruined the fun of the gamemode from a police department side
Whenever TFU gets to a situation, i don't feel like i cooperate with them. I feel they are some other rival goverment organisation. Like NSA and the CIA have some form of allied hostality. You fight for the same purpose but you fucking hate eachother.

The way i have seen TFU is that they act like invincible gods. They're extremely cocky most of the time because they're in a special club. And they either get angry at you for raiding a property and 'standing in the way' or not doing shit other than standing outside. One tells you to fuck off and one gets angry because you fuck off. TFU Should be an aid, not remove fun for the rest. Yes of course this is a realistic gamemode but i'm pretty sure the only fucking reason people play is shooting each other, thats perp. Creating an exclusive club that's hard to get in to takes away the fun.

I also think TFU should always be at the PD and not patrol arround, this makes it more like Syria then a peaceful town. Response times dont really matter since if they are at bazaar and a panic is at slums you would still take some time.

they are never there when you need them.

I have seen countless situations where TFU don't need to be. Them patrolling around and being annoying is (e.g searching the buildings as they see themself appearing in bright sunlight with hot chicks all around them for having saved paralake for all that is evil once again) a more common sight then them aiding(note: Not telling officers to gtfo, the only TFU who i have not seen doing this is @Sgt.James ) at raids. Since the TFU update i have been in atleast 5 shootouts where they are not on duty and are more than needed since the only available resources are pistols and shotguns. When we had SWAT this was a very rare occourence.

Now i'm not saying SWAT was great and we should go back to that. But the way i feel it neither of these are a good solution. So before you all get triggerd and go: "then come with a solution instead of bitching" or "make an IA if they do bla bla bla" here's a few ideas.

- Allow any cpl+ / sgt+ to accuire TFU gear if they have been trained, [which any officer who has servered for x months can requst]. training should not be compulsory but is voluntarily.

- Make the current TFU's less OP. Ensure they will work together with officers and that they work together and dont pose a cocky attidude.

- Make the TFO application process easier and allow more officers to become one to ensure TFU is always on duty, if the above are deemed awful.

As an extra, bring wet back please
I can think of many times when TFU have lost a raid, even when there's a lot of them. They're supposed to be op, as the alternative; having heavily armed criminals *cough*olsen*cough* running the streets is fucking stupid.
The entire point of a crime in a roleplay centric community is pre-planning and good execution. The PD is supposed to be a significant factor to both of these and prior to the update, they were seen as nothing more than trivial. I'm for one am glad that they are strong again because it means that people might actually start to think about what they are doing instead of looking for arbitrary reasons to wipe cops.

Also, you clearly haven't been on a lot as I've seen a lot of situations that the police force has not been able to handle.
Also, you clearly haven't been on a lot as I've seen a lot of situations that the police force has not been able to handle.


i've been on quite alot tbh.
The entire point of a crime in a roleplay centric community is pre-planning and good execution. The PD is supposed to be a significant factor to both of these and prior to the update, they were seen as nothing more than trivial. I'm for one am glad that they are strong again because it means that people might actually start to think about what they are doing instead of looking for arbitrary reasons to wipe cops.
while somewhat true, i believe that currently it's not balanced at all, i'll try to find out some footage how incredibly overpowered tfu is and that they act like the armored juggernauts in call of duty. This still doesn't really justify my other concerns.
Sorry, but this is complete rubbish now of course your entitled to your own opinion and no one should take that away from you, but I believe what you're saying is rubbish. TFU are there to balance the side citizens have a lot more then TFU such as bombs and heavy rifles while TFU are limited to automatic rifles pistols and a flashbang. As for TFU winning every raid that is complete and utter rubbish, I've seen plenty of raids lost by TFU so unfortunately your opinion on that Is invalid. In terms of "TFU being cocky" yes I agree, but I say this in a good way, no offence but TFU are there to provide a tactical response and in any firearm incident they should be given top control and priority and any pd officer attending the scene should listen to them as they act as incident commanders. If you are in a property TFU are raiding and they ask you to secure the perimeter you do it without question as they are trained to deal with these situations and it's your job to suck it up and allow them to do the role they are trained to do, so please don't complain that TFU are cocky as I know a lot of them aren't, but then again I return to my previous point you are entitled to your own opinion.

Like I said you're entitled to your own opinion and I don't want you to think I'm being negative towards you, but this is a bit of a debate and this is my response to it.
yes, this is a rant.

I'm gonna start of by saying this thread has not been written as a result of salt or rage. I'm going to look at this objectivily from a PLPD and a citizen's point of view.

What is the problem you might ask?
They're completely unbalanced for the gamemode, they have ruined the fun of the gamemode from a police department side and they are never there when you need them.

I believe, and i'm certain others also do having a shitload of tfu on(only at peak times) is incredibly unbalanced and unfair againt criminals. Since the TFU update i have not been in one situation where i recall having lost a raid as cops. Here's an example.

That we're only two TFU. When these two got shot down i believe they took down 2 more
I can see why some new players don't really get into the criminal world fast as it's very very very hard to do pretty much anything with less than 4 people. unless you're feng, mage or a ghandi.

Two tfus oh boi they must be super over powered, how could they even manage to deal with some sweaters at hicktown!?!? Nerf tfu!!!!!

Whenever TFU gets to a situation, i don't feel like i cooperate with them. I feel they are some other rival goverment organisation. Like NSA and the CIA have some form of allied hostality. You fight for the same purpose but you fucking hate eachother.

The way i have seen TFU is that they act like invincible gods. They're extremely cocky most of the time because they're in a special club. And they either get angry at you for raiding a property and 'standing in the way' or not doing shit other than standing outside. One tells you to fuck off and one gets angry because you fuck off. TFU Should be an aid, not remove fun for the rest. Yes of course this is a realistic gamemode but i'm pretty sure the only fucking reason people play is shooting each other, thats perp. Creating an exclusive club that's hard to get in to takes away the fun.

I also think TFU should always be at the PD and not patrol arround, this makes it more like Syria then a peaceful town. Response times dont really matter since if they are at bazaar and a panic is at slums you would still take some time.

Oh man tfu back at it again pissing off sneaky! We forgot to mention that we are gods! Lolno

As an extra, bring wet back please

Loooool wet did almost nothing, after a week or two. @Jordan

Make up your mind, a minute ago you thought tfu was op now you want to make recruitment eaiser? You claim tfu always win raids yet tfu lose raids all the time its just less frequent because the people in it are trained and know what they are doing.

Your thread contains 0 factual infomation and is just dumb.
- Allow any cpl+ / sgt+ to accuire TFU gear if they have been trained, [which any officer who has servered for x months can requst]. training should not be compulsory but is voluntarily.
- Make the TFO application process easier and allow more officers to become one to ensure TFU is always on duty, if the above are deemed awful.




The way i have seen TFU is that they act like invincible gods. They're extremely cocky most of the time because they're in a special club. And they either get angry at you for raiding a property and 'standing in the way' or not doing shit other than standing outside. One tells you to fuck off and one gets angry because you fuck off. TFU Should be an aid, not remove fun for the rest. Yes of course this is a realistic gamemode but i'm pretty sure the only fucking reason people play is shooting each other, thats perp. Creating an exclusive club that's hard to get in to takes away the fun.
That's an issue with the individual person, not sure why you'd blame the entire division for that. Also, TFU are expected to (provided they are of appropriate rank) take control on scenes involving firearms. Giving conflicting orders is not something they're taught.

I also think TFU should always be at the PD and not patrol arround, this makes it more like Syria then a peaceful town. Response times dont really matter since if they are at bazaar and a panic is at slums you would still take some time.
And why is it that you want Paralake City to look like something it isn't? Paralake is not even close to being a peaceful city, it's a city full of illegal drugs, large (primarily) illegal organisations, daily robberies, and with hundreds of murders each day, not to mention the massive shootouts that happen frequently. Since TFU have started patrolling, I have seen less crime, at least a tiny bit. Whether it's because everyone's being more careful with hiding their illegal activities, I cannot say, but it's more positive than negative to have TFU actively patrol.

I have seen countless situations where TFU don't need to be. Them patrolling around and being annoying is (e.g searching the buildings as they see themself appearing in bright sunlight with hot chicks all around them for having saved paralake for all that is evil once again) a more common sight then them aiding(note: Not telling officers to gtfo, the only TFU who i have not seen doing this is @Sgt.James ) at raids. Since the TFU update i have been in atleast 5 shootouts where they are not on duty and are more than needed since the only available resources are pistols and shotguns. When we had SWAT this was a very rare occourence.
TFU are allowed to respond to any calls they receive, but are to prioritize situations regarding firearms. There aren't situations where they "don't need to be." They're still officers enforcing the law, regardless of the situation they respond to. I am also yet to be on the server without at least one whitelisted TFO being on duty. They may not be active on a TFU patrol, but even at 3 AM, I could find at least one.
TFU is fine as it is. You always moan on about "realism" but in the news do you see 6 armed police officers being shot down by guys with deagle?
Criminals aren't as well equipped as the police nor should they be.
To my knowledge orgs are similar to how gangs would function in terms of shootouts. You NEED to be in a group to take on multiple officers (including TFU) not just have good fps and a pistol.
People always complained about how boring powergrowing was because in the eventuality that you were raided, it was easy. You are now complaining that it's harder for crims, yet if we went back to how it was you would undoubtedly complain about how cops always get killed and criminal is too easy.

I know old SWAT was sometimes AIDS, but no matter how immersive the RP is, it's a G A M E.

We have dudes in Pink underwear and Vests and Top hats gunning down the entire PD and apparently it was deemed necessary to remove SWAT because they sometimes broke conduct.
because they sometimes broke conduct.

Wot. The old SWAT were hopeless. It was some fucking sweatercop who'd bought VIP with no idea how to throw a flashbang, and absolutely no tactical knowhow. They never know how to use half of their inventory, SWAT were probably the most utterly retarded thing in existence prior to the TFU update.
Make up your mind, a minute ago you thought tfu was op now you want to make recruitment eaiser? You claim tfu always win raids yet tfu lose raids all the time its just less frequent because the people in it are trained and know what they are doing.
That's just some ideas i wrote down to ensure i dont get dumb reply's like tinyslayer's, guess it wasn't needed after all.

What is your solution?

There's no point complaining if you don't have a better idea.
Now i'm not saying SWAT was great and we should go back to that. But the way i feel it neither of these are a good solution. So before you all get triggerd and go: "then come with a solution instead of bitching" or "make an IA if they do bla bla bla" here's a few ideas.

- Allow any cpl+ / sgt+ to accuire TFU gear if they have been trained, [which any officer who has servered for x months can requst]. training should not be compulsory but is voluntarily.

- Make the current TFU's less OP. Ensure they will work together with officers and that they work together and dont pose a cocky attidude.

- Make the TFO application process easier and allow more officers to become one to ensure TFU is always on duty, if the above are deemed awful.

As an extra, bring wet back please
did you seriously not even read or what?

will write more tommorow it's getting late.
I also think TFU should always be at the PD and not patrol arround, this makes it more like Syria then a peaceful town. Response times dont really matter since if they are at bazaar and a panic is at slums you would still take some time.
Paralake is probably a worse comparison to a peaceful city than Detroit. If you want more realism I suggest adding the national guard whenever a group of 20 criminals takes over. It used to be piss easy to take down te cops and now that they have improved the cops it is suddenly too overpowered. It's absolutely fine as it is now, sure there can be more polished sides but this is a good start.
If it's suppose to emulate real life you should be outnumbered by police and you should be underpowered when TFU comes.
Some organizations are able to take on 16 cops on duty at the time, but most of them are not and it should stay that way.

Before you commit a crime you should fear the actual consequences before doing it, which makes it realistic as pre-tfu you didn't really care as you could gun down cops.
Now you fear for a trained team of 6 people carefully breaching in your house flashing you and gunning you down, which is the way it should be.
incredibly unbalanced and unfair againt criminals.

All we've done is increased SWAT by 50%. (other changes do not affect the argument)

Criminals simply need to understand now that these resources can be stationed or patrolling anywhere, at varying distances from their call. It reduces the stigma that existed when there was a full SWAT van and you wanted to raid slums. They should think more carefully about their actions to avoid and/or deal with a TFU confrontation, realistically you should have no chance against a police force, and I think we're at an appropriate level of toughness now given that this is only a game.

I will not entertain your ridiculous sampling of one situation with a response.

I can see why some new players don't really get into the criminal world


i don't feel like i cooperate with them. I feel they are some other rival goverment organisation. Like NSA and the CIA have some form of allied hostality. You fight for the same purpose but you fucking hate eachother.

I'll have a crack at deciphering this, since you didn't really back it up with any substance or meaning and it's more convoluted than spaghetti junction. Sounds like you're upset that you get to shoot at less people. From playing as a TFU frequently since its release, I can approximate that 1-2 quarters of incidents requiring a TFU response end up with the FPOS as standard response unit(s) who are able to deal with the call themselves - many are code four before they even arrive at the incident.

The way i have seen TFU is that they act like invincible gods. They're extremely cocky most of the time because they're in a special club. And they either get angry at you for raiding a property and 'standing in the way' or not doing shit other than standing outside.

There's no special club. By your standard, the PD is a special club its self and every non-PD member should be spitting their dummy in a similar fashion to yourself. Applications are competitive, but open to a wide cohort of officers (from the rank of corporal and above, with accommodations to allow certain exceptions for some ranked officer).

If you suspect misconduct from any TFO, you are - as ever - welcome to report them by submitting a police complaint. For such a distinguished, long term PLPD member, I would expect you to realise that unqualified bitching is unhelpful.

Your claims about TFOs telling officers to 'GTFO' is fairly disproportionate, and actually is nothing new. Ranks have frequently been used in the past to resource officers at incidents, and why on earth not? It's really the most simple and effective method. Let's put your complaint so far into perspective:
  • You could remove TFU, and still get separation by rank as you try to avoid overcrowding.
  • You can keep TFU, stop people from separating by rank/role, cause overcrowding and unreliable perimeters giving rise to problems both inside the incident, and leaving it freely permeable to civilians and flankers.
  • You can keep it as it is. The only 'problem' is that you don't like it.

I also think TFU should always be at the PD and not patrol arround, this makes it more like Syria then a peaceful town. Response times dont really matter since if they are at bazaar and a panic is at slums you would still take some time.

Paralake is a city with a large serious crime rate. Vehicles carrying TFU do not stop routinely and are scarcely involved in non-serious incidents, the range rover is also a discreet and fit for purpose vehicle. It also appears you're mistaking a TFU response car for a tank, cities do have vehicles with specialist firearms officers actively patrolling, ready to respond to serious incidents; your attempt to scapegoat the authorisation to patrol is misleading and not helpful.

will work together

The TFU whitelisting brings in a multidisciplinary element. You are in fact already working together, respective of your own remits. 'work together' does not mean @Sneaky gets a chance to shoot everyone. It's like in a hospital: there's doctors and nurses, both essential but have different training - the doctor is best placed and often better qualified than the nurse for certain aspects of care, and vice versa - but they - absolutely - work together

And most importantly,
@Sneaky does not decide if this is a death match server or a role play server. We are a role play server, and there are plenty of opportunities for officers - irrespective of their TFU whitelisting status - to get involved with quality roleplay. Alternative games are available @Sneaky.
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I don't agree with most of your post, however what I do agree with is tfu being cocky.

Ever since tfu had been introduced I've had multiple occasions of tfu yelling at me and generally being mad for tiniest reasons, like once I saw a tfu and an RTU parked on the side of the road, and when I asked them what was happening they replied with "nothing", as if they were, indeed some competing organization and didn't want anyone to know what they were doing, ever.

In conclusion, I think some TFOs think that their position is the "king of the world" position and they can do whatever they want to, they need to be more down to the ground.
I saw a tfu and an RTU parked on the side of the road, and when I asked them what was happening they replied with "nothing"

Or, they were - shocker, I know! - actually doing nothing?
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