TFU: I don't believe it's great.

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note: Not telling officers to gtfo, the only TFU who i have not seen doing this is @Sgt.James
Most of the TFU officers will outrank you and that should speak for itself that they know what they are doing, just because you want to kill someone with your glock doesn't mean your better prepared to deal with the situation than heavily armoured, trained, heavily armed tactical firearm officers. If they tell you to leave, it is to prevent crowding or for a different but productive reason.
TFU OP? Kek I'm usually on the force but when I'm not i apparently kill 2 medics in one shot and the rest of the police force including 2 TFU members with a fucking SW 500! @ sniper range (last clip)

Its all how you play it i guess? @Tom Hill i tried but you died already afaik ;(
TFU are piss easy to kill, aim for the head. It only seems 'unbalanced' because you have competent people as tfu and not someone randy kid that bought VIP to miss-throw flash bangs at doors. Any 'organized' criminals will have the upper hand to the PLPD.
aim for head, stop complaining

also, i think its good what they have done with TFU, before, it used to be roughly 4 shots with shotgun, now its one shot to head.

only point ill make is that they should always have their rifles in the trunk, "to make it not like syria"

(not sure if they always do anyway, just making that point)
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Have u not seen 6 tfu on duty at once? Now that is a challenge and in some situations it may be unbalanced especially for new people coming into the crime side who may not have friends, but there is no need to buff or nerf TFU at this point. I do agree with Taylor though, TFU driving around full armour with m4s and snipers on their back is kinda unrealistic xd
That's just some ideas i wrote down to ensure i dont get dumb reply's like tinyslayer's, guess it wasn't needed after all.

did you seriously not even read or what?

will write more tommorow it's getting late.

Yes, I did read it, which is precisely the problem. Seeing as you seem to not be understanding this, I shall go into more detail.

- Allow any cpl+ / sgt+ to accuire TFU gear if they have been trained, [which any officer who has servered for x months can requst]. training should not be compulsory but is voluntarily.

This is no different to the current method. The current application process, combined with the resources available is your training. The application assessments are there to see if you pass or you fail.

- Make the current TFU's less OP. Ensure they will work together with officers and that they work together and dont pose a cocky attidude.

How? There is no constructive suggestion here.

- Make the TFO application process easier and allow more officers to become one to ensure TFU is always on duty, if the above are deemed awful.

How would you make it easier?

The problem here is that you are complaining about a problem without giving a detailed and reasoned solution. This doesn't help anybody. One could can say, "I think driving a car should be easier", but this is simply an opinion, rather than a solution. Alternatively, one could say, "I think driving a car should be easier. I suggest making all cars automatic instead of manual would help solve this problem." The key difference here is that a physical and measurable change that is put forward.

You could have suggested many things, they aren't hard to think of. SO's can apply for TFU? Give applications training before they complete any forms? Give TFU SMG's rather than AR's? You could be even more constructive and go into details of each one, listing the positives and negatives of each solution.
Following on from what @TinySlayer has said, a good example that you could offer to change the TFU is to remove some Assault Rifles (SCAR-L and the G36C) and maybe add more variety to the weapons such as a UMP-45 or a Mossberg 950A1.
This would be a positive idea because it might dampen the long range effects of TFU so this would give lower-class criminals who can only afford shotguns and pistols, a better chance.
On the otherhand a negative point of view could be that TFU would be better in the majority of their close range shootouts as while using a shotgun at close range it becomes really effective against unarmoured targets (nearly/definetely one shotting them) this would be bad for poorer players (and richer ones) as the TFU would have more competency
during apartment and house raids which are close quatered, this is because the criminals who have been using shotguns as an advantage in close range situations in the past have now lost that advantage and it might unbalance TFU.
Please note this was an example elaborating on TinySlayers idea about an indepth solution. I posted this to help Sneaky improve his thread by laying out an example.
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From my perspective I believe the implementation of the tactical firearms unit has improved the overall efficiency of the police department, considering how the system was before, where in most situations you'd have community members become S.W.A.T. and begin lingering around the department doing literally nothing before (most likely watching memes on television or tabbed out), in most cases which was comical as they'd mostly complain about not being able to respond unless called upon. Now with the recent changes I've noticed a lot more professionalism when it comes to handling certain situations in which your standard patrol officer wouldn't normally be able to handle by themselves. I believe one thing most officers forget about having a competent force on duty who is ready and capable of responding quickly, is the ability for combat readiness should the situation arise, which is something that a lot of members are viewing as being unrealistic as they're carrying around weaponry on their person whilst patrolling, I personally don't have an issue with the matter, as now and I'm sure you're aware we're dealing with some intensive shootouts which can sometimes get out of hand, sometimes to the point where we're dealing with explosives.

With the current police force continuing to develop, as we're getting new officers signing up and getting trained to deal with situations which will eventually occur during their career path, I've noticed that newer officers are adapting better to the change of the tactical firearms unit since the update, more than that of more experienced officers, considering however that this is still my opinion and not solely based on fact, I believe players are still in comparison to how the old system fairs in comparison to the new, and are solely basing it on either positive or negative experiences depending on what happens. My last point to be made is the civilian point of view of the unit, as you probably know, I don't get into much shootouts as a civilian so the majority of my knowledge of criminal activities and responses come from the communities feedback. In most situations in which I speak to civilians about the tactical firearms unit, they don't respond negatively simply because they're players who can handle them simply using flanking and or manoeuvre tactics which is fine, as this fault can lead to the officers in control of the surrounding perimeter and those commanding it, which is the case most of the time as most members of the tactical firearms unit reside inside buildings due to raids happening there. In conclusion I believe over time the appreciation of the unit will increase over time and like anything grow better and better. It's simply a matter of time and patience.

Once again this is only my opinion and not plastered with facts.
It's not unbalanced. You can see from the video that TFU just pulled up in front of them which led to their death. They should have pulled up somewhere where they would have had cover for an example the woods, where I pulled up in that situation. I can't see anything unbalanced here, it's just not having gamesense.

TFU has amazing guns for an example M4A1. You can one tap any citizen with it. If you have only littlebit gamesense and aiming skill, you can take few criminals easily down.
I believe that the TFU scheme is much better than the SWAT position, due to the fact that now they can patrol and still do the duty of normal officers in a way, and you have to be much more professional to apply, making it better as the people in the TFU position are there because of there good shooting and aim and such. Where as the swat, anyone could apply as soon as they bought premium and still not know where the bazar is. Anyway that is my thoughts on the TFU.
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